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[[资源推荐]] 出国推荐信例子

发表于 2007-4-26 22:33:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
November 25, 2002
Mr. Roberto Villas
Manager, Marketing Services
Allied Industries Inc.
110 Riverbend Drive, Suite 1550
Stamford, CT 06907

Dear Mr. Villas:
This is in response to your recent request for a letter of recommendation for Maria Fuentas who worked for me up until two years ago.

Maria Fuentas worked under my direct supervision at Johnson Technologies for a period of six years ending in October 2000. During that period, I had the great pleasure of seeing her blossom from a junior marketing trainee at the beginning, into a fully functioning Marketing, Program Co-Ordinator, in her final two years with the company. That was the last position she held before moving on to a better career opportunity elsewhere.

Maria is a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively. During her two years in the Marketing Co-Ordinator position, I cannot remember an instance in which she missed a major deadline. She often brought projects in below budget, and a few were even completed ahead of schedule.

Ms. Fuentas is a resourceful, creative, and solution-oriented person who was frequently able to come up with new and innovative approaches to her assigned projects. She functioned well as a team leader when required, and she also worked effectively as a team member under the direction of other team leaders.

On the interpersonal side, Maria has superior written and verbal communication skills. She gets along extremely well with staff under her supervision, as well as colleagues at her own level. She is highly respected, as both a person and a professional, by colleagues, employees, suppliers, and customers alike.

Two years ago, when Ms. Fuentas announced her resignation to take up a new position with a larger company, we were saddened to see her leave, although we wished her the greatest success in her new undertaking. Even now, two years after her departure, I can state that her presence, both as a person and as an exemplary employee, is still missed here.

In closing, as detailed above, based on my experience working with her, I can unreservedly recommend Maria Fuentas to you for any intermediate or senior marketing position. If you would like further elaboration, feel free to call me at (416) 765-4293.

Robert Christenson
Director, Marketing and Sales

A Few Tips on How to Write a Letter of Recommendation
As an employer, coworker, or friend, you may at some point in your career be called upon to write a letter of recommendation. If you are unsure about how to go about it or simply don't know what to say, here are some tips about what to include and how to structure a typical letter of recommendation. This advice may also be useful if you request a letter of recommendation from someone who is not familiar with how to write one.
First Paragraph -- Start out by specifying in what capacity and for how long you have know the person whom you are recommending. If the person is an employee or coworker, indicate the term of employment, the responsibilities of the position, and any significant projects undertaken by the individual. You may wish to include a sentence about the nature of your company and its activities. Here, you can also give a one-sentence summary or overview of your opinion of the recommended individual.
Second Paragraph -- In the next paragraph provide a more detailed evaluation of the person as an employee. Describe his or her performance on specific assignments and list any important accomplishments. What are the individual's strengths or shortcomings in the workplace? What was it like to interact with him or her?
Third Paragraph -- To sum things up you can make a more broad characterization of the individual and his or her demeanor. Overall, was the person responsible, polite, warm, disagreeable, lazy, spiteful? Finally, indicate the degree to which you recommend the individual for the position she or he is seeking: without reservation, strongly, with some reservation, or not at all.
Before writing the letter, you may want to ask the person for a list of his or her projects, since you probably will not be aware of all the work they've done. Finally, if you have not had much contact with the person, you may be better off declining to write the letter of recommendation, rather than putting together something vague and dispassionate.

Hart Publications, Inc.
1400 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10012
(212) 555-6239

April 10, 1998

Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mr. James Miller
To Whom It May Concern:
James worked under my supervision as an editorial assistant from September 10, 1997, until April 5, 1998. His responsibilities included conducting research and interviews, fact checking, and writing brief front-of-the-book pieces, in addition to some clerical duties. During the course of his employment, James proved himself to be an able employee, a hard worker, and a talented writer.
I was quite impressed by James' ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His research was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. We sometimes allow our editorial assistants to do some writing, but James' talents prompted us to assign him more pieces than the norm. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative.
Overall, James is a very conscientious and able employee. I certainly believe he has what it takes to make a wonderful editor someday, and I am sad to see him leave. I strongly recommend James for any mid-level editorial position in publishing.

Edward P. Larkin
Executive Editor

10 Tips for Recommenders
1。 Review a copy of the applicant's personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application.

2。 Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a résumé.

3。 Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.
“I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450  students on independent research projects over the last five years\".
\"I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.\"
4。 Discuss how well you know the applicant.
\"I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.\"
\"Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Senior in our Big Six Accounting Firm.\"
5。 Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
\"Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.\"
\"The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.\"
6。 In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
\"He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master financial theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.\"
\"Because of Jane's writing skills, I didn't hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane's sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for increased funding.\"
7。 Try to quantify the student's strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
\"He was in the top 10% of his class.\"
\"She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised.\"
8。 Avoid generalities and platitudes.

9。 Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
\"The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.\"
\"Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.\"
10。 Discuss the applicant's potential in his or her chosen field.
\"I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your business school. This well-rounded student will be a fine businessperson.\"
\"With her exceptional leadership, writing, and quantitative skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding strategic consultant and a credit to the business school she attends

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