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[[资源推荐]] 英语词语溯源:A WHITE ELEPHANT-白象(沉重的负担)

发表于 2007-8-21 18:26:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 A “white elephant” is something which will cost you money, perhaps an increasing amount of money over time, and in the end, have no value. It may be something that cost too much to fix or too much to use.
 A “white elephant” could be a car, a boat, a house, or even a business which demands more and more of your money without bringing in enough profit in return.
 In the words of the poet, John Cheever Goodwin—
 “For that elephant ate all night,
 And that elephant ate all day,
 Do what he could to furnish him food,
 The cry was still ‘more hay’.”
 This is true of all elephants, white or dark. As we all know, the elephant is largest land mammal, and perhaps the heaviest of eaters. There have never been many albino or “white” elephants. White elephants are considered to be holy or sacred in parts of Asia. Writers William and Mary Morris give this explanation for our present use of the expression, “white elephant.”
 Hundreds of years ago, there were so few white elephants that every one was taken by the king. And because they were sacred, it was unlawful to put any of them to work. The king used a white elephant to punish any of his officials who displeased him. He gave the man the elephant as a gift. Then the king just waited. He knew that in time the official would spend all his money feeding the elephant. And, because the elephant could not do any work, the official could not use him to make any money. So, the gift of a white elephant resulted in ruin.

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