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[[学习策略]] 英语中“比较”句式的另外一些表达法

发表于 2007-5-4 07:34:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  “增长、增加”“发展、扩大”“超越、胜过”“越来越”“日益”“更加”等概念的说法,常习惯用比较级或比较级加比较级的形式来表达。如“更加繁荣—more prosperous”,“更强大—stronger”;又如“越来越多—more and more”,“越来越快—faster and faster”。其实英语中,有“比较”含义的表达法远不止以上句式,请看下面另外的一些常见表达:
  一、 使用源于“比较”含义的形容词、副词、分词、动名词、介词等。如:
  1.People saw the growing waste of natural resources. 人们注意到了对自然资源的越来越浪费。(形容词)
  2.This engine is superior in many respects to that. 这台发动机在很多方面比那一台好。(形容词)
  3.News came that the artificial satellite reached the moon and stayed there, but sprang to life briefly overnight to transmit additional pictures and other data.有消息说卫星到达月球便不动了。但一夜之后就醒来,并发回更多的照片和其他数据 。 (形容词)
  4.About owning things,some people said that possession is becoming progressively burdensome and wasteful and, therefore, obsolete.关于拥有财物,有人说,拥有财物正变得越来越累赘和浪费,因此已经过时了。(副词)
  5.China is being increasingly prosperous and strong.中国在日益繁荣强盛。(副词)
  6.Our products compare favourably with those of other suppliers.我们的产品比其他供应的产品更好。(副词)
  7.However, when it came to team strip, the men were way ahead.不过,说到球衣的时候,男性就要比女性强得多了。(副词)
  8.The chain-drive of the bicycle turned with increasing speed。自行车的链条越来越快。(现在分词)
  9.They were subsequently hit with mounting criticism for their failure to deliver greater democracy or a focused effort against unemployment and inflation.随后,由于未能实现更大程度的民主或集中精力对待失业和通货膨胀,他们受到的批评越来越多。(现在分词)
  10. Food and beverage companies face increased pressure to improve their products,given a rising trend of obesity among Americans.目前,美国人的肥胖率不断攀升,食品和饮料企业面临着越来越大的要求改善产品的压力。(过去分词)
  二、 通过上下文句意表示“更加”“日益”这一比较概念 。如:
  1.The West old maxim was when women’s hemlines rose, so did the economy.过去,西方有这样一条准则:女人的裙子越短经济形势就越好。
  2.Where much is, there are many to consume it.财富越多,食者越众。
  3.Technology is developing so fast that the violations of privacy are ahead of the protections.技术发展太快,对隐私的侵权 ,远远超过对其的保护。
  4.I can’t think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.在孩提时代,不能想象还有什么需要比父亲的保护更强烈。
  5.That’s far sure, I think we are on to something big.那当然,我认为我们还得一些更大的。
  6.As he heard it, he felt his anger well up.听到这件事,他越来越生气 。
  7.With children six years old and up, you need to tell them what happened and reassure them everything is going to be all right.如果小孩子们年满6岁或更大些,就必须告诉他们家里发生了什么事,并向他们保证一切都会好起来的。
  8.As I became a professional writer, doing books and plays and films, it became clearer and clearer to me how fortunate I had been.当我成为一名专业作家之后,我便开始了书籍、戏剧以及电影的创作,而我越来越感到我是多么幸运啊!
  1.If you have great talents, industry will improve them.如果你很有天赋,勤奋会使你的天赋更加完美。
  2.Although the sound quality of broadcast from the Internal is far from perfect, it excels that of short wave。虽然互联网广播的音色质量还远非完善,但它却胜于短波。
  3.It makes me appreciate you all the more.这使我更加感激你。
  4.He is not coming? That’s all the better. 他不来吗?那倒更好了。
  5.Socialism is on the upgrade.社会主义蒸蒸日上,欣欣向荣。
  6.He has the advantage of me in many aspects. 他在许多方面胜过我。

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