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[[原创地带]] Historical Knowledge

发表于 2007-6-22 13:30:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Historical Knowledge

Is historical research of any direct benefit to our economic development? Maybe the answer is negative. But why are so many scholars studying history? Because history, in some aspects, is important to us, we need historical knowledge.
As a subject studying human’s past, history gives us the knowledge of our ancestors’ action. From studying history, we know the illustrious accomplishments our ancestors acquired. For instance, many things done 2000 years ago, such as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Arabic numbers, etc, show the creativity and wisdom of our human race. And from studying the works of thinkers in about 500 BC, everyone will be amazed at their deep thought, both to life and to people. History makes us wise.
Next, since historical course gives us illustration of social development, we can use it for reference in modernization. We can learn from history how a country progressed from underdevelopment to modernization, how a system went to its perfect state. And we can learn the experience not only diachronically, but synchronically as well. It means that other nation’s developing experience can help to our own development and to our modernization. As a developing country, China must learn both from our own history and from other countries’ history, unless it will change our own characteristic.
Most of all, historical knowledge can strengthen our national cohesion and spirit of patriotism. Everyone who learns its own history will give birth to a proud feeling to its people and its country. We get patriotism from learning history. When we think we are brethren, we have brotherly feeling. And it is just a feeling of history, which gives us knowledge of kin and regional relationship. We are in a big family.
As everybody knows and what is said above, history learning does well to an individual, to a nation and to the whole world. Maybe its benefit is not direct and obvious, but it does have its long-term benefit, so it is important to have historical knowledge.

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发表于 2007-6-22 19:08:40 | 显示全部楼层
Why the answer for history benefiting for economy development is negative??

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发表于 2007-6-29 13:07:16 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-8-17 01:52:11 | 显示全部楼层
看完第一句,以为作者想谈谈历史研究与经济发展的关系,结果错了,因为第二句做了说明。但Maybe一词的出现,还是令人觉得作者会回到经济的话题上去,何况后面还有个but。不料又错了,因为第三句彻底让人断了盼头:它提出的是一个新问题,“为什么那多学者研究历史?”作者在几句话里面显然包含着这样的一个命题或主张:凡是与经济无关的东西都不值得研究,至少也要质疑一番--幸好这不是学术论文,否则漏洞就大了!第四句算是第三句的继续,但罗嗦了些,有谁真的“需要”“不重要”的东西吗?其实,这一段的内容用一句话就差不多了。比如,We can hardly make do without historical knowledge thought it may not have direct relevence to economic development.

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发表于 2007-8-17 07:00:25 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼jinjin1996于2007-08-17 01:52发表的 :
看完第一句,以为作者想谈谈历史研究与经济发展的关系,结果错了,因为第二句做了说明。但Maybe一词的出现,还是令人觉得作者会回到经济的话题上去,何况后面还有个but。不料又错了,因为第三句彻底让人断了盼头:它提出的是一个新问题,“为什么那多学者研究历史?”作者在几句话里面显然包含着这样的一个命题或主张:凡是与经济无关的东西都不值得研究,至少也要质疑一番--幸好这不是学术论文,否则漏洞就大了!第四句算是第三句的继续,但罗嗦了些,有谁真的“需要”“不重要”的东西吗?其实,这一段的内容用一句话就差不多了。比如,We can hardly make do without historical knowledge thought it may not have direct relevence to economic development.

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