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[[求助与讨论]] 通天塔

发表于 2007-6-6 06:42:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Babel来自于圣经中一个故事。据圣经记载,上帝造人之时,人类的语言都是相同的,他们能够互相理解。后来人类决定造一座直达天堂的高塔,名字就叫The Babel,译作“巴别塔”或“通天塔”。上帝发现人类的企图,十分害怕,于是在人间制造了不同的语言,从此人类之间产生隔膜,不能互相交流,这座直达天堂的通天塔最终没有造成。
  就像这个故事背后的涵义一样,影片表现也是人类之间的冷漠和隔膜。这种隔膜存在于各个层次:夫妻之间、兄弟之间、父子和父女之间、残疾人和非残疾人之间、国家和个人之间、同一国家的同胞之间、国家和国民之间、国与国之间等等。也就是影片中随处可见的各种冲突赋予了它极强的冲击力,给人以宏大的感觉。这不是一部以语言为核心的电影,即使有语言的交流,也常常是在用语言互相谩骂和指责;即使是平静有理的表述,往往也是残忍疏远的话语。影片开头就是这样一段对话,发生在Brad Pitts扮演的美国游客和妻子Susan之间。
  Susan: Richard, why did we come here?
  Richard: What do you mean, why?
  Susan:Really, why are we here?
  Richard: To be alone.
  Susan: “Alone”...(Throw out the ice.)
  Richard: The Coke’s hot.
  Susan: Yeah, but you don’t know what kind of water is in there.
  (Throw out the ice for both of them)
  Richard: Jesus Christ. Why can’t you just relax? Why are you so stressed?
  Susan: You are the reason I’m stressed. You’ve the reason why I can’t relax.
  Richard: You could if you tried.
  Susan: You don’t think I tried?
  Richard: You’ve never gonna forgive me, are you?
  Susan: You know what I’m talking about.
  Richard: Hey, I’m not gonna argue.
  Susan: Okay. You just let me know when you’ve ready to argue, if you’ve not gonna run away again.
  作为影片中最知名的明星,Brad Pitts扮演的美国游客Richard是影片中话语最多的人物,他和妻子的婚姻面临着危机,于是来到摩洛哥。故事开头两人这段看似不知所云的对话却隐含着两个本应该亲密无间的人之间巨大的隔阂。而就在两人不知如何交流的时候,妻子在大巴上被流弹击中,旅游大巴将他们带到附近有诊所的一个小镇。一路上异域文化带来的陌生感使大巴上的游客惊恐不已,他们并不关心Richard妻子的安危,想到的只是自己赶紧离开这里。Richard同样也只关心妻子的状况,无暇顾及他人。
  Tourist: How’s your wife?
  Richard: It’s bad. I can’t stop the bleeding.
  Tourist: Get her out of there and let’s go.
  Richard: Where? Where do I take her?
  Tourist: In Egypt in a town like this, they slit 30 German tourists?throats. They might do the same to us.
  Moroccan guide: No, sir, not here.
  Tourist: What do you know? We’ve got to get out of here as soon as possible.
  Female Tourist: It’s unbearably hot. We have to get back for our children.
  Another Tourist: Look, you can’t leave us here. What is the point in our staying?
  Richard: In case we need the bus!
  Tourist: He can drop us off and come back for you.
  Richard: No.
  Tourist: I’ll stay with you if you need me.
  Richard: Please just wait. Let me figure this out.
  Tourist: We’ve not gonna risk our lives, so hurry.
  Richard: Is that your daughter?
  Moroccan guide: Yes, the third of five. Do you have kids?
  Richard: Yeah.
  Moroccan guide: Just two?
  Richard: Yeah.
  Moroccan guide: You should have more.
  Richard: What about you? How many wives do you have?
  Moroccan guide: I can only afford one.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-6 06:43:12 | 显示全部楼层
Richard: No, we need help now. We need help now. Do you understand?
  Embassy Clerk: I’m doing everything I can do. I’ve got the State Department on the other line right now. They’ve doing everything they can do. Due to some political problems that are being resolved...
  Richard: I don’t give it a shit about political problems. I need help now.
  Embassy Clerk: Everybody is doing everything they can. Okay? I don’t know what else I can do. It’s all over the news. Everybody is paying attention and doing everything that they can.
  Amelia: But today is my son’s wedding.
  Richard: Cancel your son’s wedding. I’ll pay for another one, I’ll pay for a better one. I need you to do this, Amelia.
  Amelia: Everything is ready, sir. Can’t anyone come to take care of the kids? It’s just one day, sir.
  Richard: How do you expect me to find someone from here? Susan’s still recovering, and Rachel can’t make it to take care of the kids. Can’t do it. Hold on.... We’ve really counting on you, I’m sorry, but you have to do this.
  Amelia: But...
  Richard: Bye
  面临两难选择的Amelia不得不带着Richard的两个孩子(Mike 和Debbie)回墨西哥参加儿子的婚礼,返回美国的时候阴差阳错地被侄子抛弃在美墨边境的沙漠中,差点丧生,最后在美国边境被警察逮捕。因为她是非法移民,将会被遣返。下面是她和美国移民官员的对话。就像美国使馆官员一样,移民官员语气生硬,毫无人情味,却也完全合理合法。
  US officer: It’s a miracle we found those kids, madam. I don’t know how you could have left them alone like that out in the desert.
  Amelia: How are they, sir?
  US officer: That’s none of your business. You know how many kids die every year trying to cross this border?
  Amelia: I raised these kids since they were born. I take care of them day and night. I feed them breakfast and lunch and dinner. I play with them. Mike and Debbie are like my own children.
  US officer: But they are not your children, madam. Plus, you’ve been working in this country illegally.
  Amelia: What about my nephew, Santiago?
  US officer: I don’t have any information on him. We located the father in Morocco. He was very angry, but decided not to press charges.
  Amelia: Thank you.
  US officer: Nevertheless the government of the United States has deemed that you are seriously breaking the law, and is determined to immediately and definitively deport you.
  Amelia: Sir, I’ve been here for 16 years. I have my things here. I rent a house. I made a life here, sir.
  US officer: You should have thought about that beforehand.
  Amelia: I want to talk to a lawyer.
  US officer: If you attempt to take this to trial, I can assure you, you’ll only be prolonging the inevitable. I recommend you accept voluntary deportation.
  Boy: What’s happening? Why are we hiding if we didn’t even do anything wrong?
  Amelia: Because they think we did something wrong, baby.

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发表于 2007-6-6 08:46:36 | 显示全部楼层

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