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[【学科前沿】] 母亲糖尿病导致胎儿缺铁

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-4 11:22:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Maternal Diabetes Depletes Fetal Iron Stores

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Aug 31 - Newborn infants of mothers with type 2 diabetes are prone to reduced iron levels secondary to increased erythropoiesis in utero, according to findings published in the September issue of the Archives of Disease in Childhood -- Fetal and Neonatal Edition.

\"Infants of diabetic women are often polycythemic at birth, and this may be a reflection of fetal response to chronic intrauterine hypoxia which leads to increased erythropoiesis,\" Dr. David G. Sweet and his colleagues explain.
David G. Sweet 博士及其同事解释, \"患糖尿病母亲的婴儿在出生时常出现红细胞增多,这可能反映了胎儿对宫内慢性缺氧的应答,后者导致红细胞生成增加\"。

Dr. Sweet and his associates at Royal Maternity Hospital in Belfast, Northern Ireland, investigated the effects of maternal diabetes on fetal iron status based on serum transferrin receptor (STfR), ferritin levels, and the ratio of STfR to the log of ferritin (TfR-F index) in samples of cord blood.
在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特的皇家妇产医院里,Sweet 博士及其助手们以脐血样本的血清转铁蛋白受体(STfR) 、铁蛋白水平、STfR与血清铁蛋白对数值之比(TfR-F 指数)为基础,研究了母亲糖尿病对胎儿铁状况的影响。

They hypothesized that STfR levels and the TfR-F index indicate a shift of iron out of ferritin stores, proportionate to the degree of polycythemia. To investigate, they compared neonatal outcomes in 49 pregnant women with a prior diagnosis of type I diabetes and 48 non-diabetic controls.

Infants of mothers with diabetes were admitted to the neonatal unit more often than control subjects, indicating higher rates of neonatal morbidity, the authors report.

Serum ferritin levels were significantly lower and STfR and TfR-F levels significantly higher in infants of diabetic women than in infants of women without diabetes, the researchers report.
研究人员称,与非糖尿病母亲的婴儿相比,糖尿病母亲的婴儿血清铁蛋白水平显著降低,STfR 及TfR-F水平明显增高。

Erythropoietin levels correlated positively with TfR-F index in the infants of diabetic women, the report indicates, but the difference in erythropoietin levels between these infants and those of non-diabetic women did not reach statistical significance.

\"This study confirms that iron stores are lower at birth in infants of women with diabetes mellitus,\" the investigators conclude, which supports their theory that increased erythropoiesis secondary to chronic intrauterine hypoxia depletes fetal iron stores.
研究人员总结到, \"这项研究证实,糖尿病母亲所生的婴儿在出生时铁储存降低。\"这也支持他们的理论,即慢性宫内缺氧继发红细胞生成增加,导致胎儿铁储存消耗。




纽约路透社健康新闻报道,糖尿病母亲的新生儿由于宫内红细胞生成增加,易继发铁水平下降(Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2007;92:399-401)。
北爱尔兰皇家妇产医院的David G. Sweet 博士及其助手们以脐血样本的血清转铁蛋白受体(STfR) 、铁蛋白水平、STfR与血清铁蛋白对数值之比(TfR-F 指数)为基础,研究了母亲糖尿病对胎儿铁状况的影响。
结果表明,与对照组相比,糖尿病母亲的新生儿发病率较高,婴儿血清铁蛋白水平显著降低,STfR 及TfR-F水平明显增高,红细胞生成素水平与TfR-F指数呈正相关,但两组之间红细胞生成素水平差别无统计学意义。

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