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[[资源推荐]] 解剖学英汉对照

发表于 2007-8-27 22:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  大脑 cerebrum
  大脑纵裂 longitudinal cerebral fissure
  大脑皮质 cerebral
   大脑镰 falx cerebri
  大脑导水管,中脑水管 cerebral aqueduct
  中脑 midbrain, mesencephalon
  小脑 cerebellum
  小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli
  丘脑,视丘 thalmus
  延髓 medulla oblongata
  侧脑室 lateral ventricle
  第三脑室 third ventricle
  第四脑室 fourth ventricle
  第五脑室 fifth ventricle
  脑桥 ,桥脑 pons
  脑干 brain stem
  间脑 diencephalon
  中间块 intermidiate mass
  尾状核 caudate nucleus
  脉络丛 choroid plexus
  胼胝体 corpus callosum
  脑岛,岛叶 insula
  大脑脚 cerebral peduncles
  大脑外侧沟(窝、裂) lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure
  穹窿 fornix
  透明隔 septum pellucidum
  透明隔腔 cavity of septum pellucidum
  额叶 frontal lobe
  顶叶 parietal lobe
  枕叶 occipital lobe
  颞叶 temporale lobe
  缘叶 limbic lobe
  大脑动脉环 Willi\\'s artery circle
  大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery
  大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery
  大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery
  基底动脉 basilar artery
  前交通支(动脉) anterior communicating branch
  后交通支(动脉) posterior communicating branch
  颅前窝,凹 anterior cranial fossa
  颅中窝,凹 middle cranial fossa
  颅后窝,凹 posterior cranial fossa

  眼球 optic bulb ,eyeball
  角膜 cornea
  前房 anterior chamber
  虹膜 iris
  睫状体 ciliary body
  视网膜 retina
  脉络膜 choroid
  巩膜 sclera
  房水 aqueous humour
  玻璃体 vitreous
  玻璃体膜 hyaloid membrae
  晶状体 lens
  (眼)直肌 recti muscles
  视神经 optic nerve
  眶上动脉 supraorbital artery
  眼动脉 ophthalmic artery
  视网膜中央动脉 central retinal artery
  睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery
  泪腺动脉 lacrimal gland artery
  滑车上动脉 supratrochlear artery
  眼静脉 ophthalmic vein
  眶上静脉 suprorbital vein
  滑车上静脉 supratrochlear vein
  视网膜中央静脉 central retinal vein
  涡状静脉 vorticose veins
  眼眶 orbit
  结膜 conjunctiva
  唾液腺、涎腺 salivary gland
  腮腺 parotid (gland)
  颌下腺 submaxillary gland
  舌下腺 sublingual gland
  甲状腺 thyroid (gland )
  甲状旁腺 parathyroid (gland )
  上颌窦 maxillary sinus
  气管 trachea
  食管 esophagus
  乳腺 breast, mammary gland
  额 front
  枕 occiput
  颞 temples
  颊 cheek
  胸廓、胸腔 thorax, thorax cavity
  肋骨 ribs, costae
  肋软骨costal cartilages
  胸骨 sternum
  乳腺组织 breast tissue
  悬韧带suspensory ligament, Copper\\'s ligament
  乳腺后组织 retromammary tissue
  横膈 diaphragm
  颈总动脉 common carotid artery
  颈外动脉 external carotid artery
  颈内动脉 internal carotid artery
  椎动脉 vertebral artery
  无名动脉 innominate artery
  颈内静脉 internal jugular vein
  甲状腺上动脉 superior thyroid artery
  乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery

  腹主动脉 abdominal aorta
  腹腔动脉 celiac artery
  肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery
  肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery
  肝总动脉 common hepatic artery
  肝动脉 hepatic artery
  胃左动脉 left gastric artery
  胃十二指肠动脉 gastroduodenal artery
  脾动脉 splenic artery
  肾动脉 renal artery
  卵巢动脉 ovarian artery
  髂总动脉 common iliac artery
  髂内动脉 internal iliac artery
  髂外动脉 external iliac artery
  锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery
  椎动脉 vertebral artery
  乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery
  颈内静脉 internal jugular vein
  颈外静脉 external jugular vein
  腋静脉 axillary vein
  奇静脉 azygos vein
  大隐静脉 great saphenous vein
  下腔静脉 inferior vena cava
  门静脉 portal vein
  肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric vein
  肝静脉 hepatic vein
  肾静脉 renal vein
  腰静脉 lumbar vein
  精索静脉 spermatic vein
  肾弓形动脉 renal arcuate arteries
  股动脉 femoral artery
  肱动脉 humeral artery
  桡动脉 radial artery
  尺动脉ulnar artery
  面动脉 facial artery
  锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery
  颈浅动脉 superficial cervical artery
  颞浅动脉 superficial temporal artery

  肝左叶left liver lobe(LL)
  肝右叶right liver lobe(RL)
  尾状叶 caudate lobe(CL)
  方叶 quadrate lobe(QL)
  附垂叶Riedel\\'s lobe
  胆囊管 cystic duct(CD)
  肝管 hepatic duct(HD)
  胆总管common bile duct (CBD)
  肝门 porta hepatis
  胆囊窝 gallbladder forssa
  肝圆韧带 hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament
  肝镰状韧带 falciform ligament
  肝静脉韧带 venose ligament
  胆管、胆道 bile duct(BD)
  螺旋状瓣 spiral valve
  肝总管 common hepatic duct
  肝外胆管 extrahepatic duct
  乏特壶腹 Vater\\'s ampulla
  胰腺 pancreas
  胰管 pancreatic duct , Wirsung\\'s duct
  副胰管 Santorini duct
  胰头 head of pancreas
  胰颈 neck of pancreas
  胰体 body of pancreas
  胰尾 tail of pancreas
  钩突 uncinate process
  脾 spleen
  脾门 splenic hilum
  肾周脂肪 perinephrit fat
  集合系统 collective system
  肾 kedney
  肾盂 renal calyes
  锥体 pyramids
  肾柱 renal colums
  肾上腺 adrenal gland
  输尿管 ureters, ureteral , uretero
  膀胱 urinary bladder , bladder
  尿道 urethra
  睾丸 testis
  附睾 epididymis
  鞘膜 tunica vagialis, vagina tunic
  白膜 tunica albuginea , albuginea
  输精管 ductus deferens, deferent duct
  精囊 vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle
  射精管 ejaculatory ducts
  阴囊 scrotum, scrotal sac
  精索 spermatic cord
  腹股沟 inguen
  前列腺 prostate

  子宫 uterus
  输卵管 uterine tube, oviduct
  卵巢 ovary, ovaries
  子宫颈 cervix
  子宫腔 uterine canal
  子宫内膜 endometriosis
  子宫直肠陷凹 rectouterine fossa
  子宫内口 internal ostium of the uterus
  子宫口 orifice of the uterus
  阴道 vagina
  胚胎 embryo
  卵黄囊 yolk sac
  羊膜 amnion
  羊膜腔 amniotic cavity
  蜕膜 decidua
  绒毛 villus
  绒毛膜 chorion
  胎盘 placenta
  胎儿 fetus
  胎心 fetal heart
  胎动fetal movement, feta motion
  胎儿脊柱 fetal spine
  胎儿胃泡 fetal stomach bubble
  胎儿胸部fetal thorax
  胎儿肾 fetal kidney
  胎儿肢体 fetal limb
  脐带 umbilical cord
  卵泡,滤泡 follicle
  附件 adnexa
  羊水 amniotic fluid
  宫内节育器 intrauterine device
  妊娠囊 gestational sac
  顶臀长度 crown-rump length
  双顶径 biparietal diameter
  胎头指数 cephalic index
  枕额径 occipito-frontal diameter
  头围 head circumference
  胸围 thoracic circumference
  腹围 abdominal circumference
  小脑径 cerebellum diameter
  头(径)指数 cephalic index
  双眼间距 ocular distance
  腹部横径 transverse trunk diameter
  腹部前后径 anteroposterior trunk diameter
  椎骨长度(胸6~腰3)length of vertebrae
  脊柱 spine, vertebral colum
  股骨长度 femur length
  肱骨长度 humerus length
  胎儿体重 fetal weight
  脐动脉 umbilical artery
  脐静脉 umbilical vein
  胎盘 placenta
  孕周 gestational week
  孕龄 gestational age

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