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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(58)

发表于 2007-5-11 09:39:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Text A  Heart Disease:Treat or Prevent?


  1.western adj. 西方的;西部的

  Westerner n. 西方人

  1)The sun began to turn red on the western horizon. (太阳在西方地平线上开始变成红色。)

  2)I've just had four years in Western Nigeria.(我刚在西尼日利亚呆了四年。)

  3)The impact of western technology on that country was incredible.(西方技术对那个国家的影响是难以置信的。)

  4)Many Westerners eat too much food rich in sugar and fat, they may die of heart illnesses at an early age.(许多西方人吃太多高糖、高脂的食品,他们可能在年轻时就会死于心脏疾病。)

  5)Westerners eat with forks and knives, while we Chinese eat with chopsticks.(西方人用刀叉吃饭,而我们中国人用筷子吃饭。)

  2.alarm n. 惊恐;担心;闹铃     v. frighten (使惊恐;向…报警)

  alarming  adj. worrying, disquieting (使人惊恐的、令人担心的)

  1)There is no cause for alarm. (不必恐慌。)

  2)It is necessary that you install a burglar alarm.(你有必要装防盗警报器。)

  3)They were alarmed to find the old lady dead.(他们发现老太太死了,大惊失色。)

  4)The world's forests are shrinking at an alarming rate.(世界森林正以惊人的速度减少。)

  3. surgery  n. 外科,手术

  surgical  adj.  外科的;外科手术的

  surgeon 外科医生

  1)The patient had suffered a heart attack while under going surgery.(在进行外科手术时,那位病人心脏病发作。)

  2)The doctor is doing a minor surgery on Mr. Wang's mouth.(医生正在给王先生的口部施行小手术。)

  3)Some people can have their vision restored by a surgical operation.(有些人可以通过外科手术恢复视力。)

  4)He works as a brain surgeon in a hospital.(他在一家医院做脑外科医生。)

  4. technology  n. 技术,工艺

  technological  adj.  技术的,工艺的

  1)Science has contributed much to modern technology. (科学对现代技术作出了很大贡献。)

  2)The advances in science and technology are accelerating.(科学技术正在加速发展。)

  3)Our belief in the power of modern technology won't change.(我们对现代技术威力的信念不会改变)

  4)We need to acquire adequate modern scientific and technological knowledge to meet the challenge of the 21st century.(为了迎接二十一世纪的挑战,我们需要掌握足够的现代科学及技术知识。)

  5)They made another technological breakthrough in the field of petroleum recovering.


  5. advance  v.前进;取得进展      n. 前进,进展,预付

  1)We have greatly advanced in our understanding of the human brain.(在对人脑的认识方面我们已取得重大进展。)

  2)The university took every opportunity to advance its prestige.(那所大学抓住每一个机会提高自己的声誉。)

  3)The date of the meeting was advanced by two weeks.(会议的日期提前了两周。)

  4)Einstein advanced the theory of relativity.(爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论。)

  5)As autumn advanced, the old lady became worse.(秋深了,老妇人的病情变得更加糟糕。)

  6)Their team has advanced to the semifinals.(他们队已进入半决赛。)

  7)These young workers have advanced greatly in skill.(这些青工的技术已有很大提高。)

  8)Material advance and spiritual enrichment should both be emphasized.(物质进步和精神充实都应强调。)

  9)Remarkable advances have been made recently in medicine.(近来医学方面取得了令人瞩目的进步。)

  10)He arrived half an hour in advance.(他早到了半小时。)

  6. enable  v. 使能够,使可能

  这个动词的用法是在其宾词后接不定式:enable sb to do sth

  1)Their help enabled the children to get home safe and sound. (他们的帮助使孩子们能安然无恙地到家。)

  2)Planes enable people to travel long distances in a short time.(飞机能使人们在短时间内做长途旅行。)

  3)His early training enabled him to face everything with confidence.(他的早期训练使他能自信地面对一切。)

  请注意区别unable和enable.unable是一个形容词,通常用be unable to do sth.意思是“不能够做某事。”

  He was unable to give us a definite answer.(他不能给我们一个明确答复。)

  7. benefit  n. 益处   v. 有益于;得益

  beneficial  adj. useful 有益的

  1)Internet has brought innumerable benefits to people.(互联网给人们带来了无数的益处。)

  2)The changes are to our benefit. (这些改变对我们有利。)

  3)For the benefit of those who were not here last time, I'll go over what I said first.(为了那些上次没来的人,我将先重复我说过的话。)

  4)This policy will benefit working families.(这一政策将使职工家庭得到好处。)

  5)Neither of them will benefit from the insurance company.(他们俩谁也不会从保险公司得到好处。)

  6)Sunshine and rain are beneficial to the growth of the plants.(阳光和雨水有益于这些植物的生长。)

  7)Fresh air is beneficial to your health.(新鲜空气有益你的健康。)

  8.disadvantage   n. 不利地位,不利条件;缺点

  disadvantaged  处于不利地位的; 贫困的

  advantage  有利条件;优点,好处

  1)It put us under a serious disadvantage. (这使我们处于极为不利的地位。)

  2)The disadvantage of this plan was that it needed more fund.(这个计划的缺点是它需要更多的资金。)

  3)Those pupils who were inattentive in class would be at a disadvantage.


  4)It was to our disadvantage to refuse this proposal.(拒绝这个建议对我们不利。)

  5)These disadvantaged families need immediate help.(这些贫困家庭急需帮助。)

  6)The new system has a lot of advantages over the old one. (新系统与旧系统相比有许多优点。)

  7)It might be to your advantage to quit this job. (辞掉这份工作也许对你有利。)

  8)His experience gives him the advantage over us.(他的经验使他比我们更有优势。)

  9)They took advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her. (他们利用她缺少商业意识来欺骗她。)

  10)We must take advantage of this opportunity to practise our oral English.(我们必须利用这个良机练一练英语口语。)

  9. resource n. 常用复数 资源,财力;应付的办法

  1)The North-eastern area of China is rich in timber resources. (中国的东北地区木材资源丰富。)

  2)Oil is kuwait's most important resource. (石油是科威特最重要的资源。)

  3)We don't have adequate human resources for this project. (我们没有足够的人力资源来完成这个项目。)

  4)He spent all his resources on educating his only son. (他把所有的财力都花在了独生子的教育上了。)

  5)He is a man of great resource. (他是个足智多谋的人。)

  6)We are now at the end of our resources.(我们现在正是智穷才尽。)

  10. prevent  v. 阻止,妨碍,预防

  prevention  n. 预防,妨碍

  1)Nothing would prevent us from going to help them.(什么也阻止不了我们去帮助他们。)

  2)The rain prevented its from having the match.(那场雨使我们不能举行比赛。)

  3)This medicine will prevent you from catching cold. (这种药可以使你预防感冒。)

  4)Keeping dry is a prevention against cold. (保持干燥可以预防感冒。)

  5)Prevention is better than cure. (防病胜过医病。)

  11. equip  v. 配备,装备,赋予

  equipment  n. 装备,设备

  1)They are going to build a park equipped with a playground, ball fields and a museum.


  2)Not all microscopes are equipped to do this. (不是所有的显微镜都能做这件事。)

  3)He is equipped with a deep sense of justice. (他具有深切的正义感。)

  4)This is an important piece of equipment. (这是一件重要设备。)

  5)They exported a million dollars worth of electrical equipment. (他们出口了价值一百万美元的电气设备。)

  12.emphasis n. 强调;重点

  emphasize v. 强调,着重

  1)The report placed particular emphasis on the need to improve agriculture.


  2)Much emphasis is being placed on learning those basic skills. (对基本技能的学习正在得以强调。)

  3)He emphasized the importance of being honest. (他强调诚实的重要性。)

  4)John emphasized a point I had made previously.


  13.stress n. 压力;重音;强调     v. 强调;着重

  1)Not all of us can cope with the stresses of modern life. (并非我们每一个人都能应付现代生活的紧张。)

  2)Continued stress may result in mental illnesses. (持续的紧张可能导致精神疾病。)

  3)My parents put great stress on good manners. (我父母很强调要有好的行为举止。)

  4)The teacher said the stress should be on the second syllable. (老师说重音在第二个音节上。)

  5)He stressed the need for better education. (他强调需要更好的教育。)

  6)I ought to stress that this was only a trial balloon. (我应该强调这只是个试飞方案。)

  14.lack  n./ v. 缺乏,不足,没有

  lacking adj. 缺少的

  1)He abandoned his research work for lack of fund. (由于缺乏资金,他放弃了他的研究工作。)

  2)There is a lock of protein in his diet.(他的饮食中蛋白质不足。)

  3)If you lack anything, please let me know.(如果你缺少什么东西,请告诉我。)

  4)In any case, he doesn't lack for money.(总之,他并不缺钱。)

  5)Money was lacking for the plan.(此项计划缺钱。)

  6)He is lacking in courage.(他勇气不足。)

  请注意区别short of 和lack of.short 是形容词,而lack 是名词。

  1)We are short of hands.(我们缺少人手。)

  We lack nothing but encouragement.(我们只缺少鼓励。)

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