杂志,Nordic Journal of Commercial Law,可以免费全文下载,主要是国际商事法的一些论文,英文写作,CISG的论文占大多数,对加深研究深度很有帮助。
罗马统一私法协会(UNIDROIT)主办。UNILEXis an “intelligent” database of international case law and bibliography on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts – two of the most important international instruments for the regulation of international commercial transactions.
contains: detailed abstracts of the most important cases decided under both instruments by courts and arbitral tribunals worldwide; the full text of each decision in its original language (when available); the complete texts of the CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles; a status report on the state of ratifications of the CISG, including reservations and declarations by States parties to the Convention;