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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(43)

发表于 2007-5-6 09:00:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Text A  The Great American Garage Sale


  1. garage n. 车库,汽车修理厂

  1)Jim jumped out the car and opened the garage doors.(杰姆跃出车外,把车库门打开。)

  2)It is already 6:30. I think the garage must be closed.(已经六点半了,我想汽车修理厂准已关门了。)

  3)Mr. Henderson worked as a garage mechanic before he retired. (退休前亨德森先生做汽车修理工。)

  4)They decided to have a garage sale to get rid of some unwanted stuff.


  2. unwanted adj. 没人要的;不需要的,多余的

  1)The little girl felt unwanted when both her parents left her. (父母丢下了她,小姑娘觉得自己是多余的。)

  2)Herbicides can be used to keep down unwanted plants.(除莠剂可以被用来控制多余的植物的生长。)

  3)The unwanted objects are set out on the front yard of their home.(那些不需要的物品就展示在他们家的前院里。)

  在英语中,用前缀 un——加动词的过去分词构成的形容词很多,如:unexpected( 想不到的),uneducated(没受教育的),undisturbed( 没受到干挠的),unhurried(不慌不忙的)等等。

  3. rid v. 使摆脱,使去掉

  1)We must rid ourselves of the illusions and be more practical. (我们必须去掉幻想,更加务实。)

  2)Who do you think can rid the country of this wickedness?(你觉得谁能使这个国家摆脱邪恶?)

  3)You should try to get rid of the uneasy feeling. (你应该尽量使自己摆脱这种不安的感觉。)

  4)Jack got rid of the old van and bought himself a new Buick. (杰克卖了那辆旧货车,给自己买了辆新别克。)

  5)He just didn't know how to get rid of that annoying boy.(他就是不知道怎么摆脱那个恼人的男孩。)

  4. homemade adj. 家里做的;自制的;本国制造的

  1)The cake is really tasty. I didn't expect it is homemade.(这蛋糕味道真好,我没想到这是家里做的。)

  2)The woman told the boy that candy was homemade.(那位夫人对男孩说糖果是自制的。)

  在英语中,像homemade 这类词很常见,如:handmade, machine-made, man-made, China-made等等。

  5. neighborhood n. 四邻,邻近地区,附近

  1)He told the police that he lived in a wealthy neighborhood. (他对警察说他住在富人区。)

  2)They didn't know they lived in the same neighborhood.(他们不知道他们俩在同一地段。)

  3)The noise from the construction site disturbed the entire neighborhood.(工地的噪声骚扰了整个地区的居民。)

  4)She sent the child to the neighborhood nursery, as she had to go to work.


  5)He lives in the neighborhood of a shopping center.(他住在一个商店区附近。)

  6. advertisement n. 广告;启事;公告

  1)Today's newspaper has an advertisement for air-hostesses.(今天的报纸载有一则招聘空姐的广告。)

  2)They decided to place an advertisement on TV for the child as lost.(他们决定在电视上登走失儿童的广告。)

  在使用中,我们常用ad. 作为advertisement的简写。


  1)He runs a firm that does big advertising.(他经营着一家做大规模广告生意的公司。)

  2)The newspaper carries much advertising.(这报纸上登有大量广告。)

  3)The supermarket attracted many customers by advertising.(这家超市用广告吸引了众多顾客。)

  advertise 做动词用,意思是“(为)…做广告;宣传”

  He saw a teaching post advertised by the local newspaper.(他在当地报纸上看到一则招聘教师的广告。)

  7. ever-increasing adj. 不断增长的

  1)They are trying hard to meet the ever-increasing demands of the neighborhood.(他们正在努力满足这地区的人们不断增长的需要。)

  2)The ever-increasing number of students put a great strain on them.(不断增长的学生人数给他们带来了很大的压力。)

  英语中这一类的形容词也不少见,如:ever blooming (四季开花的),ever lasting (永久的)

  8. stuff n. 原料;东西   v. 塞满

  1)He has got all the stuff ready for building his new house. (他已备齐新房所需的全部材料。)

  2)She is always eating sweet stuff.(她总是吃甜食。)

  3)He is unwilling to read the stuff he has written to the whole class.(他不愿意把自己写的东西读给全班听。)

  4)The old man stuffed his pipe with tobacco.(老人把烟斗装满烟丝。)

  5)The boy stuffed the bills carelessly into his pocket. ( 那男孩随便地把钞票往口袋里一塞。)

  6)The book is stuffed with interesting stories. (这本书里全是有趣的故事。)

  请注意区别stuff 与staff,staff通常用做名词,意思是“全体职员”

  1)The school has got a staff of 800. (这所学校有800名教员。)

  2)They have large stuffs of language experts (他们有大批语言专家。)

  9. cast off adj. 抛弃的;穿旧的    n. 被抛弃的人(或物)

  1)He was reluctant to dress in his older brother's castoffs.(他不愿意穿哥哥丢下的旧衣服。)

  2)He felt himself a social castoff (他觉得自己是一个被社会抛弃的人。)

  cast off 是一个词组动词,意思是“把…放开”,“丢弃;与…断绝关系”。

  1)He cast off the hunting dog to chase the wounded hare.(他放开猎狗去追受伤的野兔。)

  2)Cast off all restraints and do with you like.(抛掉一切限制去做你喜欢的事。)

  10. extra adj. 额外的    adv. 非常

  1)She could get some extra sleep at weekends.(周末时她可以多睡一会儿。)

  2)Mother needs extra help in the kitchen.(妈妈需要额外的人手帮厨。)

  3)He was extra nice to them. (他对他们特别好。)

  4)Mr. Jones arrived extra late.(琼斯先生到得格外迟。)

  11. original adj. 起初的;独创的     n. 原作

  1)Philadelphia was the original capital of the united states. (费城是美国的旧都。)

  2)What is the original meaning of this word?(这个词的原义是什么?)

  3)The original plans were changed (原先的计划改了。)

  4)he has some original ideas in his book.(他的书里有创新思想。)

  5)The teacher asked us to read some novels in their original versions.(老师让我们读一些原版小说。)

  12. remnant n. 残余,剩余

  1)They dumped the remnants of the feast into the garbage can. (他们把残羹剩菜倒进了垃圾桶。)

  2)The remnant of the defeated army withdrew to a valley.(战败部队的残兵撤进了山谷。)

  3)The remnant is large enough for an apron.(这块零头布足够做个围裙了。)

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