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[[资源推荐]] “烦透了”如何表达?

发表于 2007-7-19 10:06:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. be fed up to the back teeth 烦透了
extremely irritated and fed up with something or someone 烦透了某人或某事
例如:I'm fed up to the back teeth with my job. 我烦透了现在的工作。

2. turn one's back on sb.不理会;不愿给予帮助
从字面上解释,意思是\"把自己的背对着某人\"。实际上这是指\"不理会某人,或不肯给那个有困难的人任何帮助\"。例如:I won't ever forgive my older brother--he turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job. 我永远也不会原谅我哥哥。当我失去工作的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不愿意借给我。

3. get one's hands full 忙得不可开交
例如:Sorry I can't help you. I've got my hands full at the moment. 抱歉,我帮不了你。我现在忙得要命。

4. have one's heart in the right place 心肠好;善良
例如:Tom looks very rough but his heart is in the right place.(汤姆看起来凶巴巴的,但是心肠很好。)

5. can't make head or tail of 弄不清楚
To be unable to come to terms with or understand something 弄不清楚某事;稀里糊涂的
例如:I can't make head nor tail of it. 我稀里糊涂的,弄不清楚这件事。

6. have one's tongue in one's cheek 半开玩笑;调侃
例如:I don't think he was serious when he said that. I think he probably had his tongue in his cheek. 我觉得他不是认真地。他可能是在开玩笑。

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