楼主 |
发表于 2007-5-16 11:18:22
Google了一回,“Gougu Theorem”已经很多了。忽然想起了“众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”这一名句。谢resonance。愿一路风光无限!
http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/ ... D/NineChapters.html
Mathematics - Pythagoras' Theorem
The History
An image of the bust of Pythagoras, from Wikipedia
The history of the theorem begins, interestingly, long before Pythagoras himself was born. The theory dates back to the relationships of what were later known as Pythagorean triples by groups including the Egyptians, and those in Neolithic Britain. The concepts of right angle triangles and the Pythagorean triples were important for mathematicians from an early stages, and thus related theories were known and probably proved before Pythagoras began to look at the problems. In fact, the theorem itself may have actually been discovered many times over, but it is only attributed to Pythagoras in the West. In China, on the other hand, the theorem is known as Gougu Theorem, due to the numerical proof of Chou Pei Suan Ching.
The proofs in themselves play an important part in the theorem's history. It is possible that Pythagoras proved it himself, but there isn't evidence to show this. It is also possible that he gained the named for the theory based on the work of one - or many - of his students, as was the practice at the time. Among the many proofs that exist - as mentioned on the proof page - is one by former US President James Garfield. He created an original proof of the theory in 1876. |