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[[求助与讨论]] Semi-Charmed Life

发表于 2007-8-29 11:34:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一首流畅悦耳的Semi-Charmed Life,不但抢攻上现代摇滚榜冠军,更成功地大放异彩於流行、成人抒情等榜,让这组来自旧金山的4人另类摇滚团体,霎时成了万人瞩目焦点。自97年推出的首支单曲至今,不但累积了Semi-Charmed Life、Graduate、How It Going To Be、Losing A Whole Year及Jumper等畅销单曲外,专辑更是持续热卖,且在99年多项榜中仍能见到他们的踪迹。在首波热潮尚未消退之际,Third Eye Blind接著再以「Blue」抢供市场。

Third Eye Blind 的音乐有那种你碰巧在大街上听到便会跟着哼哼起来的 旋律,而且他们的调调会在你的脑子里停留很长的时间。就像,我碰巧在一张电影原声里听到,接着念念不忘直到把他们的cd搞到手,这样说不知道你还有 没有兴趣。
Stephan Jenkins (主音 吉他)
Arion Salazar (贝司)
Brad Hargreaves (鼓手)
and Tony Fredianelli (吉他).
Stephan Jenkins90年代初就开始玩乐队了,这期间Third Eye Blind换 过的乐手有一打(每个位置上)直到\"Semi-Charmed Life,他们终于红了和一打于他们相似的摇滚乐队一起,成为时下流行轻喜剧的最佳 soundtrack.所有的专辑都不错,因为乐队的风格非常一致。
How’s It Going To Be
Deep Inside of You
Losing A Whole Year都是非常的好听的歌, 直截了当的把你的情绪转化为旋律, 有时候这种感觉也很棒,你在回家路上 而Stephan操起吉他,轻松的晃着脑袋, 一点破事喋喋不休的唱来唱去, 一不小心你的车也到站了。



I'm packed and I'm holding,
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden and
she lives for me, She says she lives for me,
Ovation, She's got her own motivation,
she comes round and she goes down on me,
And I make her smile, It's like a drug for you,
Do ever what you want to do,
Coming over you,
Keep on smiling,
what we go through.
One stop to the rhythm that divides you,
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse,
Chop another line like a coda with a curse,
And I come on like a freak show takes the stage.
We give them the games we play, she said,
I want something else, to get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say, Good-bye.

The sky it was gold, it was rose,
I was taking sips of it through my nose,
And I wish I could get back there,
Some place back there,
Smiling in the pictures you would take,
Doing crystal myth,
Will lift you up until you break,
It won't stop,
I won't come down, I keep stock,
With a tick tock rhythm and a bump for the drop,
And then I bumped up. I took the hit I was given,
Then I bumped again,
And then I bumped again.
How do I get back there to,
The place where I fell asleep inside you?
How do I get myself back to,
The place where you said,
I want something else to get me through this,
semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say, good-bye,

I believe in the sand beneath my toes,
The beach gives a feeling,
An earthy feeling,
I believe in the faith that grows,
And the four right chords can make me cry,
When I'm with you I feel like I could die.
And that would be all right,
All right, When the plane came in,
She said she was crashing,
The velvet it rips,
In the city we tripped,
On the urge to feel alive,
But now I'm struggling to survive,
The days you were wearing,
That velvet dress,
You're the priestess,
must confess,
Those little red panties,
They pass the test,
Slide up around the belly,
Face down on the mattress,
Now you hold me,
And we're broken.
Still it's all that I want to do.
Feel myself with a head made of the ground,
I'm scared but I'm not coming down.
And I won't run for my life,
She's got her jaws just locked now in smile
but nothing is all right,
All right, I want something else,
To get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say,

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