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[[求助与讨论]] China Solar Stocks Shine In US

发表于 2007-6-4 22:49:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CHINESE solar-power companies are flocking to U.S. markets, offering investors a new way into one of the fastest-growing corners of the renewable-energy industry.

The latest frenzy over Chinese solar stocks was in evidence last week when Nanjing-based China Sunergy made its debut Thursday on the Nasdaq Stock Market, rising 51% in its first day of trading. Some investors are hoping for a repeat performance when two other Chinese companies that manufacture solar-energy equipment, LDK Solar and Yingli Green Energy Holding, list on the New York Stock Exchange in the next few weeks. A Chinese company already on the NYSE, Trina Solar, has filed for a secondary offering, and two more Chinese solar companies might offer shares in the U.S. in the coming year.

LDK is slated to list June 1. Its offering could raise as much as $470 million, which would make it the largest U.S. IPO of a mainland Chinese company since 2004.

The IPO boomlet reflects a confluence of two trends: growing interest in clean-technology stocks and demand from investors for more plays on China''s economy. The solar industry is growing about 30% a year, fueled by new government policies in the U.S., China and dozens of other countries wanting to boost alternative-energy use. Chinese companies are now rising to the fore, threatening rivals in the U.S., Europe and Japan and illustrating how China''s manufacturing advantages extend to the emerging clean-technology industry.

'Solar is a commodity and the only thing that matters is cost per watt,' says Jesse Pichel, a clean-technology analyst at Piper Jaffray. 'This industry will ultimately be based in China for all the same reasons that cellphones and computers are made there.'

Chinese solar stocks began to heat up in late 2005 when Suntech Power Holdings of China, one of the world''s largest producers of photovoltaic cells, listed on the NYSE. The $455 million IPO was the largest by a Chinese company in the U.S. that year, and the shares doubled in price in the first month before retreating.

This year, Suntech shares have been quiet; yesterday at midday, they were down four cents at $34.58, a gain of about 2% from the end of 2006. Shares of Suntech, which has a market value of about $5.5 billion, currently trade at about 19.2 times projected per-share earnings for 2008, according to CIBC World Markets.

Since Suntech''s listing, four other Chinese solar companies have sold shares in the U.S., and several have racked up considerable gains. All that activity raises concerns about a possible solar bubble.

'The excitement, to some extent, is warranted, but some of the valuations are getting out of hand,' says Jeff Osbourne, director of equity research at CIBC World Markets. On April 17, he downgraded two new Chinese stocks, Nasdaq-listed JA Solar Holdings and Solarfun Power Holdings, after their share prices topped his targets.

Analysts say many investors viewed Suntech''s initial success as an indicator for the overall Chinese solar industry, but some newcomers may not be as well positioned to deal with current industry dynamics. 'The market does not yet separate winners and losers,' says Mr. Pichel of Piper Jaffray. 'There''s more momentum money and less good trading on numbers.'

One key point of differentiation between the newcomers is access to polysilicon, a material used to convert sunlight into energy. The entire solar industry is battling a shortage of the material. Because silicon accounts for about 40% of the cost of a solar panel, the price companies pay for it over the next several years will have a huge impact on margins. Companies like Suntech, which have long-term silicon-supply contracts, will likely pay lower rates than competitors that have to buy it on the spot market.

That is one factor brightening prospects for LDK. The company contains costs by using recycled polysilicon, which is relatively easy and inexpensive to buy. LDK makes silicon wafers, a key ingredient in solar cells, which in turn are used in solar panels.

LDK is also at a sweet spot in the solar supply chain with relatively few competitors. Competition tends to be concentrated higher up the chain, between companies making finished solar panels. LDK is expected to sell 7.4 million ordinary shares -- about 17% of the company -- at between $25 and $27 each.

Access to silicon is also a plus for Yingli. Like Suntech, it is vertically integrated, producing everything from silicon ingots to finished panels. Yingli has secured a long-term silicon-supply contract with a major Chinese producer, according to people knowledgeable about the company.

The company aims to raise about $350 million with its IPO but hasn''t yet set the terms. Some analysts say Yingli will likely launch at a higher valuation than LDK because of its integrated structure. Yingli is likely to price in the range of $11 to $13 a share, according to a person familiar with the IPO.

Concerns about silicon prices have made some analysts cautious about the secondary offering from Trina Solar, another vertically integrated Chinese player. The company is relying on short- and medium-term silicon-supply contracts, which means Trina may be more vulnerable to fluctuations in silicon prices. The company released first-quarter earnings Monday, which showed that operating margins fell to 10.5% from 15.1% in the fourth quarter of 2006, a sign that rising silicon prices might be cutting into profitability.

American depositary shares of Trina, which listed on the NYSE in December and which has a market cap of about $1.2 billion, have roughly tripled from the IPO pricing. Last week, the company filed for a secondary offering of 5.4 million shares that is expected raise about $315 million. The shares trade at about 14.9 times earnings per share for 2008, according to Thomson Financial estimates.

Silicon isn''t the only problem faced by some of China''s solar players. Rampant piracy in China means U.S. and European companies might be reluctant to outsource production of cutting-edge solar technologies to Chinese suppliers.

Also, tough competition could prompt Chinese companies to sacrifice margin in the quest for market share. That would be especially damaging for the solar industry, where the high silicon costs are eroding profits.

Meanwhile, solar power isn''t a panacea for the world''s energy woes. While the price of solar energy has been dropping for decades, it is still significantly more expensive than power purchased from a grid in most parts of the world, and the industry relies heavily on government subsidies.


投资者对中国太阳能类股的热情在上周再次显现出来,总部设在南京的中电光伏(China Sunergy)在那斯达克首日上市股价即飙升了51%。投资者期望另两家太阳能设备制造商赛维LDK太阳能高科技有限公司(LDK Solar)和英利绿色能源控股有限公司(Yingli Green Energy Holding)未来几周在纽约证交所上市时也能有类似表现。已经在纽约证交所上市的天合光能(Trina Solar)提出了大股东转售申请,还有两家中国太阳能公司明年可能在美国募股。



Piper Jaffray清洁技术分析师杰西•皮切尔(Jesse Pichel)说,最终该行业的发展基地将位于中国,原因就同在那里生产手机和电脑一样。

中国的太阳能类股从2005年下半年开始升温,当时全球最大的太阳能电池制造商之一尚德太阳能电力有限公司(Suntech Power Holdings of China)在纽约证交所上市。4.55亿美元的IPO是当年中国公司在美国募股的最大规模。该公司股价在一个月内上涨了一倍,随后出现了回调。

尚德太阳能的IPO定价为15美元,该股周二收于34.79美元。CIBC World Markets的数据显示,尚德太阳能的市值约为55亿美元,目前的股价约为2008年预期收益的19.2倍。


CIBC World Markets股票研究部主管杰夫•奥斯伯恩(Jeff Osbourne)说,在某种程度上说,这种热情是合理的,但其中一些股票的估值正在失去控制。4月17日,在那斯达克上市的两只中国新股晶澳太阳能(JA Solar Holdings)和林洋新能源(Solarfun Power Holdings)超过了他的目标股价后,他下调了这两只股票的评级。

分析师称,许多投资者认为尚德太阳能最初的成功代表了中国的整个太阳能行业,但一些新公司在目前的行业发展情况下可能并未占据有利位置。Piper Jaffray的皮切尔说,市场尚未分出赢家和输家,不分青红皂白追涨的资金太多。







天合光能的美国存托股票去年12月份在纽约证交所上市,目前已经比IPO定价上涨了两倍左右,市值约为12亿美元。上周,该公司提交了向大股东转售540万股股票的申请,预计融资额将达到3.15亿美元左右。Thomson Financial的数据显示,目前该股股价约为2008年预期每股收益的14.9倍。




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