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[[求助与讨论]] 从李光耀的空调标准谈起(双语)

发表于 2007-5-22 11:29:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:英国《金融时报》维克托•马莱(Victor Mallet)
2007年5月22日 星期二

It is gratifying for ambitious Asians to examine the FT’s new masthead on the page opposite. The five tallest buildings in the engraving, and in the similar promotional montage on the FT.com website, are iconic landmarks in the Asian cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Taipei.

Less gratifying is the fact that Asia’s obsession with height is not matched by an interest in the energy efficiency of its awe-inspiring skyscrapers. Environmental issues – global warming, air pollution, wind power and hybrid cars – are almost as much discussed in Asia as they are in Europe or the Americas, but the related if unsexy subject of building standards merits hardly a murmur.

Yet this is no small matter. Buildings typically account for a third of a nation’s energy consumption. China, the most populous country on earth, is estimated to use two to three times more energy per square metre of its buildings than most advanced economies. This will come as no surprise to anyone who has donned a woolly jumper in a freezing air-conditioned restaurant in summer, or thrown open the windows on an icy winter’s night in Beijing to avoid being baked alive by the communal heating in their apartment building.

China and other Asian economies need urgently to catch up with global improvements in building efficiency and to tackle the two big problems with the way buildings are designed, constructed and used.

第一个问题是行为问题,即亚洲人对空调的痴迷。这一点从新加坡前总理、现任内阁资政李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)身上就能得到体现。
The first problem is behaviour, or Asia’s love affair with air-conditioning, as embodied in Lee Kuan Yew, former prime minister of Singapore and now the city’s “minister mentor”.

Mr Lee once called the air-conditioner the most important invention of the second millennium because it had allowed the inhabitants of hot countries to match the achievements of civilisations in temperate zones. He himself insists on a temperature setting of 22篊 by day and 19篊 at night. For comparison, the Hong Kong government – not known for its green credentials – sets a summer temperature of 25.5篊 for its offices to save energy on cooling, while super-efficient Japan goes up to a sweaty maximum of 28篊.

Mr Lee’s addiction to climate control is not peculiarly Asian. Americans are just as eager to live their lives at uniform levels of temperature and humidity. But the novelty of air-con in developing Asia has stoked a perverse desire to fight the natural climate. Offices, shops and cinemas in Asia’s big buildings tend to be bitterly cold in mid-summer, and stiflingly hot in winter. Tropical Singapore has been dubbed the “air-conditioned nation”. In Hong Kong, only civil servants are obliged to follow the government’s guidelines and few private businesses do so.

The second problem concerns the laws and regulations needed to influence people’s behaviour and ensure that good buildings are constructed in the first place. Apart from Japan and South Korea, few Asian countries have done much to emulate the western adoption of “green” or “sustainable” buildings – a matter of profound significance for energy use given the large number of buildings under construction in Asia and the likelihood that they will stand for decades to come.

在香港这个富裕而人口密集的城市,其经济逻辑长期以来为一直房产开发商所主导。它们自然想要削减成本以赚取更多利润,但支付电费账单、进而承担低能效代价的常常是不幸的租户,而非建筑物的所有者。用香港大学建筑系教授Josie Close的话说,这个城市的建筑法规“软弱无力”,在提高能效或强制执行环境标准方面做得不够。
In Hong Kong, a wealthy, densely populated city, the economy has long been dominated by property developers. They might be expected to want to cut costs to make more profit, but it is the unfortunate tenants, not the owners, who usually pay the electricity bills and thus bear the costs of inefficiency. The city has what Josie Close, of the University of Hong Kong’s department of architecture, calls “pussycat building codes” that do not do enough to increase energy efficiency or enforce environmental standards.

希望还是有的。应当责成亚洲每一个与建筑法规有关的官员,都去看一看澳大利亚墨尔本小柯林斯街(Little Collins Street)上一座其貌不扬的10层建筑。这座名为“市府2号楼”(Council House Two)的新建筑是市政府的办公楼,它几乎使用了所有可以想象得到的设计特色和技术,以节约能源,循环用水,改善工作环境。
There is still hope. Every senior bureaucrat in Asia concerned with building codes should be obliged to inspect a modest-looking, 10-storey building in Little Collins Street in the Australian city of Melbourne. Called CH2 (for Council House Two), this new office building for the city government was built using almost every imaginale design feature and technology that could save energy, recycle water and improve the working environment.

The keys to its success – this is almost certainly the greenest office building in the Asia-Pacific – are not the solar panels or the wind turbines on the roof but the “passive” systems that enable the building to use the natural climate rather than fight it. Massive concrete floors and ceilings, for example, absorb heat during summer days and are cooled at night as the building is flushed with colder fresh air. The aim, already close to being achieved, is to cut energy use by a remarkable 80 per cent compared with the old council building and to increase productivity.

或许这些理念中的一部分最终将在亚洲得到竞相效仿。在中国广州,一栋名为“珠江大厦”(Pearl River Tower)的71层高楼已经动工。这座大楼由美国的SOM(Skidmore, Owings & Merrill)设计,SOM自豪地称之为“迄今建造的最节能的超高层建筑”。
Perhaps some of these ideas will catch on in Asia after all. In Guangzhou, southern China, work has begun on a 71-storey building called the Pearl River Tower, designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill of the US and touted by SOM as “the most energy-efficient super-tall tower ever built”.

It is true that Melbourne’s CH2 has taken time to overcome its teething problems – the lighting, for instance, turned out to be too dim – and it is possible that the Pearl River Tower’s solar and wind generators will never fulfil the building’s goal of zero net energy use. But these ambitious projects are helping to set standards that all of Asia’s large buildings will eventually have to follow – for the sake of the planet, and for the sake of anyone who pays an electricity bill.


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