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[[资源推荐]] 2007年高考北京新增91个英语词汇及用法

发表于 2007-4-27 22:07:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1.《新课程标准》要求高中学生词汇量达到3500左右(根据笔者统计比较准确的数字是3434个单词以及265个单独列出的国家名称及相关信息和数字、星期、月份等----这就总共达到3699个单词,还不包括词组和短语)。《新课程标准》是国家纲领性文件,理应成为全国以及各独立命题的省、市高考词汇量的目标标准,天津、广东、湖北等地也在不断扩大词汇量,甚至今年有些省市比如湖南就直接明确提出词汇范围参照《新课程标准》。据此笔者大胆推断今后几年北京市高考词汇还将要继续增加,但范围还是跟这几年一样基本不会超出课标,因为近年增加的词汇中只有去年的一个单词original是课标外的新词, 但其源词即其名词形式origin也是包括在课标内的。

2.这次增加的91个单词有很多是英语学习和实际生活中经常见到和用到的基础词,在现行的主流教材课本中都属于比较高频的词汇。其实象人教版和外研版等高中课本都很注意词汇扩展以符合课标要求。今年增加的新词比如access,anyway,battery,cheat,culture,honey,horrible, movie, observe等等都应该是大家耳熟能详的,只要平时基本功比较扎实的同学就不必将他们看成负担为此徒生烦恼。




1. access n.方法,通路

The only access to their house on the hillside is along a narrow path.只有顺着一条狭窄的小路爬到半山腰,才能到他们家。

Students in our school have easy access to a good library.我们学校的学生可以自由地利用图书馆。


The files should be accessed every day to keep them up to date.应该每天存入那些文件以使他们保持更新。

It took me quite a long time to access several different files to find the correct information.我花了好长时间存取了好多文件才找到所要的信息。

2. account n. ①帐目

I’d like to open a new bank account .我想在银行开一个帐户。

I have no more than £2,000 in my account.我的帐户上仅剩2,000英镑。


The police asked me for an account of my movements around Saturday.警方要我说出星期


You can read her own personal account of her experience in her diary.你可以从她的日记中看她对其个人经历的自我描述。

3. accuse v.指控,控告

He was accused of stealing again.他再次被指控盗窃。

The judge took his seat and asked the accused man to stand up.法官就位后,请被告起立。

4. ambition n.雄心,野心,志向,抱负

Her husband is full of ambition.她丈夫野心勃勃。

One of his ambitions is to become a great poet.他的目标之一是当个大诗人。

5. amount n.总数,总额, 数量

Large amounts of money were spent on the old temple.那座古庙花费了大笔的钱。

Can you really afford only half of this amount now? 你真地只能付得起总数的一半吗?


The cost amounted to over 10,000 dollars.成本共计一万多美金。

What you say amounts to a refusal.你说的话就等于拒绝。

6. amuse vt.(使人)快乐,逗乐

He thought of various activities to amuse the baby till bedtime.他想出各种活动来逗宝宝开心直到上床睡觉。

Can you keep yourself amused while I make a phone call? 我打个电话你自己消遣一会好吗?

7. analyse(Am.analyze) v.分析,研究

He analysed the food and found no poison in it.他分析了那份食物但没发现有毒。

We must carefully analyse the causes of the accident.我们必须认真分析那次事故的原因。

8. ancient a.古代的,古老的

He is making a careful study of Chinese ancient history.他正在认真研究中国古代史。

She was wearing an ancient straw hat.她戴着顶古式草帽。

9. anyway ad.不管怎样

He did lend us his hand, anyway.不管怎么说他确实帮我们忙了。

The book was rather difficult, but I went through it anyway.这本书很难,但我还是大体浏览了


10. apart ad. ①除去,撇开

The boss felt satisfied with our work apart from a few slight faults.除了几处小毛病老板对我们干的工作感到满意。

Apart from the injury to her face, she broke her neck.除了脸上受伤外她的颈部骨折。

②相距,相隔, 分开,分离

The couple are living apart.那对夫妇分居。

She was standing with her feet wide apart.她站在那里,双脚分得很开。

Sitting a little apart from the rest of the class, Tom was painting.汤姆坐在离班里其他同学稍远点的地方绘画。

More and more families are breaking apart.越来越多的家庭解体。

11.apartment n. ①(美)楼中单元房,一套房间

They moved into a new apartment.他们搬进一套新单元房。

The rich lady has different apartments in the big city.这位富姐在城里有好几套房子。


May I know on which floor your apartment is? 我能知道你住在哪层楼吗?

It’s much cheaper to live in an apartment than to stay in a hotel.住公寓比住旅馆要便宜得多。

12. aside ad.在旁边

I stood aside to let them pass.我站在一边让他们过去。

My wife put aside the sweater she was working on to answer the door.我老婆把手中正在织的毛衣放到一边去应门。

13. assume v.假使,假定,设想

Assuming it rains this afternoon, what shall we do? 假设今天下午下雨的话我们怎么办?

We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.在证实他有罪之前我们要假定他是清白的。

14. aware a.明白的,清醒的

Are you aware of the difficulty in persuading her? 你认识到要说服她该多难吗?

I’m well aware that few jobs are available at present.我很明白眼下基本没有什么工作好找。

15. awful a. ①可怕的

The pain in my back was awful.我的背部疼得不得了。

There’s an awful accident at the crossing.路口发生了可怕的车祸。


What an awful film! 真是糟糕透了的电影!

The weather was awful during their holidays.他们假期中的天气糟透了。

16. battery n.电池

This transistor has two batteries.这个晶体管收音机有两块电池。

The battery wants recharging.这块电池该充电了。

17. bother v.打扰,烦扰

I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the time? 不好意思打扰你,几点了?

Don’t bother your father with it now; he is tired from work.别去用那件事情烦你爸爸;他工作很累了。

The problem has been bothering me.那个问题一直在困扰我。

18. cancel vt.取消

He cancelled his trip abroad because he fell ill.他因为生病取消了出国之行。

Why did she cancel the appointment with Mr. Black? 她为何取消了跟布莱克先生的预约?

19. ceremony n.典礼,仪式

Did she leave before the closing ceremony? 她在进行闭幕式前就走了吗?

Our relatives were all present at our wedding ceremony.我们的亲属都来参加我们的婚礼了。

20. characteristic a.典型的,有特色的

He spoke to us with characteristic enthusiasm.他以其特有的热情对我们发表了讲话。

The wet weather is characteristic of the northwest of their country.这种潮湿的天气在他们国家的西北是很典型的。

21. cheat n.①骗取,哄骗,作弊

Some tax cheats have been discovered in the past half-year.头半年查出了几起偷漏税案件。

His management turned out to be a shameful cheat.他的经营原来是见不得人的欺诈行为。


The cheat was caught and taken to the police.那个骗子被抓住送给警察了。

The two weavers who made the new clothes for the emperor turned out to be cheats.给皇帝做新衣服的那两个织工原来是骗子。

  v.骗取,哄骗, 作弊

You’re really just cheating yourself if you cheat in an examination.你要在考试中作弊其实就是蒙蔽你自己。

It wasn’t the first time that he had cheated at cards.这不是他头一回打牌捣鬼了。

22. committee n.委员会

The committee believes that the Department of Education must be improved.委员会觉得教育部应该改进。

She is on several committees.她是好几个委员会的委员。

23. complex a.错综复杂的,难以理解的

We soon got lost in the complex network of roads connecting the two cities.我们不久就在连接这两座城市的错综复杂的道路网中迷路了。

His political ideas were too complex to get support from ordinary people.他的政治理念太过于复杂从而很难得到公众的支持。


The new sports complex in our district has everything needed for many different activities.我们社区新建的综合体育馆可以提供各种不同体育运动所需要的一切设备。

Did they pull down the houses to make room for a big industrial complex? 他们拆除那些房屋是为腾出地方来建设一个大型的工业联合体吗?

24. consist v.包含,组成,构成

The delicious soup consists of tomatoes, peas and meat.这份可口的汤里有番茄,豌豆和肉。

How many districts does the city of Beijing consist of? 北京城由几个区组成?

25.convince v.说服,使确信

We convinced her to go to the library.我们说服她去了图书馆。

It was hard to convince you that we couldn’t afford a large house.要让你确信我们买不起一幢大房子很不容易。

26. culture n.文化

Beijing is a good city for anybody who is really interested in culture.北京对任何真正对文化感兴趣的人都是个好城市。

Chinese culture has already become widely known in the Western countries.中国文化已经为西方国家所广泛了解。

27. debt n.债务, 欠款

What does your debt add up to? 你总共欠多少钱?

His sons spent too much of his money and soon he got into debt.他的儿子们花去他太多的钱,很快他就债台高筑了。

28. dot n.点,小点,圆点

The captain marked the position with a dot on the map.船长在地图上的那个位置标了个小点。

She’s wearing a white dress with little pink dots.她穿着件带粉红圆点的白连衣裙。

29. fee n.费,费用

The famous surgeon charged a fee of $200 per consultation.这位著名外科医生每次出诊要收取二百美元。

Her parents couldn’t afford the fees for her to study music.她的父母负担不起她学习音乐的费用。

30. finance n. ①财务,财政

Her grandpa is an expert in finance.她外公是个财务专家。

It’s strange that a person working in a bank doesn’t know about finance.很奇怪在银行工作的人不了解财务。


Unless we get more finance, we’ll have to close some branches.除非我们得到更多的经费,不然我们就要不得不关闭一部分分公司了。

Additional finance may be necessary to meet expanding needs both at home and abroad.为了满足国内外日益增长内的需要有必要追加经费。

31. focus v.使聚焦

This picture looks funny. Did you forget to focus the camera? 那张照片看上去很有意思。你忘记调节照相机的焦距了吗?

The beams of light moved across the sky and finally focused on the balloon.光束在天空移动最后聚焦在那个气球上了。


This photograph is badly out of focus. We can’t see his face clearly.那张照片很模糊。我们根本看不清楚他的脸。

Bring the vase into focus if you want a sharp picture.你要是想照张清晰的照片就要聚焦在这个花瓶上。

32. folk a.民间的

Which do you prefer, pop music or folk music? 流行音乐和民间音乐你更喜欢什么?

She became interested in Irish folk dancing.她对爱尔兰民间舞蹈产生了兴趣。

33. forecast n. & vt.预告

Warmer weather is forecast for the next three days.预报以后的三天天气更加暖和。

The recent weather forecast is inaccurate.最近的天气预报不很准确。

Her teachers forecast a brilliant future for the little girl.小女孩的老师们都预见她将来前程辉煌。

34. function n.功能,作用

What’s the function of a chairman at a meeting? 会议主席的作用是什么?

Computers can fulfill a useful function if used properly.如果运用得当电脑能够起很大作用。


The sewing machine won’t function well if you don’t oil it regularly.如果你不定时上油那台缝纫机就不好用。

Is your brain functioning normally? 你的脑子没有毛病吧?

35. honey n.蜂蜜

It’s said that honey does good to women’s health.据说蜂蜜对妇女的身体健康有利。

Susan helped herself with a piece of toast and spread it with honey.苏珊自己拿了块烤面包并抹上蜂蜜。

36. horrible a.令人恐惧的, 恐怖的

How many people were killed in the horrible accident? 那次恐怖的事故中有多少人丧生?

I don’t like films full of horrible scenes of murder and violence.我不爱看充满可怕的凶杀和暴力镜头的影片。

37. ignore v.忽视,不理

He ignored the speed limit and drove too fast.他无视限速开得飞快。

I could no longer ignore his rudeness.我对他的无礼忍无可忍了。

38. import v.进口,输入

Cars are imported into our country every year.每年我们国家都进口汽车。

A lot of countries import wool from Australia.很多国家都从澳大利亚进口羊毛。


The import of oil from abroad was cut off when the war broke out.战争一爆发从国外进口石油就被切断了。

There’s been a great increase in both import and export.进出口都有很大增长。

39. impress vt.留下极深的印象

I was very impressed by what he said.他所说的话给我留下了深刻的印象。

The significant sights of the Great Wall impressed the foreign tourists.外国游客无一不对长城的壮观景象留有深刻的印象。

40. indicate v.指示,表示

He indicated the bar across the street when I asked where his father was.我问他爸爸在哪里的时候他指了指街道对过的酒吧。

A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day.晚上天边有红云就表示次日天气会很晴朗。

41. insurance n.保险

There are many insurances you can choose when you buy a house.当你买房子时有多种保险可供选择。

People without insurance should pay for their own loss.没上保险的人应自理损失费用。

42. junior a. ①初级的

All the children will go to junior schools before entering middle schools.所有的孩子在上中学之前都要上小学。

The book is suitable for the students who study junior English.这本书适合英语初学者。


He is my junior.他比我小。

My sister is two years junior to me.我妹妹比我小两岁。

43. kid n.小孩

Where are the kids? 孩子们在哪?

How many kids do you have? 你有几个孩子?

44. latter n.(两者之中的)后者

They all support the former idea, but I prefer the latter one.他们都支持前一种想法,但我却比较喜欢后一种。

Of the two the latter one is better than the former one.两者中后者比前者好。

45. literature n.文学

When I was at university, I studied American and British literature.我在大学的时候学习了英美文学。

He got a degree in Russian literature.他获得了俄国文学学士学位。

46. means n. ①方法,手段

The quickest means of travel now is by air.现在最快的旅行方式是坐飞机。

He couldn’t speak, but made himself understood by means of signs.他不能说话但通过做手势的方式让人明白了他的意思。


She intended to marry her daughter to a man of means.她想把闺女嫁给个富翁。

Have the means to support your large family? 你的收入够养活你那一大家子人吗?

47. movie n.(口语)电影

There’s a good movie on tonight.今晚有一部好电影要上映。

We are all movie fans.我们都是电影迷。

48. observe v.观察,监视,观测

He kept on observing the stars for nearly 20 years.他坚持观察星相有将近20年了。

The police have been observing the suspect’s movements.警方一直监视着嫌疑犯的一举一动。

49. occupy v.占有,占据,占领

Her books occupied too much space.她的书占了太多的地方。

Voluntary work occupies a lot of my spare time.志愿服务工作占去我大部分业余时间。

The city was occupied by their enemy.那座城市被敌人占领。

50. outstanding a.杰出的,优秀的

I was proud of your outstanding performance.我为你们出色的表演感到自豪。

Some outstanding students are competing for the top prize.几名杰出的学生在争夺大奖。

51. overcome v.克服,战胜,解决

It’s high time you overcame your bad habit.你早该克服你的坏毛病了。

We’ll overcome that difficulty when we get to it.我们到时候会战胜那困难的。

52. per prep.每,每一

Potatoes cost 1 dollar per pound.土豆每磅一美元。

How many words can you type per minute? 你每分钟可打多少字?

53. positive a. ①肯定的

Are you positive she’s the person you danced with last Saturday? 你肯定她就是上周跟你跳过舞的那人吗?

We still don’t have a positive answer as to how he died.他是怎么死的我们还说不准。


The boss sang high praise for our positive thinking.老板对我们的积极思考大为赞赏。

It’s no use just telling me to do it; give me positive advice as how to do it.只告诉我做什么没用,请在做法上给我一些具体指导。

54. potential a.可能的,潜在的

I dare say every seed is a potential plant.我敢说每颗种子都会长成植物。

He is seen as a potential winner in the game.大家都认为他将是比赛的获胜者。


Your daughter certainly shows the potential to become a good singer.你女儿当然很有希望成为一名好歌手。

He is a young player with great potential.他是一位有很大潜力的年轻选手。

55.predict v.预测,预言

He predicted that she would become an excellent dancer.他预言她会成为一个很棒的舞蹈家。

Can you predict when the task will be fulfilled? 你能预测什么时候完成任务吗?

56.profit n. ①利润

They sold the coal mine at a profit.他们把煤矿卖掉赚了钱。

Did she make any profit on the sale? 她做这次买卖挣到钱了吗?


We’re reading for both profit and pleasure.我们阅读既是为得到好处也是为愉悦。

You could with profit spend some extra time learning a foreign language.你额外花些时间学习外语是有好处的。

57.purchase v.购买,购置

Have you considered purchasing a new house by the river? 你考虑过买幢河边的房子吗?

We were encouraged to purchase shares in that firm.鼓励我们购买那家公司的股票。

58.quality n.质量,性质

I insist that we use building materials of high quality.我坚持用质量高的建筑材料。

He shows real quality as an actor.作为演员他表现出真正的表演才华。

59.quit v.停止,放弃

They’ve quit working on the project of the dam.他们已经停下了修建大坝的工作。

I’ll quit if I don’t get a pay rise.如果不给我加薪我就不干了。

60.rank n.职衔,军衔

He asked what your rank was.他问你的军衔是什么。

Is your husband above or below a major in rank? 你丈夫的军阶在上校之上还是之下?

61.rate n.率,比率

The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the people of some area in a certain time.出生率是某一时间某个地方新出生的人数跟人口数的比率。

So far the spacecraft’s been traveling at a steady rate.到目前为止飞船一直在以稳定的速度飞行。


We all rate him highly as a novelist.我们都认为他是很棒的小说家。

What do you rate her income at? 你估计她的收入有多少?

62.reality n.现实

Her words brought me back to reality.她的话把我带回到现实。

Do you think the plan will soon become a reality? 你认为计划会很快实现吗?

63.reflect v.反射

The reason why white clothes are cooler is that they reflect the heat.白色衣服穿上去比较凉快的原因是反射热。

She looked at her face reflected in the mirror.她看了看自己映在镜子里的脸庞。

64.religion n.宗教

What’re the three main religions in the world? 世界上的三大宗教是什么?

You’d better not begin your talk with the religion.你最好不要由宗教引起谈话。

65.rely v.依靠,信任,信赖

You can’t rely on her to help you with the recording.你不能指望她帮助你录音的。

Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help.现在我们越来越依靠电脑帮忙。

66.rent n.租金

Rents are going up again now.现在租金又涨了。

Is she living in a flat free of rent? 她住在免收租金的套间里吗?


Do you own or rent the TV set? 那台电视机你是买还是租借的?

The landlord rented the farm house to us at 1000 yuan a year.那个地主以每年一千元的价格将那座农舍租给我们。

67.resist v. ①抵抗

She could resistno longer.她抵抗不了了。

The escaped prisoner resistedarresting.越狱犯拒捕。


I can hardly resistthe temptation.我几乎抵挡不住诱惑。

Jack couldn’t resist making jokes of his disabled deskmate.杰克忍不住取笑他那位残疾的同桌。

68.retire v.退休

Her father will retire from the army next month.她爸爸下月就要退役了。

Women retire earlier than men in China.中国的妇女比男人退休早。

69.risk n.危险

The disease is spreading, and all the citizens are at risk.疾病在传播,所有居民都有感染的危险。

There’s some risk of fire in the forest.森林有发生火灾的危险。


She risked her parents’ anger by marrying me.她冒着让父母生气的危险嫁给我。

You’re risking your health by smoking too much.你抽烟太多是在拿自己的健康冒险。

70.salary n.薪金,薪水

Teachers’ salaries should be higher.应该提高教师的薪水。

Has your salary been paid yet this month? 你这个月领工资了吗?

71.schedule n.时间表

I have a full schedule this month.这个月我的时间表排得很满。

Thanks to your help we finished the project ahead of schedule.多亏你帮忙我们提前完成那个项目。


The sports meeting is scheduled to take place next week.运动会定于下周举行。

She is scheduled to give a speech on flower arranging this afternoon.按照计划今天下午她将要做一场插花艺术的报告。

72.secure a.安全的,平安的

They stayed in a castle secure from attack.他们呆在一座受不到攻击的城堡里。

She is said to have got a secure job in a big firm.据说她在一家大公司得到一份稳定的工作。


The policemen secured the camp against attack.警察保护营地不受攻击。

They’ve considered ways to secure the leaning tower.他们已经考虑了保护那座倾斜的宝塔的方法。

73.senior a.年长的,资深的,高年级的

My boss is ten years senior to me.我的领班比我年长十岁。

She is senior to me, as she joined the company before me.她进公司比我早,因此资格比我老。

Ours is a senior middle school.我们学校是高中。

74.sensitive a.敏感的

She is rather sensitive to cold.她对冷很敏感。

The Stock Exchange is sensitive to political changes at home and abroad.证券交易市场受国内外的政治变化影响很明显。

75.shallow a.浅的,不深的,肤浅的

What I need is a shallow dish.我要的是个浅盘。

The water in the river is shallow enough for children to swim in.河水很浅孩子们游泳没有问题。

He was considered a shallow writer.他被看成是个肤浅的作家。

76.shelter n. ①掩蔽

The trees gave them some shelter from the wind.那些树给他们挡住了风。

The farmer found shelter from the heavy rain in a cave.农夫在一个山洞里躲雨。


He’s afraid to go out of his shelter by day.白天他不敢走出藏身之处。

New bus shelters are being built in the town.小镇上正在建设一些公共汽车候车亭。

77.specific a. ①详细的,明确的

Can you be a little more specific, please? 请你说得再明白些好吗?

What are your specific aims in your life? 你的明确的生活目标是什么?


We’re offered specific tools for each job.做每件工作都给我们提供了专门的工具。

The money is to be used for one specific purpose: the building of the new hospital.这些钱只能花在特定的用途上:那就是建新医院。

78.spot n. ①斑点,污点

I bought my daughter a white skirt with red spots.我给女儿买了条带红点的白裙子。

Can you explain the spots of mud on your trousers? 你能够解释你裤子上的泥点是怎么回事吗?


This is the very spot where she was killed.这就是她被杀害的地方。

Don’t you think it is a nice picnic spot? 你难道不认为这是个野餐的好去处吗?


Clean the desk spotted with red ink, please.请把被红墨水弄脏的课桌擦干净。

I wouldn’t like the material that spots easily.我不喜欢这样容易沾上污渍的布料。

79.staff n.全体职员

Our school’s teaching staff is excellent.我们学校的教师队伍很棒。

Is your wife on the staff of the new college,too? 你妻子也是新学校的一个员工吗?

80.stress n. ①压力,紧张

The heavy tractors put stress on the stone bridge.沉重的拖拉机给石桥以很大压力。

My husband is under stress because he’s too much work to see to in his business.我丈夫压力很



Which syllable is the stress on in this word? 这个单词重音在哪个音节?

Rhythm and stress are both very important in speaking English.节奏和重读在说英语时都很重



The manager often stresses the need for careful spending.经理经常强调支出必须很慎重。

She stressed the point that everything being discussed at the meeting should be kept secret.她强调一点就是会议上讨论的任何事情都要保密。

81.tend v. ①倾向,趋向

It tends to be snowing at this time of year.每年的这个时候天该下雪了。

The doctor tends to get angry if you ask her more questions.你要再问她更多问题那个大夫该发火了。


Her mother tends her during her illness.她生病期间妈妈照顾她。

How comes the nurses tending the patient fall ill one after another? 照料那位病人的护士怎么会一个接一个生病呢?

82.theme n.主题

What was the theme of your discussion? 你们讨论的中心话题是什么?

He paused and returned to his favourite theme.他稍做停顿就又回到他喜欢的主题上了。

83.theory n.理论

It’s said that few people really understood his theory then.据说那时候很少有人真正明白他的理论。

He’s famous for his theories on black holes in space.他以其空间黑洞理论驰名。

84.timetable n.(火车、公共汽车等)时间表, (学校)课表

Will you please show me the school timetable?请把学校的课程表给我看看好吗?

There seems to be something wrong with the train timetable.火车时刻表似乎出错了。

85.tonight ad. & n.今晚,今夜

See you at eight, tonight then.那么我们今晚八点见吧。

Are you doing anything tonight? 今天晚上你有事要做吗?

Tonight is still cloudy and windy.今天晚上天气依然是多云有风。

Such were tonight’s football results.上面是今晚足球赛的结果。

86.tough a. ①坚硬的, 结实的

I bought a tough pair of shoes specially for the climb.我专门为登山买了双结实的鞋子。

The material feels as tough as leather.这种材料摸上去和皮革一样坚韧。


It’s tough to find a good job these days.眼下找份好工作很难。

What a tough journey they’ve made! 他们完成了一段多么艰难的旅程啊!

87.update v.更新,使现代化

They keep on updating the dictionary.他们总是更新字典的内容。

How often do you update your computer system? 你们每隔多长时间更新一次计算机系统?


Maps need regular updates.地图需要不断更新。

The update of the software took me more than one and a half hours.软件的更新花了我一个半小时还多。

88.upset a.心烦的,苦恼的

She was upset at not being invited to the palace ball.她因为没有被邀请参加宫廷舞会而心烦。

Why does your husband look upset? 你老公怎么看上去很苦恼?

89.virus n.病毒

Many scientists in the world are researching into the new flu virus.世界上很多科学家在研究那种新型流感病毒。

My PC is attacked by a virus infection.我的个人电脑被病毒感染了。

90.volunteer n.志愿者,自愿者

This work is all done by volunteers.这些工作全是志愿者们完成的。

More and more volunteers joined in the project.越来越多的志愿者加入这个项目。


She volunteered to help me with my computer skill.她自愿帮助我学习计算机技术。

Does anybody volunteer for relief work? 有人自告奋勇参加救济工作吗?

91.website n.网址

May I have your website? 可以告诉我你的网址吗?

You can log on our website for further information.要获取更多信息你可以登录我们的网址。

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