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[[原创地带]] Which is more important, luck or hard work?

发表于 2007-8-10 23:55:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The adjective form of the word “luck” may be used to describe a person in two different ways. It may be applied to making a comment on a person’s success in this or that respect, meaning a little bit like “You own it to God’s favor”. It may also be employed by the person who has been thought to be lucky to generalize the process through which he attained a desirable result. But in both cases, most probably the truth is that the so-called “luck” is the natural fruit of his hard work.

“Luck”, if there were really a goddess called this name, means nothing when a person has not prepared to welcome her. The story that a pie fell on someone’s head from the sky is only a mystery. Very few people, if not at all, have ever seen it on spot. But, even if it did happen, it would be the person who had come there earlier that deserved it. Some people might have said, “I have seen apples falling from trees so many times, and so earlier than Newton, but it is impossible for me to get an idea of the Law of Gravitation so that he must have been one of Luck’s favored children.” Yes, it is true, at least partly. But it should also be noted that Newton made the preparation, and the preparation is obviously his many years of hard work, thus Luck holding him in arms.

Hard work seems capable of pinning down luck when it takes even a nascent shape. It is said that opportunities are everywhere. Yet to ordinary eye, they may not appear to be very attractive at the first sight. Things would be quite different with people who have been through many twists and turns: their eyes will light up; they will swoop on it, grasp it tightly and never let it go; their knowledge from hardship will tell them automatically that it is a good opportunity, the outcome of which will be what common people usually refer to as “luck”.

Hard work also produces one of the happiest feelings when Luck really arrives. The satisfaction from the rest after long hours’ sweat of a farmer is not only the physical comfort, but also a most leisure state of his mind. In the same way, the happiness received by a scientist who has gone through a dreary weary journey and finally made a discovery is not so much the fame or wealth that follows as the rewarding memory granted by the process itself.

Hard work is more important compared with luck, but this does not necessarily mean that luck has nothing to be said in its own favor. The word “unlucky” comes to one’s mind immediately and will stay quite a long time if one’s hard work has ended up with unexpected and disappointing results. The majority of people may readily group themselves into this class. But sometimes even the person who is thought to be successful may also announce that he or she is the least lucky person in the world. Now luck looks like something rather elusive. Not at all if we remember those big names in human history: there must have been numerous people who worked equally hard but, unfortunately, remained in obscurity and went by unnoticed. It is Luck that made the difference. Nevertheless, if we take a further look into the experiences of those celebrities, we will find it interesting and convincing that though hard work may not give birth to “luck”, “luck” seems willing to join hands with hard work only.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-11 12:21:12 | 显示全部楼层
if we take a further look into the experiences of those celebrities, we will find it interesting and convincing that though hard work may not give birth to “luck”, “luck” seems willing to join hands with hard work only.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-11 12:26:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-11 12:28:38 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-11 13:57:36 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-17 09:44:22 | 显示全部楼层
well done.

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