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[【经验与求助】] Developmental Cell:实时观测活性组织细胞迁移的新方法

发表于 2007-6-15 15:20:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Developmental Cell:实时观测活性组织细胞迁移的新方法 美国约翰?霍普金斯大学的研究者开发出一种直接观测活性组织细胞迁移的方法。报告发表在6月5日的《发育细胞》杂志上,指出他们这种观测方法能为控制癌细胞的生长与扩散(此过程依赖于程序化、组织化的细胞迁徙)提供支持。据每日科学消息,细胞动力学研究中心主任、生物化学教授DeniseMontell博士说:“在直播中我们可以看到果蝇的一串细胞在其成熟过程中徐徐爬过一个卵室的长度。这些边缘细胞的行为与癌细胞扩散时
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  据每日科学消息,细胞动力学研究中心主任、生物化学教授Denise Montell博士说:“在直播中我们可以看到果蝇的一串细胞在其成熟过程中徐徐爬过一个卵室的长度。这些边缘细胞的行为与癌细胞扩散时类似。”  







Developmental Cell, Vol 12, 997-1005, 05 June 2007

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Border Cell Migration Analyzed Using Time-Lapse Live-Cell Imaging

Mohit Prasad1 and Denise J. Montell1,

1 Department of Biological Chemistry, Center for Cell Dynamics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

Corresponding author
Denise J. Montell

Border cells in the Drosophila ovary originate within an epithelium, detach from it, invade neighboring nurse cells, and migrate as a coherent cluster. This migration has served as a useful genetic model for understanding epithelial cell motility. The prevailing model of growth factor-mediated chemotaxis in general, and of border cells in particular, posits that receptor activation promotes cellular protrusion at the leading edge. Here we report the time-lapse video imaging of border cell migration, allowing us to test this model. Reducing the activities of the guidance receptors EGFR and PVR did not result in the expected inhibition of protrusion, but instead resulted in protrusion in all directions. In contrast, reduction in Notch activity resulted in failure of the cells to detach from the epithelium without affecting direction sensing. These observations provide new insight into the cellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms of cell migration in vivo.

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