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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(77)

发表于 2007-5-18 16:47:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
17. maintain v. 维持,保持;维修,保养,扶养;断言

  1) Maintaining law and order is of top priority.(维持法律和秩序是头等大事。)

  2) Everyone should contribute to maintaining world peace.(每一个人都应为维护世界和平作出贡献。)

  3) To get there before dark, you have to maintain a high speed of 80 miles an hour.


  4) Their work is to maintain railway lines.(他们的工作是养护铁路。)

  5) He found it so hard to maintain a family of five.(他感到要负担一个五口之家很困难。)

  6) He maintained that such things should never be done again.(他强调这种事情不应再发生了。)

  18. approach v. 靠近;处理(问题)      n. 方法;接近

  1) The train is approaching the station.(火车在向车站靠近。)

  2) His work is approaching perfection.(他的工作渐臻完美。)

  3) He approached the problem with calm and caution.(他沉着而审慎地对持那个问题。)

  4) Go home quickly, a storm is approaching.(快点回家,暴风雨即将来临。)

  5) Our approach drove away the wild animals.(我们一靠近就把野兽赶跑了。)

  6) The best approach to this problem is to cut down cost and increase efficiency.


  19. positive adj. 确定的;积极地,肯定地

  positively adv. 确定地,明确地;积极地,肯定地

  1) He was frightened by the results of his blood test, for all tested items show positive reactions.


  2) I'm positive about it.(对这点我有绝对把握。)

  3) They longed for a positive answer.(他们渴望得到肯定的答复。)

  4) You should adopt a more positive attitude toward life.(对生活你应该采取更积极的态度。)

  5) He never answered my questions positively.(他从不肯定地回答我的问题。)

  20. aspect n. 方向;外表

  1) They considered the plan in all its aspects.(他们全面地考虑了这一计划。)

  2) His face had a frightening aspect.(他的脸色很吓人。)

  21. emerge v. 出现

  1) The sun emerged from behind a cloud.(太阳从云朵后面出来了。)

  2) Different ideas have emerged.(不同意见出现了。)

  3) A modern industrial city is now emerging.(一个现代化的工业城市正在兴起。)







  1. Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.

  that引导的是一个宾语从句,在这个从句中,动名词短语setting aside time…做主语,此类结构在英语中很常见。如:

  1) He told me that getting up early in the morning was hard for him.(他告诉我早起对他来说很困难。)

  2) The teacher said that cheating on exams was on the increase in many schools.


  3) My brother told me that setting up his own company would not be totally impossible.


  set aside 意思是to reserve or keep sth. for a special use or purpose (留出、拨出);set aside也可表示overturn(驳回、取消),disregard(不顾)。如:

  1) He decided to set aside 50 yuan every month so that he could buy a used bike.


  2) His parents asked him to set aside 30 minutes every morning reading English.


  3) The government set aside thirteen per cent of the money for health and education.


  4) The original verdict was eventually set aside by the Supreme Court.(原先地裁决最终被最高法庭驳回。)

  5) We must set aside all formality and another try.(我们必须不拘形式再试一次。)

  a / the misuse of sth.意思是 use sth. in an incorrect or improper manner(误用、滥用)。如:

  The misuse of company assets brought about heavy losses.(滥用公司财产造成了严重损失。)

  在词汇部分我们讲到mis-是一个前缀,常指things being done badly or wrongly. 如:understand-misunderstand , print-misprint等等。

  2. He assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program than by learning to play bridge.

  本句中地no是一个副词,用在副词比较级地前面,表示“并不、毫不”。no也可以在形容词比较级地前面。如:no more than, no less than, no longer than,no farther than 等等。

  1) I could no more play piano than you.(我和你一样不会弹钢琴。)

  2) This place is no better than slum.(这地方与贫民窟差不多。)

  better是副词well的比较级形式,served是个过去分词,可用作形容词,如: better organized, better prepared, better managed等等。


  1) assure sb. of sth.

  He assured me of the feasibility of the plan.(他使我确信这个计划是可行的。)

  2) assure sb. that……

  I assured my mother that I would handle the problem.(我向母亲保证我能处理这个问题。)


  assure指以十分肯定的语气向别人保证某事一定发生,多用assure sb. of / that在结构中;ensure意为确保某种行动或动因的结果一定会发生,后面可以跟sth.或that从句,但不能带双宾语;insure意思是“给…保险”;secure的意思是make safe(使安全)。

  1) He assured me that Dr. Baker would come.(他向我保证贝克博士会来。)

  2) To ensure the child's quick recovery, the doctor gave him three different medicines.


  3) The house is insured against fire.(这房子保了火灾险。)

  4) They tried their best to secure the bridge from further attack.(他们尽力保护桥梁免受进一步的攻击。)

  3. College and his preparation for a career were his only priorities.请注意区prepare 和prepare for的区别。

  prepare sb. or sth. 指make them ready for an event or action that will happen in the future,如:

  We have to prepare our lessons carefully.(我们得仔细备课。)

  prepare for an event or action指get oneself ready for it; make plans for it so that it and prepared when it happens, 如:

  The children washed out hands and prepared for the meal.(孩子们洗好手准备吃饭。)

  名词preparation通常用在短语make preparations for和in preparation for当中,如:

  1) They were making preparations for the old man's funeral.(他们在为老人的葬礼做准备。)

  2) We will have to collect new material in preparation for the experiment.(我们得收集新资料为实验作准备。)

  priority指 give priority to和 take / has priority当中。如:

  1)This project has priority over all others.(这个项目比所有其他项目都更受重视。)

  2)Education is given first priority in their family.(教育在他们家是予以最优先考虑的问题。)

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