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[[求助与讨论]] 英语笑话几则

发表于 2007-8-12 11:02:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Absent-minded Professor
  Absent-minded Professor: Heavens! Someone stole my wallet!
  Wife: Didn't you feel a hand in your pocket?
  Absent-minded Professor: Yes, but I thought it was mine.
  A lady walked into a hat shop,The shopkeeper smiled said, 'Good afternoon,madam.'
  'Good afternoon,'the lady answered.'There is a green hat with red flowers and blue laces on it in your window.Will you please take it out of there.'
  'Yes madam,'the shopkeeper said.'I will be very pleased to do that for you.'
  'Do you want it in a box,madam,'he asked,'or will you wear it?'
  'Oh I don't want it,'she answered.'I only wanted you to take it out of your window.I pass your shop every day,and I hate to see the ugly thing there!'

A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. Helped by the flight attendant, he finally managed to stuff it in the overhead bin.'Do you always carry such heavy luggage?' she sighed.
  'No more,'the man said.'Next time, I'm hiding in the bag, and my parter can buy the ticket!'
  一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。 在一位机务乘员的帮助下, 他终于设法将旅行袋进了头顶上的行李箱。“您总是携带这么重的行李?”她叹息道。

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