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[[资源推荐]] 海外风情系列:舞动西班牙--弗拉门戈

发表于 2007-6-13 10:19:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In 1492, under the rule of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, Jews, Gypsies, and Moors were expelled from Spain. Along with native Andalucians, they were forced to take refuge in the Andalucian mountains. There they could escape the Inquisition, which threatened their very survival.

  While in exile, the people of these distinct cultures together conceived a new and exciting musical art form, characterized by pride, passion, and defiant dignity. It incorporated acoustic-guitar playing, singing, chanting, dancing, and staccato hand-clapping. This bold, provocative,1 and unique style was named“Flamenco”.

  Considerable debate surrounds the origins of the word“Flamenco”. Some believe it simply means“Flemish”. Others contend2 that it comes from the Dutch word, vlaming, meaning \"fiery”,“flaming”, or“brightly colored”. Others trace it back to the Arabic felag mengu, which refers to all persecuted people who fled to the mountains to escape the Inquisition.

  The intensity of Flamenco inspires a sense of magic, and evokes3 from its audience an intense reaction. The staccato of the dancer’s heels against the floor, and the sharp bursts of clapping punctuate the singer’s haunting wail. The bright, swirling dresses add to the spectacle, and elicit4 cries of encouragement from the spectators. These elements, along with the musical virtuosity of the guitarists, combine to create a performance which, once seen, is never forgotten.--by Randy Peters



  关于“弗拉门戈”一词的起源人们争论不休。有些人认为它仅仅只是“佛兰德斯的”的意思。其它人则主张它是从荷兰文字“vlaming”而来,意思是“如火的”、“燃烧的”,或“色彩明亮的”。还有人追溯到阿拉伯文“felag mengu”,指的是那些遭到迫害,逃往山区躲避宗教审判的人。


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