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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(24)

发表于 2007-4-24 18:16:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
15. blast n. 疾风,强风;爆炸   v.炸,炸掉

  A blast of cold air sent a shiver all over his body.〔一股冷气使他浑身战栗。〕

  Furious blasts of thunder frightened everybody.〔一阵阵的霹雳炸雷吓坏了所有的人。〕

  The driver blasted the horn continuously.〔司机不停地按喇叭。〕

  Rock music blasted from the hall and the whole building seemed to be shaking.


  They decided to blast through the mountains. 〔他们打算炸山开路。〕

  16.crush v. 压碎;镇压,压倒

  The machine can crush rocks into powder.〔那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。〕

  You must remember poverty should not crush one's spirit.〔你必须记住不应该因贫困而意志消沉。〕

  We didn't expect that they would crush us into this tiny room.


  Can you imagine that debts are crushing them?〔你能想像到债务正压得他们喘不过气来吗?〕

  17. destroy v. 破坏,毁灭;消灭

  Several buildings were destroyed by the bomb.〔几座建筑物都被炸弹炸毁了。〕

  He destroyed the letter as soon as he had read it.〔他一读完就把信毁了。〕

  I really don't want to destroy the friendship between us.〔我真不想毁坏我们之间的友谊。〕

  The loss of his wife and son finally destroyed him.〔失去妻儿最终击败了他。〕

  This poison can destroy rats.〔这种毒药可灭鼠。〕

  18. impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的

  impression n. 印象

  impress v. 给…极深的印象

  She is trying to build an impressive international reputation.〔她正努力建立令人难忘的国际声誉。〕

  She said that all the places she had visited in China were impressive.


  What are your impressions of Beijing?〔你对北京有何观感?〕

  I had the impression that he was a teacher.〔我记得他好像是个老师。〕

  What impressed me most were the great changes in this city.〔给我印象最深的是这座城市的巨大变化。〕

  She wants to impress her new boss with her diligence.(她想以勤奋加深老板对她的印象。)

  19. experience n 经验;经历    v. 经历,遭受

  experienced adj. 有经验的

  With no teaching experience my chances of getting the job are slight.


  He is a man of rich experience.〔他是一个经验丰富的人。〕

  Everyone can learn a lot from his own experience.〔每一个人都从自己的经历中学到很多东西。〕

  His experience in the country could be used as material for his writing.


  He experienced a lot of hardships when he was abroad.〔他在国外时经历了许多艰辛。〕

  We need someone more experienced to help us.〔我们需要更有经验的人来帮助我们。〕

  He is more experienced than I am in planting trees.〔在植树方面他比我有经验。〕

  20. immediately adv. 即刻地;紧密地

  immediate adj. 立刻的;最接近的

  He said he had to go to the hospital immediately.〔他说他得立即去医院。〕

  She finished one cup of coffee and asked for another immediately.〔她喝完一杯咖啡马上又要了一杯。〕

  The post office is immediately next to the bank.〔邮局紧挨着银行。〕

  You have to give them an immediate reply.〔你得立刻答复他们。〕

  It is necessary that you get the support from your immediate superior.〔你必须得到顶头上司的支持。〕



  1.形容词后缀 -ful    beautiful,useful,

  2.形容词后缀 -ive    impressive

  3.形容词后缀 -y     greasy

  4.名词后缀 -ation    combination,formation

  5.名词后缀 -ure     pressure

  6.名词后缀 -y     discovery

  7.名词后缀 -er     traveler,miner

  8.名词后缀 -ful     handful

  9.副词后缀 -ly     finally,probably,immediately,carefully,

  10.副词后缀 -ward    upward




  1. They are the hardest substance found in nature.

  本句中found in nature是定语从句,修饰substance.定语从句中省略了that are.这种省略现象在定语从句中很常见,在前几个单元中,我们遇到过多次。请看下面的句子:

  1) There are many books (that) I'd like to read. (有很多书我想看。)

  2) He is a man (that) we all like and trust. (他是一个我们大家喜欢和信赖的人。)

  3) This is the most interesting film (that) I have ever seen. (这是我看过的最有意思的电影)


  1) This is the most beautiful place (that) I have ever visited. (这是我游览过的最美丽的地方。)

  2) This is the most serious problem (that) we have ever met. (这是我们遇到过的最严重的问题。)

  3) They are the richest people (that are) living in this area. (他们是住在这一地区的最富有的人。)


  1) This nut is as hard as rock. (这果子硬得像岩石。)

  2) He found it hard to make friends. (他觉得交朋友很困难。)

  2. That means a diamond can cut any other surface. And only another diamond can make a slight cut in a diamond.


  1) What do you mean by saying this to me? (你对我说这个是什么意思?)

  2) Friendship means everything to him. (友谊对他来说意味着一切。)

  3) The teacher's praise meant so much to the children. (老师的表扬对孩子们来说很重要。)

  4) I'm serious about this. I mean what I say. (我对此事是认真的,我说话算数。)

  5) I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. (对不起,我无意伤害你。)

  6) They meant to finish the work ahead of time. (他们的打算是提前完成这项工作。)

  7) I meant to call you but I forgot. (我原打算给你打电话的,但我忘记了。)


  1) Who will cut the ribbon for the exhibition? (谁将为展览会剪彩?)

  2) I am going to have my hair cut today. (今天我要去理发。)

  3) The icy wind cut him to the bone. (他感到寒风刺骨。)

  4) The old man is cutting a figure in stone. (那位老人正在雕刻石像。)

  5) I had some cuts and bruises on my arms, but I'm ok. (我的臂上有些伤口和擦伤,但我没什么问题。)

  6) He made a smooth cut on the marble. (他在大理石上留下一个光滑的切面。)

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