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[[原创地带]] 个人阅读过程中收集的一点资料(非原创但付出劳动整理)

发表于 2007-5-2 10:51:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.  two-day dayoffs双休日;
2.  export-oriented hit products出口型拳头产品;
3.  fully tap the human resources充分发掘人才潜力;
4.  the rational flow of trained personnel人才合理流动;
5.  the export-oriented economy外向型经济;
6.  Shanghai is to make a number of preferential policies soon to encourage business people both at home and abroad to set up more enterprises in the the three forms of ventures,i.e. enterprises for Sino-foreign joint venture,for Sino-foreign co-production and enterprises with sole foreign capital. 上海最近将出台一系列优惠政策,以鼓励国内外经营者创建更多的三资企业,即中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业.
7.  The disappearance of such materials as pornographic and obscene books, periodicals and tapes is proof that China's campaign against porns is making progress.黄色书刊及音响制品现己难觅踪迹,这证明了中国的扫黄运动正在取得进展。
8.  Some austere measures should be taken to check the unhealthy tendencies which,according to the press exposures , were rampant in some localities.从新闻媒介所暴露的情况来看,不正之风在一些地区已非常严重,必须采取严格措施刹住这股歪风。
9.  the well-to-do level小康水平;
10.  retire from the leading post退居二线;
11.  the payoffs-aimed journalism有偿新闻; deviates from press ethics违背了新闻记者的职业道德;
12.  Many large companies in Shanghai have geared themselves to the international conventions and set up aftersales services accepting repairs and dealing with customers’ complaints. 上海的许多大公司都专门设有售后服务中心,接受维修业务和处理客户投诉,目的在于与国际接轨;
13.  China's actual conditions 中国国情;
14.  bonded area 保税区;
15.  be honest in performing one's official duties 廉洁奉公;
16.  build a clean and honest government; construction of a clean government 廉政建设;
17.  abuse of power for personal gain; misuse of power for private interest以权谋私;
18.  corruption reporting center举报中心;
19.  be responsible for one's own profit and loss 自负盈亏;
20.  jack up price 哄抬物价;
21.  with the inflation factors deducted; inflation adjusted 扣除物价上涨因素
22.  bureaucrat profiteering; bureaucrat racketeering 官倒;
23.  single youth above the normal matrimonial age 大龄青年;
24.  agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status 农转非
25.  euthanasia(安乐死); AIDS [acquired immune deficiency syndrome (艾滋病);elevated highways(高架道路); information superhighway(信息高速公路); beeper (无线传呼机,俗称“拷机”、BP机); cellular phone (移动电话);value-added tax (增值税),latchkey child (挂钥匙的孩子); CD [compact disc (光盘)]; hula hoop(呼拉圈);surfing (冲浪运动);talk(ing) show(访谈节目;谈话类节目);karaoke(卡拉OK)
26.  “物质文明”(material progress );“精神文明”(intellectual and ideological development);“五讲四美三热爱”(five advocatings, four points of beauty and three aspects of love);“扒分”(moonlight);“斩(宰)客”(rip off);“打白条”(issue IOUs);“关系网”(network of personal connections );“下海”(risk one's fortune in business);“跳槽”(job-hop)
27.  1957年10月4日,前苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造卫星,开辟了人类探索宇宙的新纪元,一时举世翘首,瞩望天空。英语新闻报道将它按俄文字母拼为Sputnik I Satellite。之后,sputnik一词因广为使用而被载入词典,解释为“人造卫星”。又如,1969年7月20日,美国阿波罗号(Apollo) 宇宙飞船登月成功,许多国家的传播媒介竞相报道,由此也产生了大量有关的新词,现都已广泛使用在日常英语中,如moonwalk(月面行走),moonman(登月飞行员;月球飞行研究者),moonfall(登月), moonscape(月面景色),moonrock(月球岩石), mooncraft(月球飞船),moonport(月球火箭发射场),moonset(月落),moonship(月球飞船),moonshoot(<火箭、宇宙飞船等>向月球发射;月射), earthrise(地出),space sickness(宇航病),spacesuit (宇航服),space travel(太空旅行),space walk(太空行走),spaceflight(宇宙飞行),Space Age(航天时代;太空时代),space cadet(宇宙飞行迷),space colony(宇宙空间移民区),space industry(航天工业),spacelift(宇宙运输),space race(太空竞争),space science(航天科学),等等。
28.  hawk和dove这两个词原意分别为“鹰”和“鸽”,前者现常被新闻记者用来指代政府内阁或议会中主张用武力解决争端的“强硬派”(又译“鹰派”),而后者常指代主张用和平手段解决争端的“温和派”(又译“鸽派”)。
29.  gay这个词,原意为“快乐的”,现常在英语报刊里用来指“同性恋的”或“同性恋者”。一系列与gay有关的词也随之产生,包括gay—in(同性恋者集会或淫乱),gay bar(同性恋者酒吧),gay boy (同性恋男子),gayfriend(同性恋对象),gay civil rights(同性恋公民权),gay community(同性恋群居村)和gay lib(同性恋解放运动;争取同性恋权利运动)等。
30.  think和tank两词原义分别为“思考”和“箱、柜”,但“thinktank”这个新词组经过英语报刊等新闻载体广为运用后己正式编入词典,表示 “智囊团”或“顾问班子”之义。最近有人将它译为 “思想库”,已是直译了。
31.  brain一词原义主要为“头脑”,现己与一些名词、动词构成许多具有新义的词语,如brainbox(电脑,电子计算机), brainchild(脑力劳动成果),brain drain(人才外流), brain gain(人才流入),brainstorm(群策群力;献计献策),braintrust(智囊团),brain truster(智囊;顾问),brainwash(对...实行洗脑;强制灌输), brainwork(脑力劳动),brainworker(脑力劳动者).
32.  下面一篇新闻报道就撷选了多种有关“说”的近义词:
Chinese Ambassador on Sino-U.S. Tie
The new Chinese ambassador to the United states has urged Americansto consider the British agreement to return Hong Kong to China as an example for Taiwan, warning that U.S.-Taiwan ties could lead to serious friction with Beijing.
In an interview with a news agency, Han Xu, the third Chinese ambassador to U.S. since China-U.s.ties were restored in l979, noted other problems in relations, including the deadlock over nuclear cooperation caused largely by Beijing&#39;s refusal to accept U.S. controls. He also mentioned points of discord on trade.But he emphasized the Taiwan question, which he called a crucial issue. Mr.Han warned that the United States must carry out its pledge to stop supplying weapons to Taiwan, and voiced regret at the slowness with which the sales were being reduced.Mr. Han noted that this year, the United States was selling 760 million dollars worth of arms to Taiwan, “a cut of 20 million dollars per year.”  “By this speed, ”he continued, “it would take 38 years more. I have no chance to see the solution in my life. The speed is too slow. We expected it not to be so slow.” Mr. Han also denounced the use of a nominally unofficial body, the coordination council for North America, to retain U.S.-Taiwan ties. The U.S. granting of diplomatic privileges to Taiwanese members of this body, he added,constituted a violation of Chinese sovereignty.
33.  “说”的近义动词:
acknowledge 承认
add 接着说;又说
admit 承认
affirm 肯定;确认
analyze 分析道
announce 宣布
argue 争辩;主张
assert 断言
boast 夸口说
caution 告诫说
claim 声称
complain 抱怨说
conclude 断定;下结论
confess 供认;承认
contend 争辩
continue 接着说
contradict 反驳;否定
declare 声明声称
deny 否认
disclose 透露
elaborate 详细述说
emphasize 详述;阐明
exclaim 大声说;呼喊
explain 解释说
go on 继续说;接着说
imply 暗示
maintain 主张;认为
note 谈及;表明
object 提出异议;反对;反驳
observe 评述
pledge 保证
proclaim 宣告;声明
protest 抗议
reaffirm 重申
reiterate 重申
remark 议论
reply 回答
refute 反驳
reveal 透露
state 声明;声称
stress 着重说;强调
suggest 建议
tell 告诉;告知
urge 敦促;力劝
warn 警告说;告诫

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