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PLoS  Genetics:线粒体假基因左右人类基因组

发表于 2007-7-22 05:47:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PLoS Genetics:线粒体假基因左右人类基因组 约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员获得的新证据再一次证明许多通过进化产生的遗传小片段对人类或其他动物不造成任何优势或劣势。很长一段时间,进化的基础理论认为所有试图保留下来的随机遗传变化都具有某种选择优势。这项新的研究进一步证实我们之所以是今天这个样子主要归因于完全中立的随机突变。霍普金斯的副教授NicholasKatsanis表示,他不是完全贬低自然选择(带来某种优势的持续性遗传变化)的作用,这个过程还是



  霍普金斯的副教授Nicholas Katsanis表示,他不是完全贬低自然选择(带来某种优势的持续性遗传变化)的作用,这个过程还是很有价值的。这项新研究只是再次证明和强调了与自然选择等同甚至是更强大的中立遗传物质的重要性。

  研究人员将这项研究的结果公布在近期的《科学公共图书馆·遗传学》(PLoS Genetics)网络版上。霍普金斯的实验证实,人类基因组的一种主要的结构标志物——DNA重复元件(这些成分占到我们基因组的40%多)的显著特征就是对它所栖息的生物体不提供任何的益处。重复元件是包含相同重复序列碱基对的DNA片段。

  Katsanis和他的研究组在分析一种罕见疾病——Bardet Biedl综合症的相关基因时,一种类型的重复元件让他们困惑不已。在寻找新基因时,他们发现了从线粒体拷贝得来的DNA成分。这些线粒体遗传序列被称为线粒体假基因(Numts)。细胞核线粒体假基因(Numts)是线粒体DNA转移到核DNA中的片段,之前的研究显示其对系统发育、群体遗传和细胞核突变模式等研究有重要作用。(Bardet-Biedl syndrome(巴德-毕德氏症候群)(简称BBS)是一种体染色体隐性遗传疾病,病患在出生后有肥胖问题,有多指/趾畸形(polydactyly),视网膜渐渐的萎缩,性腺发育不全,肾脏畸形及学习困难。早在1920年Bardet和Biedl首先描述这些症状,其后有超过三百个案例的报告。)




PLoS Genetics

Received: February 13, 2007; Accepted: June 4, 2007; Published: July 20, 2007

Population Bottlenecks as a Potential Major Shaping Force of Human Genome Architecture

Adrian Gherman1, Peter E. Chen1, Tanya M. Teslovich1, Pawel Stankiewicz2, Marjorie Withers2, Carl S. Kashuk1, Aravinda Chakravarti1, James R. Lupski2,3,4, David J. Cutler1*, Nicholas Katsanis1,5*

1 McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 2 Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United States of America, 3 Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United States of America, 4 Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas, United States of America, 5 Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America

The modern synthetic view of human evolution proposes that the fixation of novel mutations is driven by the balance among selective advantage, selective disadvantage, and genetic drift. When considering the global architecture of the human genome, the same model can be applied to understanding the rapid acquisition and proliferation of exogenous DNA. To explore the evolutionary forces that might have morphed human genome architecture, we investigated the origin, composition, and functional potential of numts (nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes), partial copies of the mitochondrial genome found abundantly in chromosomal DNA. Our data indicate that these elements are unlikely to be advantageous, since they possess no gross positional, transcriptional, or translational features that might indicate beneficial functionality subsequent to integration. Using sequence analysis and fossil dating, we also show a probable burst of integration of numts in the primate lineage that centers on the prosimian–anthropoid split, mimics closely the temporal distribution of Alu and processed pseudogene acquisition, and coincides with the major climatic change at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary. We therefore propose a model according to which the gross architecture and repeat distribution of the human genome can be largely accounted for by a population bottleneck early in the anthropoid lineage and subsequent effectively neutral fixation of repetitive DNA, rather than positive selection or unusual insertion pressures.

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