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问题:Error: \"Adobe Distiller cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated.\"
Jonathan D. - 11:23am Feb 9, 2007 Pacific
I am simply trying to convert a .doc to a .pdf with Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro (I have tried from MS Word and also in Acrobat). I know that my product is already activated because when I got to Help>Activation, the \"Activate\" option is grayed out. Any ideas?
译文:错误:\"Acrobat Distiller 无法继续, 因为 Acrobat 没有被激活.\"
Jonathan D. - 太平洋时间 2007-2-9 11:23
我只是简单地想使用 Adobe Acrobat 8 将一个 .doc 转换为 .pdf (我已经在 MS Word 与 Acrobat 中尝试过). 我知道我的产品已经被激活了, 因为当我转到\"帮助->激活\"菜单时, \"激活\"选项是灰色的. 怎么办?
回答:Marcel Bulanon - 9:15pm Mar 12, 07 PST (#10 of 25)
1. Close Acrobat and wait five seconds.
2. Backup the file \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\FLEXnet\\adobe_00080000_tsf.data\"
3. Delete the file from the location above, but not the back up. ......
译文:Marcel Bulanon - 太平洋标准时间 9:15pm 2007-03-12
1. 关闭 Acrobat 并且等待5秒钟.
2. 备份文件 \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\FLEXnet\\adobe_00080000_tsf.data\" .
3. 删除上述位置的文件, 不是您刚做的备份....
关键字: Adobe,Acrobat,8,Professional,专业版,8.0,8.1,激活,注册,重新激活,激活类型:修复,activate type:fix |