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[[学习策略]] 微覩著秋---口语的一些特点

发表于 2007-6-24 07:52:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

How would I describe myself? It'll sound terrible -- just a housewife. (Laughs.) It's true. What is a housewife? You don't have to have any special talents. I don't have any. [ 特点一:句子短。一般说来,短句子更口语话。说话需要换气,若都像学术论文或严谨法律条文里的句子,说起来估计能憋死人。 ] ... ...

   I look on reading right now as strictly enjoyment and relaxation. So I won't even let myself pick up a book before ten o'clock at night. It I do, I'm afraid I might forget about everything else. During lunch time I'll look a magazine because I can put it down and forget about it. But real enjoyable reading I'll do at night. [ 特点二:缩约形式 (contraction) 。正式文章中是不能出现这种缩约形式的,如 it’s/ they’re/ doesn’t 等,都要写成 it is/they are/does not 。甚至有人说英语中根本没有 can’t ,有的只是 cannot 。 ]

   When I went to school a few years ago it was very startling around here. Why would an older woman like me be wanting to go back to school? They wouldn't say it directly, but you hear things. I took some courses in college English, psychology, sociology. I enjoyed going but I didn't want to continue on and be a teacher. I still enjoyed being at home much more. Oh, I might go back if there was anything special I'd like. [ 特点三:口语过渡词。 Oh, Well, OK, Now, Uh, hm, Hey, Wow, look, listen, Gee, really, Er…, you know… 诸如此类,口语色彩鲜明。正式文章需换用其它过渡方式。 ]

   I enjoy cooking. If it was a job, maybe I wouldn't like doing it. As low on the totem pole as I consider being a housewife, I love every minute of it. You will hear me gripe and groan like everybody else, but I do enjoy it. [ 特点四:方言俚语, informal 的词汇短语。典型例子还有下文的“ I love my kids. I love ’em to pieces. ” 和“ It would drive anybody nuts. ”等 ]

   I'll also enjoy it when the kids are all gone. I always shad the feeling that I can really—oh, I don't know what I want to do, but whatever that would be, I can do it. [ 特点五:欠缺组织( not well-organized )。其一是“话已说到此下面却还没组织好”这里她想说“做些自己喜欢做的事”,但一时又想不出具体为何事,或者例子一旦太具体就缺少了泛指功能,干脆不如说:“ I can really do what I want to. ”其二是“出语改口”,说完后又感到不妥加以改正的,如短语“ I mean ”所引导的话。其三是“追加 afterthought ”,也就是说完又想到一些,进行增补的,如下文的“ I'll be just so happy for them and for myself and for Bob, too. ” ] I'll be on my own. I'm looking forward to it. Just a lot of things I've never taken the time to do.

   When the kids leave I want it to be a happy kind of time.

Just to do the things I would like to do . Not travelling. Just to do what you want to do not at a certain time or a certain day. Sewing a whole dress at one time. Or cooking for just two people. [ 特点六:不完整句。口语中语法相当宽松,像这种写作上的“残句”错误,在口语里不成其错而成了特点。说话旨在交流信息,了解对方之意,而不在语法的对错。 ]

   That&#39;s what makes me feel guilty. Usually when kids go off and get married the mother sits and cries. But I&#39;m afraid I&#39;m just gonna smile all the way through it. (Laughs) They&#39;ll think I&#39;m not a typical mother. I love my kids, I love &#39;em to pieces. But by the same token, I&#39;ll be just so happy for them and for myself and for Bob, too. I think we deserve a time together alone. [ 特点七:连音漏音。典型的还有 wann!![/url]<font color=#ff0000>谢绝广告帖!再发封ID!</font>want to, gott!![/url]<font color=#ff0000>谢绝广告帖!再发封ID!</font>have got to, ’cause=because 。小说中常用来描写某人带有地方口音。 ]

   I don&#39;t look at housework as a drudgery. People will complain: \"Why do I have to scrub floors?\" To me, that isn&#39;t the same thing as a man standing there-- it&#39;s his livelihood--putting two screws together day after day after day.It would drive anybody nuts. It would drive me wild. [ 特点八:重复。用来加强语气,有时可重复多次,如 very, very, very… ,书面语中这么重复不大可能。后两句意思相近,虽有强调作用,仍有重复之嫌。 ] That poor man doesn&#39;t even get to see the finished product. I&#39;ll sit here and I&#39;ll cook a pie and I&#39;ll get to see everybody eat it. This is my offering. I think it&#39;s the greatest satisfaction in the world to know you&#39;ve pleased somebody. Everybody has to feel needed. I know I&#39;m needed. I&#39;m doing it for them and they&#39;re doing it for me. And that&#39;s the way it is. [ 特点九:话题变换。就是一会说东,一会儿又说西,转换突然。正式文章中,要求围绕一个主题,话题应为同一个,尽量减少不必要的改变。口语中话题的变换说明谈话没有预先的设计,倒显示了一种自然。 ]

发表于 2007-06-23 23:25 微覩著秋

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