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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(44)

发表于 2007-5-6 09:01:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
13. bargain n. 交易;特价商品    v. 讨价还价

  1)I was sure it would be a losing bargain at the beginning.(我开始就认定这是一笔赔本买卖。)

  2)She showed me how to shop bargains. (她让我看看该怎样觅购特价商品。)

  3)I'm considering the possibility of bargaining with our opponent.(我在考虑和对手谈判的可能性。)

  4)She refused to bargain over the price. (她不愿讨价还价。)

  14. fabulous adj. 神话式的,惊人的

  1)He is a fabulous figure in history.(他是历史上的传奇式人物。)

  2)Mr. Wang really didn't know what to do with fabulous fortune at the moment.


  3)We had a fabulous time at the party.(我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。)

  15. mercy n. 慈悲,宽容

  1)Have some mercy on the poor child (对可怜的孩子发发慈悲吧。)

  2)He showed no mercy on (to) his opponents. (他对对手毫不手软。)

  3)The jury found him guilty and did not recommend mercy.(陪审团认为他有罪,所以未提请法庭宽大处理。)

  4)What a mercy that you could survive the air crash.(你能在空难中幸存是多么幸运啊!)

  at the mercy of 任凭…的摆布

  for mercy's sake 看在上帝的份上

  leave…。to the mercies of 听由…任意摆布

  16. reluctant adj. 不情愿的

  1)He was reluctant to give them any help. (他不愿意给他们任何帮助。)

  2)She gave us a reluctant promise (他勉强地给了我们允诺。)

  17. bound adj. 一定的;受约束的;开往…

  1)We are bound to succeed.(我们一定会成功。)

  2)He is bound to refuse.(他一定会拒绝)

  3)She has no time to go shopping as she is bound to her job.(她被工作束缚住了,没时间去购物。)

  4)Where are you bound for?(你上哪儿去了?)

  5)He is bound for home from Shanghai(他在从上海回家的途中。)


  “ The Great American Garage Sale”这篇课文通过对一户普通的美国家庭把家里不再需要的物品整理出来进行现场旧货出售一事的描述,告诉读者现场旧货出售在美国深受普通百姓的喜爱,买卖双方都乐在其中。究其原因不外乎如下几点:



  3)希冀有意外收获的美梦成真。Garage sale 既降福予者也降福取者,只是有一天买东西的人会成为卖东西的人,因为他也遇到了同一个问题-如何打发掉家里多余的物品。


  1. Not long ago, Charles Erickson and his family decided to do some Spring housecleaning.

  动词do 常与一些名词连用。表示从事某种普通的活动或工作,比如:do you teeth ( brush your teeth ) ,

  do the flowers ( arrange the flowers ) , do the dishes ( wash the dishes )。再请看一些例句:

  1)When mother was away, I did the cooking and Tom did the cleaning.


  2)Who does the washing up after each meal?(每顿饭后谁洗餐具?)

  3)I will go to supermarket to do some shopping this afternoon.


  2. Sorting through their possessions, they cane up with some 1,500 old, unwanted items-all sorts of things they wanted to get rid of.

  sort 通常做名词用,意思是“种类、类别”,如:

  1)What sort of iron did she buy this morning? (她今天上午买的哪一种熨斗?)

  2)I don't think he will be interested in this sort of book.(我想他不会对这一类书感兴趣。)

  3)He would find all sorts of excuses for his failure.(他会为自己的失败找寻各种借口。)

  在本句中sort用作动词,意思是“整理;分类”。Sort常用于短语sort out,但out也常可省略。

  1)He was alone in the post office sorting letters.(他独自一个在邮局里分拣信件。)

  2)Old John was sorting through a pile of old shoes.(老约翰正在整理一堆旧鞋。)

  3)The teacher asked Mary to sort out the bigger balls.(老师让玛丽把大一点的球拣回来。)

  4)I need to sort out my own problems first.(我需要先把我自己的问题解决。)

  come up with 这个短语我们在前面碰到过,意思是“提供,提出,想出”,在本句中该短语意为“产生,制造出”。

  1)We always count on Xian Li to come up with help of one kind or another.(我们总是可以指望小李提供这样或那样的帮助。)

  2)He came up with a good idea after 2 hours' of thinking.(经过两个小时的思考,他想出了一个好主意。)

  3)The company has come up with a new time-saving device. (这家公司已制造出一种新的省时装置。)

  get rid of 这个短语已在词汇部分做了讲解,请再看两个例句:

  1)It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit (去掉不良习惯不是一件容易的事)

  2)I want to get rid of this old bike and buy a new one.(我想卖掉这辆旧自行车,买辆新的。)

  3. The Ericssons needn't have worried


  1)The Blacks were in France when the earthquake happened in their hometown


  2)The wangs were holding a birthday party when the police paid them a visit.


  “needn't + have + 过去分词”表示在某时之前本无必要做某事,如:

  1)We needn't have worried so much about him. He is old enough to take care of himself.


  2)You needn't have told him everything about it. It has nothing to do with him.


  3)I needn't have worked so hard if you could give me a little help.


  4. Eager buyers bought all but 50 of the items in one weekend leaving the family $442 richer.

  all but是一个常用短语,意思是“几乎,差不多;除了……都”,如:

  1)Give me one more minute. I have all but finished.(再给我一分钟,我差不多要做完了。)

  2)He found all but one exit blocked.(除了一个出口外,其余的出口都被封了。)

  3)All the boys but him went camping last weekend.(上周末除了他之外,所有的男孩都出去野营了。)


  1)Leave the door open.(让门开着吧。)

  2)The seven-day strike left the company in great confusion.(为期七天的罢工使公司极其混乱。)

  3)The result has left everybody dissatisfied.(结果使每一个人都不满意。)

  4)The new policy would leave taxpayers worse off.(新政策使纳税人处境更糟。)

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