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[【经验与求助】] 院士给上基因组研究课要求读的经典文章(分专题)

发表于 2007-6-17 00:17:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.    作物育种对作物生产的贡献

1)    Fehr, W.R. ed. 1984. Genetic Contributions to Yield Gains of Five Major Crop Plants. Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 101 pp (书中有5篇文章,可任选一篇,但玉米的研究工作较周密)

2)    Khush, G.S. 2001. Green revolution: the way forward. Nat. Rev. Genet. 2:815-822.

2.    分子标记的种类及分析原理

1)    Kahler, A.L. and R.W. Allard. 1970. Genetics of isozyme variants in barley. I. Esterases. Crop Sci. 10: 444-448.

2)    Saghai Maroof, M.A., K.M. Soliman, R.A. Jorgensen and R.W. Allard. 1984. Ribosomal DNA spacer-length polymorphisms in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal location, and population dynamics. PNAS 81: 8014-8018.

3)    Evola, S.V., F.A. Burr and B. Burr. 1986. The suitability of restriction fragment length polymorphisms as genetic markers in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 71: 765-771.

4)    Williams, J.G.K, A.R. Kubelik, K.J. Livak, J.A. Rafalski and S.V. Tingey. 1990. DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic maskers. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6531-6535.

5)    Wu, K. and S.D. Tanksley. 1993. Abundance, polymorphism and genetic mapping of microsatellites in rice. Mol. Gen. Genet. 241: 225-235.

6)    Saghai Maroof, M.A., R.M. Biyashev, G.P. Yang, Q. Zhang and R.W. Allard. 1994. Extraordinarily polymorphic microsatellite DNA in barley: species diversity, chromosomal locations, and population dynamics. PNAS 91: 5466-5470.

7)    Vos, P., R. Hogers, M. Bleeker, M. Reijans, T. van de Lee, M. Hornes, A. Frijters, J. Pot, J. Peleman, M. Kuiper and M. Zabeau. 1995. AFLP: a new technique for DNA fingerprinting. Nucleic Acids Res. 23: 4407-4414.

8)    Gunderson, K.L., F.J. Steemers, G. Lee, L.G. Mendoza and M.S. Chee. 2005. A genome-wide scalable SNP genotyping assay using microarray technology. Nat. Genet. 37:549-554.

3.  分子标记所检测的作物遗传变异

1)    Kahler, A.L. and R.W. Allard. 1981. Worldwide pattern of genetic variation among four esterase loci in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 59:101-111.

2)    Glaszmann, J.C. 1987. Isozymes and classification of Asian rice varieties. Theor. Appl. Genet. 74:21-30.

3)    Neale, D.B., M.A. Saghai Maroof, R.W. Allard, Q. Zhang and R.A. Jorgensen. 1988. Chloroplast DNA diversity in populations of wild and cultivated barley. Genetics 120: 1105-1110.

4)    Zhang, Q., G.P. Yang, X. Dai and J.Z. Sun. 1994. A comparative analysis of genetic polymorphism in wild and cultivated barley from Tibet using isozyme and ribosomal DNA markers. Genome 37:631-638.

5)    Zhang, Q., M.A. Saghai Maroof and A. Klenhofs. 1993. Comparative diversity analysis of RFLPs and isozymes within and among populations of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum. Genetics 134:909-916.

6)    Yang, G.P., M.A. Saghai Maroof, C.G. Xu, Q. Zhang and R.M. Biyashev. 1994. Comparative analysis of microsatellite DNA polymorphism in landraces and cultivars of rice. Mol. Gen. Genet. 245:187-194.

7)    Liu, K. D., G.P. Yang, S.H. Zhu, Q. Zhang, X.M. Wang and M.A. Saghai Maroof. 1996. Extraordinarily polymorphic ribosomal DNA in wild and cultivated rice. Genome 39:1109-1116.

8)    Liu, K, M. Goodman, S. Muse, J. S. Smith, E. Buckler and J. Doebley. 2003. Genetic structure and diversity among maize inbred lines as inferred from DNA microsatellites. Genetics 165:2117-28

4.  分子标记遗传连锁图和基因定位

1)    Allard, R. W. 1956. Formulas and tables to facilitate the calculation of recombination values in heredity. Hilgrdia 24:235-278.

2)    Lander, E., P. Green, J. Abrahamson, A. Barlow, M. Daly, S. Lincoln and A. Newbury. 1987. Mapmaker: An interactive computer package for constructing primary genetic linkage maps of experimental and natural population. Genomics 1:174-181.

3)    McCouch, S.R., G. Kochert, Z.H. Yu, Z.Y. Wang, G.S. Khush, W.R. Coffman and S.D. Tanksley. 1988. Molecular mapping of the rice chromosomes. Theor. Appl. Genet. 76:815-825.

4)    Harushima, Y., M. Yano, A. Shomura, M. Sato, T. Shimano, Y. Kuboki, T. Yamamoto, S.Y. Lin, B.A. Anotonio and A. Parco. 1998. A high-density rice genetic linkage map with 2275 markers using a single F2 population. Genetics 148:479-494.

5)    Singh, K., T. Ishii, A. Parco, N. Huang, D.S. Brar and G.S. Khush. 1996. Centromere mapping and orientation of the molecular linkage map of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:6163–6168.

6)    Wang, S., J. Wang, J. Jiang and Q. Zhang. 2000. Mapping of centromeric regions on the molecular linkage map of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using centromere-associated sequences. Mol. Gen. Genet. 263:165-172.

7)    Young, N.D., D. Zamir, M.W. Ganal and S.D. Tanksley. 1988. Use of isogenic lines and simultaneous probing to identify DNA markers tightly linked to the Tm-2a gene in tomato. Genetics 120:579-585.

8)    Michelmore, R.W., I. Paran and R.V. Kesseli. 1991. Identification of markers linked to disease-resistance genes by bulked segregant analysis: A rapid method to detect markers in specific genomic regions by using segregating populations. PNAS 88:9828-9832.

9)    Zhang, Q., B. Shen, X. Dai, M. Mei, M.A. Saghai Maroof and Z. Li. 1994. Using bulked extremes and recessive class to map genes for photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility in rice. PNAS 91:8675-8679.

5.  数量性状和杂种优势的遗传基础

1)    Lander, E. S. and D. Bostein. 1989. Mapping Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits using RFLP linkage maps. Genetics 121:185-199.

2)    Zeng, Z.B. 1994. Precision mapping of quantitative trait loci. Genetics 136:1457-1468.

3)    Wang, D.L., J. Zhu, Z. Li, A.H. Paterson. 1999. Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL × environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor. Appl. Genet. 99:1255-1264.

4)    Paterson, A.H., E.S. Lander, J.D. Hewitt, et al. 1988. Resolution of quantitative traits into Mendelian factors by using a complete linkage map of restriction length polymorphisms. Nature 335:721-726.

5)    Xing, Y.Z., Y.F. Tan, J.P. Hua, X.L. Sun, C.G. Xu and Q. Zhang. 2002. Characterization of the main effects, epistatic effects and their environmental interactions of QTLs in the genetic basis of yield traits in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet. 105:248-257.

6)    Hirel, B., P. Bertin, I. Quillere, W. Bourdoncle, C. Attagnant, C. Dellay, A. Gouy, S. Cadiou, C. Retailliau, M. Falque and A. Gallais. 2001. Towards a better understanding of the genetic and physiological basis for nitrogen use efficiency in maize. Plant Physiol. 125:1258-1270.

7)    Stuber, C.W., S.E. Lincoln, D.W. Wolff, T. Helentjaris and E. Lander. 1992. Identification of genetic factors contributing to heterosis in a hybrid from elite maize inbred lines using molecular markers. Genetics 132:823-839.

8)    Xiao, J., J. Li, L. Yuan and S.D. Tanksley. 1995. Dominance is the major genetic basis of heterosis in rice as revealed by QTL analysis using molecular markers. Genetics 140:745-754.

9)    Yu, S.B., J.X. Li, C.G. Xu, Y.F. Tan, Y.J. Gao, X.H. Li, Q. Zhang and M.A. Saghai Maroof. 1997. Importance of epistasis as the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid. PNAS 94:9226-9231.

10)  Li, Z.K., L.J. Luo, H.W. Mei, D.L. Wang, Q.Y. Shu, R. Tabien, D.B. Zhong, C.S. Ying, J.W. Stansel, G.S. Khush and A.H. Paterson. 2001. Overdominant epistatic loci are the primary genetic basis of inbreeding depression and heterosis in rice. I. Biomass and grain yield. Genetics 158:1737-1753.

11)  Hua, J.P., Y.Z. Xing, C.G. Xu, X.L. Sun, S.B. Yu and Q. Zhang. 2002. Genetic dissection of an elite rice hybrid revealed that heterozygotes are not always advantageous for performance. Genetics 162:1885-1895.

12)  Hua, J., Y. Xing, W. Wu, C. Xu, X. Sun, S. Yu and Q. Zhang 2003. Single-locus heterotic effects and dominance by dominance interactions can adequately explain the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid. PNAS 100:2574-2579.

6.  大片段DNA文库和基因组物理图谱

1)    Shizuya, H., B. Birren, U. Kim, V. Mancino, T. Slepak, Y. Tachiiri and M. Simon. 1992. Cloning and stable maintenance of 300-kilobase-pair fragments of human DNA in Escherichia coli using an F-factor-based vector. PNAS 89:8794-8797.

2)    Umehara, Y., A. Inagaki, H. Tanoue, Y. Yasukochi, Y. Nagamura, S. Saji, Y. Otsuki, T. Fujimura, N. Kurata and Y. Minobe. 1995. Construction and characterization of a rice YAC library for physical mapping. Molecular Breeding 1:79-89.

3)    Zhang, H.B., S. Choi, S.S. Woo, Z. Li and R.A. Wing. 1996. Construction and characterization of two rice bacterial artificial chromosome libraries from the parents of a permanent recombinant inbred mapping population. Molecular Breeding 2:1-14.

4)    Peng, K.M., H.B. Zhang and Q. Zhang. 1998. A BAC library constructed to the rice cultivar “Minghui 63” for cloning genes of agronomic importance. Acta Bot. Sin. 40:1108-1114.

5)    Liu, Y.G., Y. Shirano, H. Fukaki, Y. Yanai, M. Tasaka, S. Tabata and D. Shibata. 1999. Complementation of plant mutants with large genomic DNA fragments by a transformation-competent artificial chromosome vector accelerates positional cloning. PNAS 96:6535-6540.

6)    Schmidt, R., J. West, K. Love, et al. 1995. Physical map and organization of Arabidopsis chromosome 4. Science 270:480-483.

7)    Mozo, T., K. Dewar, P. Dunn, J. R. Ecker, S. Fischer, S. Kloska, H. Lehrach, M. Marra, R. Martienssen and S. Meier-Ewert. 1999. A complete BAC-based physical map of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Nat. Genet. 22:271-275.

8)    Marra, M.A., T.A. Kucaba, M. Sekhon, L. Hillier, R. Martienssen, A. Chinwalla, J. Crockett, J. Fedele, H. Grover and C. Gund. 1999. A map for sequence analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Nat. Genet. 22: 265-270.

9)    Chen, M., G. Presting, W.B. Barbazuk, et al. 2002. An integrated physical and genetic map of the rice genome. Plant Cell 14:537-545.

10)  Zhao, Q. Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, et al. 2002. A fine physical map of the rice chromosome 4. Genome Res. 12:817-823.

11)  Wu, J., T. Maehara, T. Shimokawa, S. Yamamoto, C. Harada, Y. Takazaki, N. Ono, Y. Mukai, K. Koike and J. Yazaki. 2002. A comprehensive rice transcript map containing 6591 expressed sequence tag sites. Plant Cell 14:525-535.

7.  全基因组DNA测序

1)    Collins, F.S., A. Patrinos, E. Jordan, et al. 1998. New Goals for the U.S. Human Genome Project: 1998-2003. Science 282: 682-689.

2)    Goffeau, A., B.G. Barrell, H. Bussey, R.W. Davis, B. Dujon, H. Feldmann, F. Galibert, J.D. Hoheisel, C. Jacq, M. Johnston, E.J. Louis, H.W. Mewes, Y. Murakami, P. Philippsen, H. Tettelin and S.G. Oliver. 1996. Life with 6000 genes. Science 274:546-567.

3)    The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. 2000. Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408:796-805.

4)    Yu, J., S. Hu, J. Wang, et al. 2002. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica). Science 296:79-92.

5)    Goff, S. A., D. Ricke, T.-H. Lan, et al. 2002. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica). Science 296:92-100.

6)    International Rice Genome Sequencing Project. 2005. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature 436:793-800

8.  应用图位克隆法分离克隆基因

1)    Johal, G.S. and S.P. Briggs. 1992. Reductase activity enconded by the HM1 disease resistance gene in maize. Science 258:985-987.

2)    Martin, G.B., S.W. Brommonschenkel, J. Chunwongse, A. Frary, M.W. Ganal, R. Spivey, T. Wu, E.D. Earle and S.D. Tanksley. 1993. Map-based cloning of a protein kinase gene conferring disease resistance in tomato. Science 262:1432-1436.

3)    Bent, A.F., B.N. Kunkel, D. Dahlbeck, K.L. Brown, R. Schmidt, J. Giraudat, J. Leung and B.J. Saskawicz. 1994. RPS2 of Arabidopsis thaliana: a leucine-rich repeat class of plant disease resistance genes. Science: 265:1856-1860.

4)    Jones, D.A., C.M. Thomas, K.E. Hammond-Kosack, P.J. Balint-Kurti and J.D.G. Jones 1994. Isolation of the tomato Cf-9 gene for resistance to Cldosporium fulvum by transposon tagging. Science 266:789-793.

5)    Whitham, S., S.P. Dnesh-Kumar, D. Choi, R. Hehi, C. Corr and B. Baker.1994. The product of the tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N: similarity to toll and interleukin-1 receptor. Cell 78:1101-1115.

6)    Mindrinos, M., F. Katagiri, G. Yu and F. Ausubel. 1994. The A. thaliana disease resistance gene RPS2 encodes a protein containing a nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeats. Cell 78:1089-99.

7)    Lawrence, G.J., E.J. Finnegan, M.A. Ayliffe and J.G. Ellis. 1995. The L6 gene for flax rust resistance is related to the Arabidopsis bacterial resistance gene RPS2 and the tobacco viral resistance gene N. Plant Cell 7:1195-1206.

8)    Grant, M.R., L. Godiard, E. Straube, T. Ashfield, J. Lewald, A. Sattler, R.W. Innes and J.L. Dangl. 1995. Structure of the Arabidopsis RPM1 gene enabling dual specificity disease resistance. Science 269:843-846.

9)    Song, W.Y., G.L. Wang, L.L. Chen, H.S. Kim, L.Y. Pi, T. Holsten, J. Gardner, B. Wang, W.X. Zhai, L.H. Zhu, C. Fauquet and P. Ronald 1995. A receptor kinase-like protein encoded by the rice disease resistance gene, Xa21. Science 270:1804-1806.

10)  Büschges, R.K. Hollricher, R. Panstruga, G. Simons, M. Wolter, A. Frijters, R. van Daelen, T. van der Lee, P. Diergaarde, J. Groenendijk, S. T鰌sch, P. Vos, F. Salamini and P. Schulze-Lefert. 1997. The barley mlo gene: a novel control element of plant pathogen resistance. Cell 88:695-705.

11)  Yoshimura, S., U. Yamanouchi, Y. Katayose, S. Toki, Z. Wang, I. Kono, N. Kurata, M. Yano, N. Iwata and T. Sasaki. 1998. Expression of Xa1, a bacterial blight-resistance gene in rice, is induced by bacterial inoculation. PNAS 95:1663-1668.

12)  Wang, Z.-X., M. Yano, U. Yamanouchi, M. Iwamoto, L. Monna, H. Hayasaka, Y. Katayose and T. Sasaki. 1999. The Pib gene for rice blast resistance belongs to the nucleotide binding and leucine-rich repeat class of plant disease resistance genes. Plant J. 19:55-64

13)  Bryan, G.T., K.S. Wu, L. Farrall, Y. Jia, H.P. Hershey, S.A. McAdams, K.N. Faulk, G.K. Donaldson, R. Tarchini, and B. Valent. 2000. A Single Amino Acid Difference Distinguishes Resistant and Susceptible Alleles of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta. Plant Cell 12: 2033-2046.

14)  Brueggeman, R., N. Rostoks, D. Kudrna, A. Kilian, F. Han, J. Chen, A. Druka, B. Steffenson and A. Kleinhofs. 2002. The barley stem rust-resistance gene Rpg1 is a novel disease-resistance gene with homology to receptor kinases. PNAS 99:9328-9333.

15)  Feuillet, C., S. Travella, N. Stein, L. Albar, A. Nublat and B. Keller. 2003. Map-based isolation of the leaf rust disease resistance gene Lr10 from the hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genome. PNAS 100:15253–15258.

16)  Huang, L., S.H. Brooks, W. Li, J.P. Fellers, H.N. Trick and B.S. Gill. 2003. Map based cloning of leaf rust resistance gene Lr21 from the large and polyploid genome in bread wheat. Genetics 164:655–664.

17)  Sun, X., Y. Cao, Z. Yang, C. Xu, X. Li, S. Wang and Q. Zhang. 2004. Xa26, a gene conferring resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice, encodes a LRR receptor kinase-like protein. Plant J. 37:517-527.

18)  Gu, K., B. Yang, D. Tian, L. Wu, D. Wang, C. Sreekala, F. Yang, Z. Chu, G.L. Wang, F.F. White, Z. Yin. 2005. R gene expression induced by a type-III effector triggers disease resistance in rice. Nature 435:1122-1125.

19)  Iyer, A.S. and S.R. McCouch. 2004. The rice bacterial blight resistance gene xa5 encodes a novel form of disease resistance. MPMI 17:1348–1354.

20)  Peng, J., D.E. Richards, N.M. Hartley, G.P. Murphy, K.M. Devos, J.E. Flintham, J. Beales, L J. Fish, A.J. Worland, F. Pelica, D. Sudhakar, P. Christou, J.W. Snape, M.D. Gale, and N.P. Harberd. 1999. 'Green revolution' genes encode mutant gibberellin response modulators. Nature 400:256-261.

21)  Spielmeyer, W., M. Ellis and P. Chandler. 2002. Semidwarf (sd-1), green revolution rice, contains a defective gibberellin 20-oxidase gene. PNAS 99: 9043–9048

22)  Itoh, H., T. Tatsumi, T. Sakamoto, K. Otomo, T. Toyomasu, H. Kitano, M. Ashikari, S. Ichihara and M. Matsuoka. 2004. A rice semi-dwarf gene, Tan-Ginbozu (D35), encodes the gibberellin biosynthesis enzyme, ent-kaurene oxidase. Plant Mol. Biol. 54:533-547.

23)  Yano M., Y. Katayose, M. Ashikari, U. Yamanouchi, L. Monna, T. Fuse, T. Baba, K. Yamamoto, Y. Umehara, Y. Nagamura and T. Sasaki. 2000. Hd1, a major photoperiod sensitivity quantitative trait locus in rice, is closely related to the Arabidopsis flowering time gene CONSTANS. Plant Cell 12:2473-2484.

24)  Yan, L., A. Loukoiannov, G. Tranquilli, M. Helguera, T. Fahima and J. Dubcovsky. 2003. Positional cloning of the wheat vernalization gene VRN1. PNAS 100:6263-6268.

25)  Yan, L., A. Loukoiannov, A. Blechl, G. Tranquilli, W. Ramakrishna, P. SanMiguel, J.L. Bennetzen, V. Echenique and J. Dubcovsky. 2004. The wheat VRN2 gene is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science 303:1640-1644.

26)  Brown, G.G., N. Formanova, H. Jin, R. Wargachuk, C. Dondy, P. Patil, M. Laforest, J. Zhang, W.Y. Cheung and B.S. Landry. 2003. The radish Rfo restorer gene of Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility encodes a protein with multiple pentatricopeptide repeat. Plant J. 35:262–272.

27)  Komori, T., S. Ohta, N. Murai, Y. Takakura, Y. Kuraya, S. Suzuki, Y. Hiei, H. Imaseki and N. Nitta. 2004. Map-based cloning of a fertility restorer gene, Rf-1, in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant J. 37:315-325.

28)  Li, X., Q. Qian, Z. Fu, Y. Wang, G. Xiong, D. Zeng, X. Wang, X. Liu, S. Teng, F. Hiroshi, M. Yuan, D. Luo, B. Han and J. Li. 2003. Control of tillering in rice. Nature 422:618-621

29)  Frary, A., T.C. Nesbitt, A. Frary, S. Grandillo, E. van der Knaap, B. Cong, J. Liu, J. Meller, R. Elber, K.B. Alpert and S.D. Tanksley. 2000. fw2.2: a quantitative trait locus key to the evolution of tomato fruit size. Science 289:85-88.

30)  Ashikari, M., H. Sakakibara, S. Lin, T. Yamamoto, T. Takashi, A. Nishimura, E.R. Angeles, Q. Qian, H. Kitano, and M. Matsuoka. 2005. Cytokinin oxidase regulates rice grain production. Science 309:741-745.

31)  Yi, K., Z. Wu, J. Zhou, L. Du, L. Guo, Y. Wu and P. Wu 2005. OsPTF1, a Novel Transcription Factor Involved in Tolerance to Phosphate Starvation in Rice. Plant Physiol. 138: 2087-2096.

9.  比较基因组

1)    Ahn, S. and S.D. Tanksley. 1993. Comparative linkage maps of the rice and maize genomes. PNAS 90:7980-7984.

2)    Saghai Maroof, M.A., G.P. Yang, R.M. Biyashev, P.J. Maughan and Q. Zhang. 1996. Analysis of the barley and rice genomes by comparative RFLP linkage mapping. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92:541-551.

3)    Moore, G., K.M. Devos, Z. Wang and M.D. Gale. 1995. Grasses, line up and form a circle. Current Biology 5:737-739.

4)    Paterson, A.H., Y.R. Lin, Z. Li, K.F. Schertz, J.F. Doebley, S.R.M. Pinson, S.C. Liu, J.W. Stansel and J.E. Irvine. 1995. Convergent domestication of cereal crops by independent mutations at corresponding genetic loci. Science 269:1714-1718.

5)    Chen, H., S. Wang, Y. Xing, C. Xu, P. M. Hayes and Q. Zhang. 2003. Comparative analyses of genomic locations and race specificities of loci for quantitative resistance to Pyricularia grisea in rice and barley. PNAS 100:2544-2549.

6)    Vandepoele, K., C. Simillion and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. Evidence that rice and other cereals are ancient aneuploids. Plant Cell 15:2192–2202.

7)    Bowers, J.E., B.A. Chapman, J. Rong and A.H. Paterson. 2003. Unravelling angiosperm genome evolution by phylogenetic analysis of chromosomal duplication events. Nature 422:433-438.

8)    Klein, P.E., R.R. Klein, J. Vrebalov and J.E. Mullet. 2003. Sequence-based alignment of sorghum chromosome 3 and rice chromosome 1 reveals extensive conservation of gene order and one major chromosomal rearrangement. Plant J. 34:605–621.

9)    Fu, H., and H.K. Dooner. 2002. Intraspecific violation of genetic colinearity and its implications in maize. PNAS 99:9573–9578.

10)  Paterson, A.H., J. E. Bowers and B. A. Chapman. 2004. Ancient polyploidization predating divergence of the cereals, and its consequences for comparative genomics. PNAS 101: 9903–990.

11)  Han, B. and Xue, Y. 2003. Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 6:134-138.

12)  Sorrells, M.E., M. La Rota, C.E. Bermudez-Kandianis et al. 2003. Comparative DNA sequence analysis of wheat and rice genomes. Genome Res. 13:1818-1827.

13)  Bennetzen, J.L. and W. Ramakrishna. 2002. Numerous small rearrangements of gene content, order, and orientation differentiate grass genomes. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:821-827.

10. 突变体库的创建及在功能基因分离中的应用

1)    Speulman, E., P.L. Metz, G. van Arkel, B. te Lintel Hekkert, W.J. Stikema and A. Pereira. 1999. A two-component enhancer-inhibitor transposon mutagenesis system for functional analysis of the Arabidopsis genome. Plant Cell 11:1853-1866.

2)    Springe, P.S. 2000. Gene traps: tools for plant development and genomics. Plant Cell 12:1007-1020.

3)    Bellen, H.J. 1999. Ten years of enhancer detection: lessons from the fly. Plant Cell 11:2271-2281.

4)    Campisi, L., Y. Yang, Y. Ying, E. Heilig, B. Herman, A.J. Cassista, D.W. Allen, H. Xiang and T. Jack. 1999. Generation of enhancer trap lines in Arabidopsis and characterization of expression patterns in the inflorescence. Plant J. 17:699-707.

5)    Krysan, P.J., J.C. Young and M.R. Sussman. 1999. T-DNA as an insertional mutagen in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 11:2283-2290.

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7)    Weigel, D., J.H. Ahn, M.A. Blazquez, J.O. Borevitz, S.K. Christensen, C. Fankhauser, C. Ferrandiz, L. Kardaisky, E.J. Malancharuvil, M.M. Neff, J. T. Nguyen, S. Sato, Z.Y. Wang, R.A.D. Dixon, M.J. Harrison, C.J. Lamb, M.F. Yanofsky and J. Chory. 2000. Activation tagging in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 122:1003-1014.

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