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[[资源推荐]] 六级改错最后冲刺攻略

发表于 2007-6-13 15:39:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. 并列结构.这主要是指由and或or连接的几个并列成分在形式上必须保持一致.这一考点在历年六级改错中出现频率相当高,同学们要给予相当的重视.
(1) At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief in(改成that,同位语从句)our democratic system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly.(07年1月新六级改错第6题)这里的writing显然与think和analyze并列,因此应该用同样的形式,所以应该改成write.
(2) Their experiments have shown that reading disorders are most likely the result of what is, in an effect(去掉an,固定介词搭配),faulty wiring in the brain-----not lazy, stupidity or a poor home environment .( 06年6月六级改错第4题)这里的lazy应该与stupidity和a poor home environment并列,因此该用名词形式laziness.
(3) Restrict yourself to one or two pages, and listing any publications or referees on a separate sheet.(06年1月六级改错第7题)通过and将restrict和listing联系起来表示并列关系,所以listing应该用原形list.
(4) How do you know how to act in a classroom,
or a department store, or toward a person who
smiles or laugh at you?(04年6月六级改错第9题)
a person又提示我们该使用第三人称单数,所以将laugh改成laughs.
(5)Most experts believe this can continue even as
if(去掉as,这里的even if表示即使)the population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding
10 billion people will not be easy for politics,
economic and environmental reasons.(04年1月六级改错第6题)同样,这里的politics应该改成political和
economic, environmental并列。
(6)Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are
producing a plant with few stems and more seeds.
(1)Science should not only be“fun”in the same way
as playing a video game, but “hard fun”----a deep
feeling of connection made possibly only by
imaginative engagement.(07年1月老六级改错第10题)我们都知道make sth possible, possible做为宾语补足语,那用被动语态就是sth be made possible,所以这里的possibly应该改成possible.
(2)Mass literacy is a relative new social goal.(06年6月六级改错第九题)显然这里表示“相对地”意思,因此要将relative改成它的副词形式relatively.注意:relative改成relatively不是第一次出现了,在04年1月的改错题中也出现过。
(3)A good CV is your passport to an interview and,
ultimate, to the job you want.(06年1月六级改错第二题) ultimate在两个逗号之间,肯定得用副词形式ultimately.
(4)She says efforts are continuing to complete end
the disease.(05年1月六级改错第三题)complete要改成副词形式completely修饰动词end。
(5)The WHO has given multi-drug therapy to patients
freely for the last five years.(05年1月六级改错第九题)可以看出这里freely想表示“免费的”意思,所以应该改成形容词形式free.
(5)Culture is essentially to our humanness.(04年6月六级改错第8题)be essential to是一个固定搭配,表示“对...
(6)Except for relative-isolated trouble spots like pres-
ent-day Somalia…(04年1月第三题)显然应该用副词relatively来修饰动词过去分词isolated,表示“相对隔绝的”。
(1)Now what started in schools across the country is  
playing itself out on a nation stage and is possibly
having an impact on the reading habits of the Ameri-
can public.(07年1月新六级第十题)“在国内舞台”应该是on a national stage,在这里名词nation要改成它的形容词形式national。
(2)Understanding the original of the negative attit-
udes towards science may help us to modify them.
(1)the leaders of our country are unconsciously
sending the message that reading may be connected
to desirable activities that…(07年1月新六级改错第七题)desirable>undesirable
(2)The task of learning facts and concepts, one at a
time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient.
(07年1月老六级改错第八题)efficient> inefficient.本题中
(3)But in the Information Age, no one can get by
with knowing how to read well and understand
increasingly complex material.(06年6月六级改错第十题)with>without.这里句子主语用了no one表示否定,而整个句子表示肯定的意思,所以后面必然要用一个否定词without
与no one构成双重否定表示肯定。
(4)Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented
CV could mean acceptance, regardless of what’s in
(5)the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,
literature, philosophy, or history.(04年6月六级改错第六题) unfamiliar>familiar
(6)Except for relatively-isolated trouble spots like
present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good
harvests, the world’s food crisis has remained just
around the corner.(04年1月六级改错第四题)good>
(7)Get someone to check for spelling and grammatic-
al errors, because a spell-checker will pick up every
mistake.(06年1月六级改错第6题)根据上下文,这里应该表示“不能挑出每个错误”,所以在pick up之前要加上否定词not.
(1)The House proposal would have barred the federal
government from demand library records….(07年1月新六级改错第三题)这里的demand应该改成demanding,
bar/stop/prevent sth from doing为固定搭配,介词from后面的动词必须使用其-ing形式。
(2)As a result, too many kids passed through school
without mastering the printed page.(06年6月六级改错第1题)介词后面跟的动词通常都要加-ing形式,所以这里的
(3)Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject
(4)This modern treatment will cure leprosy in 6 to 12
months, depend on the form of the disease.(05年1月
六级改错第8题)一个逗号将depend on和其逻辑主语this modern treatment分开,因此depend要用其现在分词形式
(5)Culture refers to the social heritage of a people----
the learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting
that characterize a population or society, include the
expression of these patterns in material things.(04年6月六级改错第一题)和上一题一样,这里的include同样得用分词形式including.
(1)If you have to send one, make sure it is one taking
in a professional setting…(06年1月六级改错第九题)这里的one指代前文的photo,我们都知道照相用take a photo,
(2)The rule here is to keep it factual and truthful-----
exaggerations usually get find out.(06年1月六级改错第10题)表示“被发现”显然要用过去分词found out.
(1) The day the NEA report released….(07年1月新六级改错第2题)这个报告被发表,所以在report和released之间要加上was.
(2) Studies indicate that many girls are affecting as
well-----and not getting help.(06年6月六级改错第6题)
(3)The members of the alliance against leprosy plan to target the countries which still threatened by
leprosy.(05年1月六级第10题)这里的the countries作为逻辑主语,与后面的动词threaten成被动关系,而且后面句子的形式threatened by leprosy也提示我们这里应该在threate-
(1)Most education system neglect exploration, under-
standing and reflection.(07年1月老六级第五题)句子的主语是education system,而前面的most和后面的neglect都提示我们这里主语应该是个复数,所以将system改成systems.
(2)There is therefore a need for resources and
methods of teaching that facilitates a deep under-
standing of science in an enjoyable way.(07年1月老六级第九题)这里facilitates前面跟的主语是resources and methods of teaching,主语是复数,所以根据主谓一致原则,要把facilitates改成facilitate。
(3)New screening tests are identifying children at
risk before they get discouraged by year of frustra-
tion and failure.(06年6月六级改错第8题)表示“多年的沮丧与失败”是一个复数的概念,因此要把year改成years.
(4)physical object like cooking pots, computers and
bathtubs.(04年6月六级改错第三题)这里的主语是physical object,也就是后面的那么些东西,因为不止一样东西,所以object得用复数形式objects.
(5)There is no guarantee that plant breeders can cont-
inue to develop new, higher-yielding crop…(04年1月六级改错第10题)在形容词前没有不定冠词,所以可以认为这里的crop表示一个复数概念,因此用crops.
(1)During the 1980s’ culture wars, school systems
across the country pulled some books from library
shelves because its content was deemed by parents
and teachers to be inappropriate.(07年1月新六级改错第9题)这里its指代前面的some books,所以物主代词应该是
(2)As a result, children memorize processes such as
mathematical formulas or the periodic table, only to
forget it shortly afterwards.(07年1月六级改错第7题)
(3) At same time(06年6月六级改错第七题)地球人都知道的at the same time是固定短语。
(4) in first paragraph(06年1月六级改错第一题)序数词前面要加the,这是初中的知识。
(5) a number of leprosy cases around the world has
been cut by ninety percent during the past ten years.
(05年1月六级改错第一题)表示数量多少应该用the number
(6)The fast-growing population’s demand for food,
they warned, would soon exceed their supply…(04年1月六级改错第二题)这里的their指代population,而人口是一个单数的概念,所以物主代词要用its.
7.介词短语的考查。分析这几年的改错,这一考点几乎成了每次考试必考的知识点,但这个得靠各位的基本功了,因为事先无法知道要考查哪个介词短语.不过看看这几年考过的介词短语搭配,我们可以发现其实都是一些最基本的,不会出现生僻的:in every
region, owe…to, in detail, in effect, for the reason,
cause damage to, deal with, for instance.

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