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[[资源推荐]] 对同性恋者的歧视加重非洲艾滋病危机

发表于 2007-6-12 12:19:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shocking testimony on how medical staff humiliated an HIV positive gay patient: \"He died in part, I think, because he had no place to go.\"
  The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) today published a new study, Off the Map, which for the first time reveals how African governments and the global HIV/AIDS policy and funding community are denying basic human rights to same-sex practicing people in Africa. The report documents some shocking examples of how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are denied access to effective HIV prevention, counseling and testing, treatment, and care.
  Off the Map is the result of a year-long research project conducted through interviews with leaders of African lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) organizations, international aid officials, HIV/AIDS project managers, and health care providers. The study also takes advantage of existing scholarly works in this area, and policy documents produced by international agencies and government bureaus. The report highlights the fact that, \"Africa, a continent with slightly more than ten percent of the world's population, is home to 60 percent, or more than 25 million people, of those living with HIV…(the disease)is having a decidedly harsh effect on same-sex practicing people. But nearly a quarter of a century into the epidemic, there is a wall of silence that surrounds AIDS and same-sex practices that may prove to be a significant obstacle to conquering the disease.\"
  Multiple testimonies in the report demonstrate how homophobia limits the access of African gays to HIV/AIDS programs. K.S., a 23-year-old gay man in Mombasa, Kenya reported that he was chased out of a public health clinic when he asked to be examined for an anal STI(Sexually Transmitted Infection). When they face mistreatment while attempting to obtain health care, people become less likely to seek treatment for STIs, which increases risk for HIV transmission. LGBT activists in Ghana reported that the disrespect same-sex practicing men face at health center leads them \"to self-medicate for STIs, using home remedies that may be inappropriate or ineffective. Others consume left-over drugs from friends who have had similar illnesses. In the end, most get even sicker and they pass their STIs on to others.\"
  Romeo Tshuma, a Zimbabwean human rights activist, remembers accompanying a gay friend to a health care center in Harare to seek treatment for HIV and an STI, where, according to Romeo, \"the nurses were not helpful...No, it was worse than that. They embarrassed him, after that he wouldn’t go to a hospital because of the embarrassment…He died in part, I think, because he had no place to go.\"
津巴布韦的一位人权激进人士罗密欧•舒马(Romeo Tshuma)回忆说,他曾经陪一位同性恋朋友到哈拉雷的健康保健中心,寻求艾滋病和某种性传播感染病的治疗。据罗密欧说,那儿的“护士根本就不帮忙……不,情况还要更糟。她们还羞辱取笑他……遭遇那次羞辱之后,他再也不去医院了。他死了,我想,他的死部分是由于走投无路。”
  Cary Alan Johnson, IGLHRC's Senior Specialist for Africa and the author of the reports believes that the widespread denial of homosexuality in Africa contributes to human rights violations against African LGBT and increases the HIV vulnerabilities of gay people, \"Homophobic stigma, the denial of homosexuality, and legislation that criminalizes same-sex behavior, all serve to push the issue of same-sex HIV transmission further underground, and drastically limit HIV services.\"
  IGLHRC's new publication calls for specific actions by the U.S. government and other major international donors, international AIDS service organizations, private volunteer groups, and national and local African authorities to improve the access of LGBT in Africa to HIV prevention, treatment, and care services.
  IGLHRC plans to use the findings of this report to push for a more comprehensive and equitable solution for the HIV crisis in Africa. \"Off the Map offers specific solutions to address the roots of failure of HIV policies in Africa,\" said Paula Ettelbrick, Executive Director of IGLHRC. “In the next few months, we will work with our domestic and international partners to educate policy makers on the devastating impact of their HIV programs on the LGBT population in Africa. We hope that they will take steps to correct the injustice against African LGBT people affected by HIV.”

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