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[[原创地带]] 《狄拉克方程》第四章(提要)《THE DIRAC EQUATION》CHAPTER 4( SUMMARY )

发表于 2007-5-22 07:59:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[align=justify]In order to make the Dirac operator well defined and to ensure the existence of unique solutions for the initial value problem, the potential function V(x) must have a certain regularity. In Sect. 4.3 we formulate conditions establishing the self-adjointness of the Dirac operator H = H_0 + V. Concerning the local behavior, potentials with 1/r-singularities are admitted only for coupling constants yless than c/2. Stronger singularities can only be dealt with for special matrix potentials. In the case of an electrostatic Coulomb potential one can find physically distinguished self-adjoint extensions for y < c (nuclear charges < 137). The behavior of the potentials at infinity is not restricted in contrast to the Schrodinger case. This can be understood as a consequence of the finite propagation speed of Dirac particles. In Sect. 4.3.4 we show that the Dirac operator in an external field has the same essential spectrum as the free Dirac operator provided the potential vanishes at infinity.

For static potentials the self-adjointness of the Dirac operator is sufficient to solve the initial value problem by Stone&#39;s theorem. For time-dependent potentials we need some additional assumptions. A short discussion of these problems is given in Sect. 4.4. The situation is particularly simple if the time dependence is the result of a gauge or symmetry transformation. The limitations of the theory are most clearly indicated by the Klein paradox. This phenomenon occurs whenever the interaction is so strong as to cause transitions from electron states to positron states. We show that in the presence of high potential steps the Dirac equation has solutions which violate the principle of charge conservation. This paradoxical situation has no completely satisfactory physical explanation within a one particle interpretation.

The limitations of the theory are most clearly indicated by the Klein paradox. This phenomenon occurs whenever the interaction is so strong as to cause transitions from electron states to positron states. We show that in the presence of high potential steps the Dirac equation has solutions which violate the principle of charge conservation. This paradoxical situation has no completely satisfactory physical explanation within a one particle interpretation.

The explicit solution of the Dirac equation with an external field is of course largely facilitated by the presence of symmetries. Most important for applications (e.g., the hydrogen atom) are spherically symmetric potentials, which we treat in Sect. 4.6. In this case the Hilbert space can be decomposed into an orthogonal direct sum of partial wave subspaces, which are the simultaneous eigenspaces of the angular momentum operators J^2,J_3 and the operator K which describes the spin-orbit coupling. On each subspace the Dirac equation is equivalent to a two dimensional system of ordinary differential equations of first order (the radial DiraC equation). Some general results on the spectral properties of the radial Dirac operator are reviewed in Sect. 4.6.6.

In Sect. 4.7 we present some results on the behavior of eigenvalues. We prove the relativistic virial theorem, which gives simple criteria for the absence of embedded eigenvalues in certain regions of the continuous spectrum.


[align=justify]  本章我们介绍作为乘法算符V的含时空参数x的4*4矩阵值函数的一种势场。根据他们在庞加莱变换下的特性,场可以分标量势,赝标量势,矢量势或赝矢量势,张量力或赝张量力(见4.1和4.2节)。矢量势描述电磁力,标量势可能用作夸克禁闭模型,而张量力对于描述反常电磁矩却是必不可少的.
  为了给狄拉克算子以准确定义并确保初值问题的解的唯一性,势函数V(x)必须有一定的规律性。在4.3节,我们阐述建立狄拉克算符H=H_0+V的自伴矩阵的条件。关于局部性,呈1/r规律的势已被证明的仅适合于耦合小于c/2的常数。更强的奇异性仅能被用于处理特殊的矩阵势。在静电库仑势y/r的情形下人们可以发现自然的y< c(即核电荷数<137)的著名自伴随矩阵。与Schr鰀inger情形相比,无穷势是不受限制的。这可被理解为狄拉克粒子的有限性传播的一个结果。在4.3.4节,我们证明了狄拉克算子在外场中有着对应着无穷远处时零势能极限的自由狄拉克算子的相同的本质谱。

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