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[[求助与讨论]] 嘿!想声音整容吗?..................

发表于 2007-6-7 07:50:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Facelifts may help some people to look you nger. But even the best facelift hasn' t
helped them to sound younger- until now, at least. \"Voice lifts\" are the latest trend in
plastic surgery to come out of the United States. People whose voic es have weakened
over the yea rs, either from age or after fightin g a disease, can have their vocal cords
loosen ed or moved closer together. The result is a stronger spe aking voice.
Sing ing and smoking have the greatest effects on one's voice, but even in normal speech,
the voca l cords come together between 120 and 220 times a minute. \"Over time, from the use
of the voice, they actu ally decrease in pli abili ty,\" Dr. Stev en Zeitels of Harvard Medical School
told ABC television. \"They become stiffer, which makes it more di fficult for them to vibrate.\"
One form of voice-lift surgery uses an injection of fat or collagen to make the cords
themse lves less stiff. The other kind of voice lift requires impl anting a piece of Gore-Tex to
pull the tissue around the cords closer together. Doctors say the sur gery is becoming popular
with old er patients who ha ve already had pla stic surgery and want to sound as well as look
younger than they are.
Dr. V. Leroy Young, head of the American Society of Plast ic Surgeon's emerging trends task,
~ says a vocal-cord operation can be useful if one is aware of the
risks. \" It can benefit people like politicians and teachers who need to
have a strong voice th at carries,\" he told the BBC, adding, \"I'd say
caveat emptor for the profess ional singe r;but if you're a teacher and
you don't want to sound like Marlene Dietrich. it's something to
Most doctors warn th at the surgery should be done only if one is
having problems with one's voice. Actress and Broadway performer
Julie Andrews, for example, who had surgery in the mid-1990 s to
remove grow ths on her vocal cords, found that after her operation
her famou s singing voice was gone. Still, Andrews probably did the
right thing. A changing voice can be a sign of disease or even cancer.

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