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[[资源推荐]] 习语集锦(三)

发表于 2007-6-28 09:39:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Day dream, a :

  imagining about things one would like to do 白日梦.


  Some people would like to fall back on a day dream whenever they wished to get what they wanted.

  2. Day of reckoning, a :

  the time when one is obliged to answer for one's misdeeds 报应的日子.


  There will be a day of reckoning for what you have wrongly done to be harmful to others.

  3. Hammer something home :

  emphasize a point one has made in an argument by repeating it with great force 强调.


  In the face of opposition, the speaker hammered his point home with extensive illustrations.

  4. Hand back something:

  return something by hand 用手交还.


  The teacher said that he would hand back the examination scripts in week's time.

  5. Hand down somthing to someone:

  bequeath something to someone. (遗)传给……


  (1) Before the rich man passed away, he handed down his property to his wife.

  (2) That big house has been handed down to them by their grandfather.

  6. Impose something on someone/something else:

  (i) force something on someone. 强加给:


  Please don't impose your will on us.

  (ii) place a tax, fine, etc. on someone or something. 征(税);罚(款)


  (1) The traffic police have imposed a fine on the reckless motorist.

  (2) The government has imposed a heavier tax on liquor.

  7. Improve on/upon something:

  make something better 改进.


  (1) Your suggestion is good, but I think I can still improve on it.

  (2) You had good results in the first year, but can you improve upon them this year?

  8. Joking apart/aside:

  let's stop joking and talk seriously 别再开玩笑.


  (1) Joking apart, we really must do something about the leak in the water pipe.

  (2) Joking aside, what did John really think of me?

  9. Of moment: important. 重要的


  Nothing of moment occurred in your absence during the last two weeks.

  10. (Go) off one's head: mad. 疯了


  (1) You must be off your head to go mountain-climbing on such a cold and rainy day.

  (2) When Tom heard that he was dismissed, he almost went off his head.

  11. Part company (with someone):

  (i) go in different directions. 向不同方向去


  Helen and her boy friend parted company at the railway station.

  (ii) end a friendship or partnership, etc. 结束;了结


  As a result of constant quarrels, the man finally parted company with his wife.

1. Deadbeat: exhausted 精疲力尽的


  (a) After the day's hard work, all looked deadbeat.

  (b) The long-distance runners were deadbeat as they reached their destination.

  2. Dead end, a:

  (i) a path or road which has no exit on the other side 没出口的路

  Example: Don't drive into that place; it is a dead end.

  (ii) the stage in one's work that can make no further progress.不能再进展的阶段

  Example: The aircrash investigation has reached a dead end; there is nothing new in the report.

  3. Dead-end job, a: a job with no prospects 无晋升希望的工作

  Example: Such a job is badly paid and has no good prospects. It is a dead-end job, also known as a blind-alley job.

  4. Hand something out to someone:

  give something by hand to someone 把……交给……


  (a) Some boys are handing out leaflets to passers-by.

  (b) Before the lecture, the lecturer handed out lecture notes to his students.

  5. Hand over someone/ something to someone: give a person or send a thing to someone 引渡某人;移交某事


  (a) The shopkeeper handed the petty thief over to the police.

  (b) The old man decided to hand over his business to other family members.

  6. Hand something on (to someone):

  pass something, especially information(to someone) 把消息等转达给某人


  (a) I have some good news to hand on. Don't you want to hear?

  (b) Could you please hand this message on to all the staff concerned?

  7. In a big way: on a large scale. 大规模的


  They plan to organise a concert in a big way.

  8. In a bind/jam: in difficulty or trouble.陷入困境


  (a) After accepting two job offers from two companies, Joseph was in a bind.

  (b) Whenever his research was in a jam, he went to his supervisor for help.

  9. Judging from/by something:

  if one can see something as an indication; considering something 从某事判断


  (a) Judging from the bright sky, there won't be any rain today.

  (b) Judging by their dirty clothes, they must just be back from work.

  10. Judge someone/ something by appearances: base the judgement of someone / something on outside looks以貌取人,从外表看事情


  (a) Don't judge people by appearances, but by their actual performance.

  (b) It is safer to judge a thing by its quality, not by appearances.

  11. Of necessity: logically and necessarily 逻辑上必要地

  Example : University courses must, of necessity, be practical and useful.

1.Accommodate someone with something: provide someone with something, often as a favour 提供

  Example: I hope the bank in which you are working in will be kind enough to accommodate me with a car loan.

  2. Accompany something with something else: add something to something else.随某物而来

  Example: The rascal accompanied his abusive language with a show of his two fists.

  3. Accord with something: match something.与某事物相配合

  Example: The young man's political ideology does not accord with his father's. The former is radical; the latter is conservative.

  4. According to:

(i)as stated or shown. 根据

  Example: According to the records, the books you borrowed were often overdue.

(ii) in agreement with. 按照

  Example: Always try to act according to your promise.

(iii) in the order of. 循序

  Example: The books in a library are arranged according to their authors, titles, etc.

(iv) in proportion to. 视……而定

  Example: Part-time workers are normally paid according to the amount of work done by the hour.

  5.Bar someone from (doing) something: prevent someone from (doing) something. 阻止某人做某事


(1)The invigilator has the right to bar any dishonest student from taking the examination.

(2)Some members have been barred from the club for misconduct.

  6. Bare bones, the: the simplest but most important parts.梗概

  Example: These are the bare bones of the system which must be incorporated.

  7. Bare of something: missing something that is normally present.(指不该空着)空的

  Example: In sharp contrast to other apartments, Judy's was austerely furnished and bare of any ornament.

  8.Can/could do no wrong: one is so much favoured that anything he does is thought to be right. 绝对错不了


(1) In the teacher's eyes, a good student like Susan can do no wrong.

(2) Mrs Lin considered her only son perfect and could do no wrong.

  9.Can ill afford (to do)something: cannot afford (to do) something. 负担不起


(1) I am busy now and can ill afford to see anyone.

(2) Our soccer team can ill afford to lose the match again.

  10.Cancel something out: balance something; strike out something. 抵消

  Example: The failure in overseas business cancelled out the overall profits of the company.

  11.Dead set against someone/

something: firmly opposed to someone/something. 极力反对


(1) Mr Li is dead set against his arch rival, Mr Huang.

(2) Most workers were dead set against longer working hours.

1. Accustomed/used to(doing)something: in the habit of(doing)something.习惯于……


  (1) I am accustomed to getting up early in the morning.

  (2 )After some time, westerners are used to the hot weather here.

  2. Ache for someone/something or ache to do something:

  (i)have a strong desire to do something.渴望得到……


  (1) Though separated, John's heart is aching for his former girl friend.

  (2) She is aching to tell us the good news about her promotion.

  (ii) feel pity for someone.使人感伤

  Example: My heart aches for the unfortunate in many countries.

  3. Aches and pains:

  considerable fatigue, especially in the muscles or joints all over one's body.各种疼痛

  Example: June is still young but has behaved like a woman, continually complaining about aches and pains.

  4. Achilles' heel: the weakest point in a person's character.致命伤

  Example: Insincerity is the Achilles' heel of many people, be they politicians or businessmen.

  5. Base on/upon something: (often in the passive)use something as a foundation.基于……

  Example: Since that report was based on facts, it must be reliable.

  6. Bask in something:

  (i) sit or lie in pleasant warmth.取暖

  Example: The picknickers are lying on the sand, basking in the mild sunshine.

  (ii) enjoy someone's favour.受人赞美、恩惠等

  Example: No joy is greater than basking in the praiseworthy remarks of one's employer and colleagues.

  7. Bathed in/with something: covered with something.沐浴在……;全湿


  (1) Bathed in the morning sunlight, the corn field looks bright like gold.

  (2) Being wrongly scolded, the child's eyes were bathed with tears.

  8. Cannot make head or tail of something/Can make neither head nor tail of something: cannot understand something.不能理解……


  (1) I cannot make head or tail of the policeman's instructions.

  (2) The speaker can make neither head nor tail of the audience's questions.

  9. Can't be bothered: not willing to care about someone/ something.懒得……;嫌麻烦而不为


  (1) Sorry, I can't be bothered to do it now.

  (2) We are busy right now and can't be bothered with all these trifling matters.

  10. Can't bear/stand the sight of someone/something: seriously upset by seeing someone/something.不忍看……


  (1) Ahmad doesn't like to climb up the coconut tree, but he can't bear the sight of others doing it.

  (2) How can you become a doctor if you can't stand the sight of blood?

  11. Deal in something: buy or sell something.买卖

  Example: Many shops along this street deal in fashionable wearing things.

1. Acid test, an:

a way of proving whether something is true or not.决定性考验

  Example: The joint military exercise is seen as an acid test of the cooperation among the countries concerned.

  2. Acquaint someone/oneself with something:

inform someone of something/make someone familiar with something.使某人认识某事物


(1) We have to acquaint a new worker with the conditions here.

(2) As the company's consultant, you must acquaint yourself with its development plans.

3. Acquiesce in something:

agree to do something; accept something quietly.同意某事;默许

  Example: After a long time of consideration, the government has finally acquiesced in the open-door policy.

  4. Be-all and end-all of something, the:

the whole of something.某事的全部

  Example: Learning how to take orders is not the be-all and end-all of good secretarial work. There are more important things to do.

  5. Be that as it may:

even so. 即使如此

  Example: I know some of you don't like Anna, but be that as it may, you can at least greet her every day.

  6. Bear a grudge against someone/bear someone a/no grudge:

have a/no feeling of anger, dislike, etc. of someone.对某人怀恶意/无恶意


(1) Tony bore a grudge against Aileen because she got the job he wanted.

(2) I don't bear anyone a grudge.

(3) I bear him no grudge. Why is he so hostile?

  7. Can't/Couldn't go wrong:

sure to make a success of something or not make any mistake.错不了

  Example: You know the ways and means, don't you? You just can't go wrong.

  8. Can't hear oneself think:

one is irritated by too much surrounding noise.听不到自己在想什么(喻周遭太吵闹)

  Example: Everyone in the lobby kept talking louder and louder until I couldn't hear myself think.

  9. Can't help but do something:

unable to choose any other course or action.不得不

  Example: Since there is no taxi in this area, we can't help but walk back home.

  10. Death is the great leveller:

death makes us all equal.“死亡”是伟大的平等主义者

  Example: As there won't be any distinction between wealth and poverty, greatness and humbleness, etc. among the dead, death is the great leveller.

  11. Death to someone/something:

bad for or fatal to someone/something.



(1) This type of detergent is death to my sensitive skin.

(2) Living in such a city is death to hysterical people; it was too noisy there.

1. Earn an honest penny:

make money honestly.以正当手段赚钱

  Example: Though once a prisoner, Tom is now earning an honest penny by being a regular truck-driver.

  2. Earn one's living:

gain money by working.赚钱过生活

  Example: Some uneducated and unskilled people earn their living by doing manual work.

  3. Ears burn:

feel embarrassed at hearing people talk about you.耳朵发烧(指遭人说坏话而难堪)

  Example: Jessie overheard people commenting badly on her and this made her ears burn.

  4. Ease off/up

(on someone/something):

become less strong, less severe.减轻、缓和


  (1). The toothache has eased off .

  (2). It looks as if the rain is beginning to ease off.

  (3). Tell them to ease up and not to work so hard.

  (4). Please ease off on the workers; they are getting tired.

  5. Facts and figures:

precise information.精确的资料

  Example: In the report, please include all the facts and figures as long as they are true and reliable.

  6. Fade away/out:

(i) become fainter.散开

  Example: The music in the hall faded away after a while.

(ii)leave quietly.慢慢消失

  Example: She was so nasty that the interviewers faded her out and sent for someone else.

  7. Faint heart never won fair lady:

a timid or discouraged person won't get the best of anything in life.怯懦的人永远博不到美人欢心

  Example: Try again! Faint heart never won fair lady, or anything worth having.

  8. Gain access to a place:

enter a place.进入某处

  Example: You can gain access to the house through this gate.

  9. Gain/obtain currency:

become widely known or very common; be believed or accepted.传开

  Example: Reports concerning bad government affairs often gain currency in foreign press.

  10. Handsome is as handsome does:

a good heart is more important than good looks.行为美才是真美

  Example: He looks ugly, but he treats all very well. Handsome is as handsome does.

  11. Handy for something:

near something; something is easily reached.离……很近(非常方便)

  Example: My apartment is in a convenient location handy for shops and other amenities.

  12. In a daze:

in a confused condition.处于茫然状态

  Example: After the natural calamity, those who survived were in a daze.

  13. In a dream:

in a state of mind in which one doesn't pay attention to the real world.生活在梦幻中

  Example: Some people are alert, but some are not and they seem to have lived in a dream.

  14. Jump for joy:

show great pleasure.高兴得直跳

  Example: The moment she heard the good news getting the much-coveted job, she jumped for joy.

1. Across the board/across-the-board; applying in all cases; affecting everybody or everything. 全面;全部的


(1) The civil servants were given annual bonuses across the board.

(2) Because of bad business, some companies have announced an across-the-board cut in development spending.

  2. Act as someone/something: do the work or duties of someone/something. 代替


(1) In the director's absence, Mary will act as the director.

(2) This sofa can act as a bed at night.

  3. Act as a brake on/upon/ to someone's activity:

make someone act with more caution; play the role of deterring someone or something. 遏制

  Example: The rise in bank interest rate acted as a brake on people's unnecessary loans.

  4. Bear a/no resemblance to someone: (not) look like someone. 看起来像/不像……


(1) Helen bears a resemblance to a famous singer.

(2) Though they are sisters, they bear no resemblance to each other.

  5. Bear no relation to something:

be very different from something. 与……无相似之处

  Example: What Jack has just said bears no relation to the actual fact.

  6. Bear out: support or confirm. 支持;证实

  Example: I will bear you out if you lodge a complaint against that rascal.

  7. Capable of doing something: able to do something. 能够


(1) Is you company capable of handling such a large order?

(2) Be careful! That person is capable of playing tricks.

  8. Capitalise on something: take advantage of something. 利用

  Example: Our team capitalised on its opponent's obvious weakness and won the game in the end.

  9. Decide / determine on / upon someone / (doing) something: choose someone/(doing)something. 考虑后作出决定


(1) Has the committee decided on the finalists of the game?

(2) After some contemplation, the couple determined on spending the holiday abroad.

  10. Decline and fall, the: the sequence leading to a final and complete loss of power, etc. 衰亡

  Example: Nothing is commoner than the decline and fall of an empire.

  11. Dedicate something to someone/(doing) something:

(i) give something completely to someone; devote. 献身于

  Example: Dr Lin dedicated his life to finding a cure for AIDS.

(ii) declare something in honour of someone. 献给……

  Example: He dedicated his first book to his late mother.

1. East or west, home is best:

no matter where you go, home is the best place for you. 没有任何地方比家好

  Example: A traveller knows that east or west, home is best. True, there is no place like home.

  2. Easy come, easy go:

he who gets money easily usually sqanders it: easily got easily lost. 易得易失


(1) The young man spent all the inherited money at a short time. Easy come, easy go, isn't it?

(2) Bob made some money from gambling but used it up quickly. With Bob, it's easy come, easy go.

  3. Easy in mind: free from anxiety. 安心的

  Example: Wicked people are seldom easy in mind.

  4. Easy in one's mind: be more relaxed. 放心的

  Example: His mother won't be easy in her mind till she knows that he has arrived there safely.

  5. Faithful to someone: loyal to someone. 忠于某人

  Example: The dog remained faithful to his master when he became poor and miserable.

  6. Fall apart: break into pieces. 支离破碎

  Example: Tom knocked a tree and his bicycle began to fall apart.

  7. Fall away: become less in number. 渐渐减少

  Example: The spectators did not find the game interesting and began to fall away.

  8. Fall back on something: use something for help when everything else has been tried. 依靠某事物

  Example: Don't be worried! You still have your savings to fall back on.

  9. Gall and wormwood: something that arouses the most bitter resentment. 怨恨

  Example: It was gall and wormwood for the teacher to have to make a withdrawal of his promise in front of all the students.

  10. Galvanise someone into (doing) something: move someone to do something. 激起某人行动起来

  Example: The news about the general election galvanised potential candidates into preparatory work.

  11. Gamble on something:

(i) risk money on the result of a card game, horse-race, etc. 冒险行动或碰运气

  Example: Tony sometimes gambled a great

deal of money on the horse-race.

(ii) take a chance or risk. 孤注一掷做……

  Example: Some illegal immigrants robbed the bank, gambling on its being not watched at night.

  12. Game at which two can play, a: a plan or trick which both sides may use. 你会我也会的一套

  Example: Political favouritism is a game at which two can play.

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