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[[资源推荐]] Vocabulary Games & Activities 1&2 (Penguin English Photocopiables)

发表于 2007-8-2 20:52:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Publisher:  Pearson ESL
Number Of Pages:  144
Publication Date:  2004-08-30
Sales Rank:  1575546
ISBN / ASIN:  0582465664
EAN:  9780582465664
Binding:  Spiral-bound
Manufacturer:  Pearson ESL
Studio:  Pearson ESL

Author: Peter Watcyn-Jones
Published by: Longman - Penguin English Photocopiables
File size: 6.1 Mb
Pages: 144
File type: pdf

'Vocabulary Games and Activities 1' by Peter Watcyn-Jones - New Edition
60 dynamic and motivating activities in each book give extra practice in vocabulary at every level of ability.
A detailed contents list makes it easy to find the vocabulary you want to teach.

It's an excellent book, with materials suitable for all levels and age groups. Younger students love \"Word Battleships\", while older students find the \"Half Crosswords\" both challenging and entertaining.

One of the book's most attractive features is the fact that it cuts down significantly on class preparation time. All you need is access to a photocopier and scissors. In fact some activities require neither. \"Three-in-a-row\", a fun quiz, is an ideal stand-by for that class one has to give at a moment's notice.

What impresses most about \"Vocabulary Games and Activities\" is the sheer variety of activities it has to offer. Apart from the afore-mentioned, you can find: bingo, dominoes, word-grouping activities, conundrums, \"Find someone who\", board games and dictations, all with the underlying characteristics of encouraging interaction in the classroom, reinforcing existing vocabulary and teaching new lexis in an almost effortless, and always enjoyable way.

Finally, it's worth pointing out that a wide range of language is covered. Supplementary material is available for teaching homophones, prepositions, adjectives and idioms, as well as several word fields.

Teachers familiar with Peter Watcyn-Jones's other work, such as the immensely useful \"Test your Vocabulary\" and \"Target Vocabulary\" series will need no further persuasion. For the uninitiated among you, let me sum up by saying that it's surely his finest resource book to date.

Table of Contents

Introduction                    x

  Part 1 Teacher's notes              1 (46)  Part 2 Material for photocopying         47 (109)  Beginner/Elementary   Find the words                 49 (3)    20 mins     Various nouns: bag, door, spoon, vase, umbrella, etc. Bingo: Useful verbs              52 (3)    10 mins per game     Useful Verbs: climb, cook, cry, dance,etc.  Bingo: Things in the home           55 (3)    10 mins per game     Things in the home: bed, book, bottle,camera, etc.   Matching pairs: My day             58 (2)    25 mins     Verbs to describe daily routine: wake up, get up, have a shower, drive to     work, etc.   Matching pairs: Mini dialogues         60 (2)    20 mins     2-line exchanges: Hello, how are you?     I'm fine, thanks, etc.   Dominoes: Food words              62 (2)    20 mins    Food words: apple, banana, bread, cake,etc.   Dominoes: Compound nouns 1           64 (2)    20 mins     Compound nouns: alarm clock, armchair,bathroom, etc.   Half a crossword: Jobs and people       66 (2)    30 mins     Jobs and people: baby, doctor, parents,student, etc.   Group the words 1: Nouns            68 (1)    20 mins     Various nouns grouped under headings: Relatives aunt, cousin, grandparents,uncle Buildings department store,hospital, etc.   Board game: Categories 1            69 (2)    20-25 minsCategories of words: Jobs (dentist,secretary, shop assistant, teacher)Furniture (bed, bookcase, chair,table), etc.

   Pairwork cards: Clothes            71 (2)

    30 mins

     Things people wear (Clothes &

     accessories): coat, shoes, gloves,

     socks, hat, shirt, watch, ring, etc.

   Complete the sentences             73 (1)

    20 mins

     Various nouns, verbs and adjectives:

     umbrella, daughter, birthday, hungry,

     cheap, borrow, spell, etc.


   Find someone who ... 1             74 (1)

    20 mins

     Various words

   The alphabet race               75 (1)

    15 mins

     Letters of the alphabet; ordinal

     numbers: first, second, fifteenth, etc.

   Bingo: Opposites                76 (3)

    10 mins per game

     Opposites (adjectives): big-small;

     weak-strong; dry-wet; fast--slow, etc.

   Matching pairs: Verb + noun collocations    79 (2)

    25 mins

     Verbs + noun collocations: answer the

     phone, ask a question, brush your

     teeth, etc.

   Matching pairs: More mini dialogues      81 (2)

    20 mins

     2-line exchanges: It's my birthday

     today. Many happy returns! etc.

   Dominoes: Compound nouns 2           83 (2)

    20 mins

     Compound nouns: ashtray, basketball,

     bedroom, briefcase, etc.

   Half a crossword: Sports, hobbies and     85 (2)


    30 mins

     Sports, hobbies and pastimes:

     athletics, badminton, camping, yoga,


   Half a crossword: Useful verbs         87 (2)

    30--35 mins

     Verbs: cry, drive, run, dance, phone,


   Group the words 2: Nouns            89 (1)

    20 mins

     Various nouns grouped under headings:

     In the kitchen cooker, fridge, frying

     pan, microwave In the bathroom shower,

     soap, etc.

   Complete the story               90 (1)

    20 mins

     Various nouns, verbs adverbs and

     adjectives: wished, journey, exactly,

     disappointed, wife, etc.

   Word association maze             91 (1)

    10 mins

     Various nouns which can be associated

     with each other: letter-envelope,

     bird--nest, husband--wife, etc.

   Vocabulary quiz: Food, shops and shopping   92 (2)

    30 mins

     Food, shops and shopping vocabulary:

     breakfast, grape, cucumber, a bottle

     of, chef, florist, loaf, etc.


   Find someone who ... 2             94 (3)

    20 mins

     Various words

   Bingo: Synonyms                97 (3)

    10 mins per game

     Synonyms (adjectives): awful--terrible,

     correct--right, enormous--very big, etc.

   Matching pairs: British English & American   100(2)


    30 mins

     British English and American English

     equivalents: autumn-fall,

     handbag--purse, flat--apartment, etc.

   Matching pairs: Where are they?        102(2)

    20 mins

     Various phrases connected with places

     or situations: Are you being served?

     (in a shop), Could I have the bill,

     please? (at a restaurant), etc.

   Dominoes: Compound nouns 3           104(2)

    20 mins

     Compound nouns: bargain, contact

     lenses, courtroom, credit card, etc.

   Half a crossword: Nouns            106(2)

    30 mins

     Various nouns: avalanche, beard,

     burglary, cash, choir, comb, etc.

   Sort out the clues: Types of people      108(2)

    30 mins

     Types of people: accomplice,

     acquaintance, ambassador, bachelor,

     celebrity, client, etc.

   Word association dominoes 1          110(2)

    approx 15--20 mins per game

     Various words: birds, birthday, book,

     cake, happy, etc.

   The definition game              112(1)

    20 mins

     Various nouns, verbs and adjectives:

     divorce, jealous, arrest, etc.

   The homophone game 1              113(1)

    20 mins

     Homophones: meet--meat, our--hour,

     steal--steel, etc.

   Opposites maze                 114(1)

    10 mins

     Opposites (verbs): stop--start,

     laugh--cry, open--close, etc.

   Board game: Categories 2            115(2)

    30 mins

     Categories of words: Insects ant,

     beetle, mosquito, etc.

  Intermediate/Upper Intermediate

   Word hunt                   117(1)

    25 mins


   Puzzle it out                 118

    20--30 mins

     Logic problem based on finding out

     which people are staying in which room

     at a hotel. Vocabulary includes jobs,

     character (adj), interests and hobbies,


   Matching pairs: Adjective + noun        112(10)


    20 mins

     Adjective-noun collocations: a juicy

     orange, an urgent message, a narrow

     escape, etc.

   Dominoes: Compound nouns 4           122(2)

    30 mins

     Compound nouns: beauty spot, bloodbath,

     bottleneck, death penalty, etc.

   Carry on the story               124(2)

    15--20 mins per game

     Various words: generous, cigarette,

     big-headed, Good luck! etc.

   Vocabulary quiz: People            126(2)

    30 mins

     Various words: acquaintance, bachelor,

     employee, generous, etc.

   Half a crossword: Verbs            128(2)

    30 mins

     Various verbs: admire, bribe, deny,

     encourage, envy, etc.

   Half a crossword: Adjectives to describe    130(2)


    30 mins

     Various adjectives to describe people:

     bossy, cruel, friendly, handsome, etc.

   Group the words: verbs             132(1)

    20 mins

     Various verbs: Ways of walking,

     laughing, smiling, hitting, crying,

     speaking stealing, march, sob, rob, etc.

   Phrasal verb maze               133

    15 mins

     Various phrasal verbs: turn up, look

     into, blow up, try out, etc.

   The homophone game 2              35 (100)

    30 mins

     Homophones: place--plaice,

     boulder--bolder, maze-maize,

     scent--cent, etc.

   20-square: Explain the words          135(1)

    30 mins

     Giving explanations, definitions of

     various words: a huge garden, a

     priceless painting, to limp along the

     street, etc.

  Upper Intermediate/Advanced

   Find someone who ... 3             136(1)

    20 mins

     Various words

   Sort out the punch lines            137(1)

    15 mins

     Reading activity based on sorting out

     mixed up punch lines to twelve jokes

   Word association dominoes 2          138(2)

    approx. 15--20 mins per game

     Various words: advertisement,

     ambitious, astrology, bald, steal, etc.

   Make two words                 140(1)

    15 mins

     Various words: blouse/secret,

     boat/attack, cabin/invent, camera/rain,

     centre/reason, etc.

   Half a crossword: Crime, law and order     141(2)

    35 mins

     Crime words: accuse, arrest, judge,

     arson, etc.

   Sort out the clues: Health words        143(2)

    30 mins

     Health words: symptoms, disease,

     patient, painful, injury, etc.

   Matching pairs: Parts of the body idioms    145(2)

    20 mins

     Parts of the body idioms: bite one's

     tongue, have a chip on one's shoulder,

     be wet behind the ears, etc.

   What does it mean?               147(1)

    20 mins

     Idioms: be in a rut, slip one's mind,

     smell a rat, lose one's head, be taken

     for a ride, etc.

   Board game: Three-in-a-Row           148(3)

    30 mins

End of term quiz game (miscellaneous

     questions and answers)

   Board game: Verbs               151(2)

    30 mins

Categories of verbs: Verbs to do with looking gaze, glance, peep, squint,stare, etc. New words from old               153(1)    20 minsAdding same suffix or prefix to make new words: handbag, kitbag, bagpipes,sleeping bag, etc.
Vocabulary quiz: Idioms            154(2)
    30 minsVarious idioms: a skinflint, have the gift of the gab, a nest-egg,hen-pecked, talk shop, etc.
Numbers 1--20 sheet                156(1)
How to define words sheet             157(1)
Key words                     158

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Vocabulary Games & Activities 2 (Penguin English Photocopiables)

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