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[【学科前沿】] 他汀类治疗可能有助于控制阿尔茨海默病的发展

sunshinecs 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-8-30 21:26:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Statin Treatment May Curb Alzheimer's Brain Changes
Science Daily — People who take statin drugs may be less likely to develop the brain changes that signal Alzheimer's disease, according to a study published in the August 28, 2007, issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Previous research had suggested that people who received statins might be less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. \"But our study is the first to compare the brains of people who had received statins with those who had not,\" said Gail (Ge) Li, MD, PhD. The paper's lead author, Dr. Li is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine, in Seattle.
曾经有研究表明服用他汀类药物的人罹患阿尔茨海默病的风险较小。Gail (Ge) Li 这篇报道的作者,说:“但是我们是首次在服用和未服用他汀类药物的人中对阿尔茨海默病的发病情况进行比。Gail (Ge) Li ,医学博士,是西雅图华盛顿大学医学院神经和行为病学的助理研究员。
She and her colleagues examined the brains of 110 Group Health members, aged 65 to 79, who had participated in Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) and who donated their brains for research. A joint project of Group Health and the University of Washington, ACT is a prospective cohort study started in 1994. It includes a random sample of Group Health members age 65 and older who had no thinking difficulties when enrolled.
她和她的同事检测了100名年龄在65到79之间的健康志愿者的智力,这些人是参加了一项叫做成年思想变化(ACT)的研究项目,并且他们为该研究提供他们的智力,这项研究是由公共卫生和华盛顿大学共同担任的联合科研项目。ACT 是始于1994年的一项前瞻性队列研究,包括了对公共卫生组织中成员的随机抽样调查,这些成员的年龄均在65岁以及65岁以上,且在入选时均没有思维障碍。
The two changes in the brain that are considered the most definitive hallmarks of Alzheimer's are brain \"plaques\" and \"tangles.\" After controlling for variables including age at death, gender, and strokes in the brain, the researchers found significantly fewer tangles in the brains of people who had taken statins than in those who had not. \"These results are exciting, novel, and have important implications for prevention strategies,\" said senior co-author Eric Larson, MD, MPH, the leader of the ACT study and executive director of Group Health Center for Health Studies. \"But they need to be confirmed, because ACT is not a randomized controlled trial.\"
大脑的两个变化被认为是阿尔茨海默最通用的标志,一种是大脑的\"小半鞘翅\"样变化,一种是“海藻类”变化在控制各种其他因素(比如自然死亡、性别、脑中风)的条件下,研究者发现服用他汀类药物的人的大脑海藻样病变要显著少于不服用他汀类药的人。“这个发现很令人振奋也很新颖并且在疾病的预防方面有重大的意义。”资深的、这项报告的合作者Eric Larson说 。:“但是这些需要进一步的证实,因为ACT不是随机对照试验。”Eric Larson是医学博士、公共卫生学硕士,ACT研究的领头人,公卫中心健康研究的执行主管。
A randomized controlled trial of statin treatment and brain autopsy findings would be problematic for ethical and practical reasons, said Dr. Larson. But the ACT setting made the study more rigorous than previous observational epidemiological studies, because it uses reliable automated pharmacy records, is based in a community population, and includes autopsies in people both with and without dementia.
他汀类治疗的随机对照试验和脑尸检在伦理学和实际操作中还存在一些问题, Larson博士说。但是ACT研究的环境设置要比以前的流行病学调查更严格。因为这项研究应用了基于社团群体的可靠的自动化配药系统,并且对有痴呆症状的病人和没有痴呆症状的人均进行了尸检。
Statins (HMG coenzyme A reductase inhibitors), include atorvastatin (Lipitor), lovastatin (Mevacor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), and simvastatin (Zocor). They are widely prescribed to lower cholesterol of people who have heart disease or are at risk for it. Randomized controlled trials are testing some statins, especially those that cross the barrier between the blood and the brain, for their ability to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease.
\"eople with Alzheimer's are diverse,\" said Dr. Li. \"Statins are probably more likely to help prevent the disease in certain kinds of people than others.\" Larson adds, \"Someday we may be able to know more precisely which individuals will benefit from which types of statins for preventing the changes of Alzheimer's disease.\"

The National Institute on Aging funded the study

曾经就有研究表明服用他汀类药物的人罹患阿尔茨海默病的风险较小。Gail (Ge) Li 这篇报道的作者,说:“但是我们是首次在服用和未服用他汀类药物的人中对阿尔茨海默病的发病情况进行比较。Gail (Ge) Li ,医学博士,是西雅图华盛顿大学医学院神经病和行为医学的助理研究员。
她和她的同事检测了100名年龄在65到79之间的健康志愿者的大脑,这些人是参加了一项叫做成年思想变化(ACT)的研究项目,并且他们为该研究提供他们的大脑,这项研究是由公共卫生和华盛顿大学共同担任的联合科研项目。ACT 是始于1994年的一项前瞻性队列研究,包括了对公共卫生组织中成员的随机抽样调查,这些成员的年龄均在65岁以及65岁以上,且在入选时均没有思维障碍。
大脑的两个变化被认为是阿尔茨海默最通用的标志,一种是大脑的\"小半鞘翅\"样变化,一种是“海藻类”变化,在控制各种其他因素(比如自然死亡、性别、脑中风)的条件下,研究者发现服用他汀类药物的人的大脑海藻样病变要显著少于不服用他汀类药的人。“这个发现令人振奋也很新颖并且在疾病的预防方面有重大的意义。”资深的、这项报告的合作者Eric Larson说 。:“但是这些需要进一步的证实,因为ACT不是随机对照试验。”Eric Larson是医学博士、公共卫生学硕士,ACT研究的领头人,公卫中心健康研究的执行主管。
他汀类治疗的随机对照试验和脑尸检在伦理学和实际操作中还存在一些问题, Larson博士说。但是ACT研究的环境设置要比以前的流行病学调查更严格。因为这项研究应用了基于社团群体的可靠的自动化配药系统,并且对有痴呆症状的病人和没有痴呆症状的人均进行了尸检。

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