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[[原创地带]] Plasmonics:  Fundementals and Applications——Chinese translation

发表于 2007-7-15 18:09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Resonance@网上读书园地  2007

Plasmonics: Fundemental and Applications


Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials
Department of Physics, University of Bath, UK
斯蒂凡 亚历山大 麦尔



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 19:02:11 | 显示全部楼层
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It was the autumn of 1982 and my final year undergraduate project was on surface plasmons. I had no idea that this topic would still have me fascinated almost a quarter of a century later, let alone have become a life-time career. Time really does fly. The invitation to write a foreword to this book with the instruction that it include a historical perspective set me thinking of my own first encounter with surface plasmons. My project supervisor was Roy Sambles - little did I realise how lucky I was. Without knowing it I became hooked on physics; not just studying it but doing it - I was off. The field of surface plasmons has changed enormously in the intervening years; indeed, in its new guise as plasmonics, interest has soared and many more people have joined the field.


  那是1982年的秋天,我本科阶段最后一年的课题是表面等离激子。我当时绝没有想到这一课题在四分之一个世纪后仍然吸引着我,更别说成为我的终生职业了。时间确实过得很快。受邀来写一篇本书的、带有历史展望的前言,使我回想起自己第一次的表面等离激子经历。我的导师是罗伊.桑波斯(Roy Sambles ),我丝毫没有意识到自己是多么的幸运。就那样开始了我与物理的不解之缘,不仅是研究物理,同时也是做物理;而在这过程中,我也离开过它(译者注:参看下文)。迄今为止,表面等离激子这一领域有了极大的变化;确实,在他的新包装“等离激子学”下,越来越多的人涌入了这一领域。

But for those new to the topic, where to begin? A good book can act as a guide and companion - it can make all the difference. When I started in 1982 the newest book was a monster, a compilation called "Electromagnetic Surface Waves", edited by Alan Boardman. Together with Kevin Welford, I had joined Roy Sambles to do a PhD - as beginners we found this book a daunting yet valuable resource – we plundered it, before long the pages became dog-eared and the covers fell off. I left things plasmonic in 1986, not to rejoin until 1992. In the meantime Hans Raether published "Surface Plasmons". With his wonderful combination of simplicity and insight, especially in the introductory sections, a classic emerged. Now almost twenty years later it is still very much in use but, inevitably, it has become increasingly out of date as the field continues to rapidly expand. Whilst several specialist volumes have emerged, we have been acutely aware of the need for a more up-to-date introduction and overview of the field at a glance. Now we have it - thank you Stefan.

但是对于这一领域的新手而言,他们该从哪儿着手自己的工作?一本好书可以成为他们的良师益友。当我在1982年开始阅读这一领域的最新著作——由艾伦.博德曼(Alan Boardman)主编的《电磁表面模式》(译者注:巴恩斯把书名记错了)时,它简直就是一部可怕的鸿篇巨制;那时我与开文.威尔福德(Kevin Welford)一起加入了罗伊.桑波斯的小组攻读哲学博士,作为初学者的我们觉得那本书虽然面目可憎,却极有价值,在我们的反复翻阅之下,书页变得卷折,甚至封皮也掉了。我在1986年离开了等离激子的领域,直到1992年才再度开始相关研究。这期间,汉斯.李泽(Hans Raether )出版了他的《表面等离激子》。通过他简洁的表述和洞见,尤其体现在他对于导引部分的处理上,一部经典著作诞生了。而今,约么20年过去,它仍然非常有用;但是,不可避免的,当这一领域持续快速膨胀的时候,变得越来越过时。当几卷更加专业的著述出版之后,我们迫切地感到,需要一部更富有现代气息的、对这一领域导论性和概览性的著作。现在我们已经有了——感谢斯蒂凡。

But what is plasmonics? "You just have Maxwell’s equations, some material properties and some boundary conditions, all classical stuff - what’s new about that?" Well, would you have predicted that just by imposing appropriate structure on a metal one could make a synthetic material that would turn Snell’s law on its head? Or that you could squeeze light into places less that one hundredth of a wavelength in size? No new fundamental particles, no new cosmology - but surprises, adventure, the quest to understand - yes, we have all of those, and more.


It seems that four elements underlie research in plasmonics today. The first is the ready availability of state-of-the-art fabrication methods, particularly for implementing nanostructure. Second, there are a wealth of high-sensitivity optical characterisation techniques, which one can buy pretty much off-theshelf. Third, the rapid advance in computing power and speed have allowed us to implement powerful numerical modelling tools on little more than a laptop computer. The fact that many researchers can gain access to these things enables the expansion of the field of plasmonics, but what has motivated that expansion?

The cynic might argue fashion. However, the fourth element, the one missing from the list above, is the wide range of potential applications - solar cells, high-resolution microscopy, drug design and many more. Applications are indeed strong motivators, but I think there is more to it than that. I know I am biased, but for me and I suspect many others it’s the adventure, the role of the imagination, the wish to be the one to find something new, to explain the unexplained - in short its science, simple as that. Perhaps amazingly there are still many topics in which one can do all of these things without the need to observe gravity waves, build particle accelerators, or even work out how the brain that loves to do such things works. Plasmonics is one of those small-scale topics where good people can do interesting things with modest resources, that too is one of the lures.

Roughly speaking the field is a hundred years old. Around the turn of the last century the same four elements as described above applied - albeit in a different way. The relevant state-of-the-art fabrication was that of ruled diffraction gratings, optical characterisation was provided by the same gratings - to give spectroscopy. Computation was based on, among others, Rayleigh’s work on diffraction and Zenneck’s and Sommerfeld’s work on surface waves - all analytical, but still valuable today. There was in addition an improved understanding of metals, particularly from Drude’s treatment. So what was missing? Perhaps most importantly these different activities were not really recognised as having a commonality in the concept of surface plasmons. Now we are in a very different situation, one in which the relevant underlying science is much better understood - but where, as we continue to see, there are still many surprises.

Looking back it seems clear that the 1998 paper in Nature by Thomas Ebbesen and colleagues on the extraordinary transmission of light through metallic hole-arrays triggered many to enter the field. With an avalanche of developments in spectral ranges from the microwave, through THz, IR and visible, and into the UV the need for an entry point has become more acute. Well, here it is. It can’t possibly be comprehensive, but Stefan Maier’s addition gives an up-todate introduction and a great overview of the present situation. Who knows what new concepts might emerge and where the important applications will be? Maybe none of us know yet, that’s the beauty - it could be you.

Bill Barnes,
School of Physics, University of Exeter,
June 2006


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 02:21:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 16:28:24 | 显示全部楼层
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I wish to thank my colleague Tim Birks for all his efforts in proof-reading an early draft of this book and his helpful criticism, and David Bird for his encouragement to undertake this project. Thanks also to my student Charles de Nobriga for working through a more advanced version of this text, and of course to my wife Mag for all the lovely distractions from writing ...


感谢我的同事提姆.伯克斯(Tim Birks )出全力验证性的阅读了本书的早期手稿,并提出了建设性的评论;感谢大卫.博得(David Bird )鼓励我承担此书的写作。同时感谢我的学生查尔斯.德.诺布里格(Charles de Nobriga)通读了之后一个更加完备的版本。当然,我还要感谢我的妻子麦格,感谢她为了我能在写作之外有暇分心而享受生活所做的一切......


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 16:30:06 | 显示全部楼层




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 16:31:51 | 显示全部楼层
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Research in plasmonics is currently taking place at a breathtaking pace, and we can expect that many more will join the game in the near future. But for the newcomer, where to start? Before diving into particular sub-fields, fundamental or application-driven, a solid basis for an understanding of the more specialized literature is clearly desirable. This part of the text aims to help in building such a core knowledge. The first chapter sets the groundwork by describing the optical properties of metals, starting with Maxwell’s equations and the derivation of the dielectric function of the free electron gas. The following three chapters introduce surface plasmon polaritons both at single interfaces and in multilayer structures, and describe experimental techniques for their excitation and observation. Chapter 5 adds the second important ingredient of the game, localized surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. The first part of the book closes by describing electromagnetic modes at low frequencies, where surface plasmon polaritons based on metals become highly delocalized, and surface structuring must be employed to create more confined modes.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 17:32:07 | 显示全部楼层





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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-16 17:33:55 | 显示全部楼层
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Armed with a sufficient background knowledge, this second part presents five prominent research areas in plasmonics. We start with an overview of different efforts to exert control over the propagation of surface plasmon polaritons. The promise behind plasmon waveguides is a new, highly integrated photonic infrastructure that might close the size gap with electronic devices. Control over the transmission of light through sub-wavelength apertures via plasmon excitations is an equally exciting area, which has spurred a tremendous amount of research ever since the initial description in 1998 of enhanced transmission of light encountered in aperture arrays. The next two chapters describe how highly localized fields around metallic nanostructures can lead to dramatic enhancements of the emission of molecules placed into these hot spots, and different methods for spectroscopy of localized modes. These chapters also include a cursory discussion of biological sensing and labeling using surface plasmons. We close with a short introduction into the field of metallic metamaterials, artificial constructs with sub-wavelength structure that exhibit novel optical phenomena such as artificial magnetism or indeed a negative refractive index.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-17 12:12:53 | 显示全部楼层
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Chapter 12

Plasmonics is a fascinating and currently vastly expanding area of research, and hopefully reading through this text has provided the interested reader not only with an overview, but also with a solid foundation for own explorations. Clearly, the diversity of emerging and potential applications of sub-wavelength optics with metals together with successful proof-of-concept studies suggest that interest in the field will be soaring for many years to come.

So where to go from here? For virtually all aspects of plasmonics described in this book, specialized review articles exist within the scientific literature. Especially for areas such as sensing or metamaterials that could only be described without going into a great amount of detail, the excellent reviews available should be consulted. Apart from that, original publications such as the ones cited in the reference section are an invaluable resource for further literature studies.

I very much hope that this book will serve its purpose to educate and attract people to this fascinating area of nanophotonics. Any suggestions for improvements of this text are most welcome.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-18 20:56:53 | 显示全部楼层

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