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[[求助与讨论]] On a Cloudy then sunny Day

发表于 2007-8-17 12:52:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“Our interview is divided into two parts. First, you may introduce yourself within some minutes, including the experiences and the prizes that you won in your university; then, we will ask you some questions about your major.”

Sitting in front of the intervier Manager Xiang, whose fair were neat and whose some saying can make you laugh but you can’t, I was pleased to see this question, for I had prepared the question the night of the day before.

“My name is Cao Fuxing, the family name is the same with the historical hero Cao Cao’s, but there has only one word 'Fu' of my first name be different from the word of Fuxingmen.” and I added: “may be my parents hoped that I could lead a happy life with hard working.”

I began with these words, then I gave them some information about my birthplace, my social practice in some medias and etc, skillfully, I think.

During my answering questions, I found the intervier called Director Liu on the dais and Mr. Liu, a staff in the department of the Communist Party, glanced me sometimes, unemotionally. And when the time came, I stared at them at once. But what made me frustrated was that I couldn’t grasp any feedback from their facial expression_.

This is the first interview that I would come into the workroom. What’s more important for me is the interview's excitement and curiosity.

It was cloudy that morning, with a close friend’s requirements, I washed my fair and put on my blue shirt, then I intentionally came in front of the big mirror in the lounge to see whether I am really “handsome”.

At ten, I came to the place of the interview, the administration building Room 406 on time, and I found many classmates neatly dressed had already waiting there. Each of them took a bag, with the job seeker’s materials in hand. They stood there, talking about the coming interview, sometimes the crowd burst out some laughter.

Seeing that they had the materials in hand, I knew I had made a big mistake, because I didn’t take anything. You can know how I was vexatious at that time.

With the advice of a classmate, I came to my department’s office to ask a teacher whether I could use her computer to type my school report card.

Bad luck, she refused me.

Her refusal made me returned to the fourth floor. Seeing that they talked happily, I just said to myself that it was wrong only to care about the result,the process is much more important.

“After all, this is the first time”, I comforted myself.

Anther classmate came from the department's office with some papers in hand, which reminded me that I should try again.

At last, I succeeded in typing my resume.

About 10:30, a teacher of my university led three people came into Room 406, not with the teacher's introduction, I could guess that they were from China United Airline Co.Ltc, the company we yearn towards.

After we finished filling the form they offered, the face-to-face interview began.

On the process of vexed waiting, I saw one after another classmates came out of the room, they happily describe the scene of their interview to their fellow.

  About 11:30, I heard my name was called. With the reminder of a classmate, I knocked the door, entering the room, the inner mystery was waiting for me to explore.

  After continuously saying “Good morning, sir”, I was warmly asked to sit down.

I saw the Manager Liu seemed to say to himself with smile, “Oh, Cao Fuxing, good, Cao Fuxing, OK, let’s begin”.

With their nodding, I left the room. On the way to my dormitory, I found it was sunny then.

I recalled their questions and my answer, I felt that they tested out my abilities intentionally or unconsciously.

“I see you are just a member of the Communist Youth League of China……”

“I see your grade is good, the scores of CET 6 is 507, what’s more, you have passed in Grade Two……”

“Are you in Grade Three now?”


I have to tell them the truth, I believe in the motto, “Honesty is the best policy”. Of course I didn’t forget to beautify myself.

I am almost satisfied with the interview, I gave myself 80 scores afterward, despite not knowing what scores they gave me.

“If after we study your performance and we satisfied, we will inform of you on phone”.

In the next days, I didn’t think about anything about the interview, but so many classmates’ asking me about the result made me surprised. I wonder how they knew my interview.

So I decide to write down the process of the interview in English to tell the friends who care for me, and to promote my English study and to boost my courageous in this way. What I want to say is that the result is not too important for me, the precious is the experience that I gained from the interview.

And I am also proud of myself, if it is not cocky!

Thank you very much, really!

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