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[[求助与讨论]] 小V的博客:孩子,抗抑郁药,自杀(转载+分析)

发表于 2007-4-20 10:28:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这篇是我在时代周刊上看到的,原文就是blog,因为它是英文原文,而且和弗州惨案似乎有点关系,就拿来当阅读训练了。题目可能有点吓人,其实内容很科学,safe for reading。这篇比昨天的原文短很多,所以我都贴上来了。

The controversy over whether children and teenagers should take antidepressants has been simmering for several years now—as you'll see in stories here, here and here. Several studies have shown that a small number of young people develop suicidal thoughts when on the drugs; as a result, the FDA has asked the makers of antidepressants to put warning labels on their products.

But suicide is also an all-too-frequent outcome of untreated depression—which puts the parents of depressed kids in a terrible position.


Now comes a new study, released minutes ago by the Journal of the American Medical Association that may help a little. In a so-called meta-analysis—an overall study of 27 individual studies—doctors at Ohio State conclude that while there is indeed a risk of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts when kids go on these drugs, the risk is very small (there were no actual suicides in any of the studies).

要注意的是an overall study of 27 individual studies,27个个案研究整合到一起就是一个全面的病例研究,所以那个单数的study反而比复数的studies概念大。医生认为即使是take antidepressants的孩子们真的有自杀倾向,这种可能性也非常地小。

The benefits, they conclude, are much greater—although interestingly, the benefits are greatest for kids with anxiety disorders, somewhat less for kids with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and least for kids with major depression. 而好处却是大大的,听起来也许很有趣,对那些有焦虑症(anxiety disorders)的孩子有非常大好处的antidepressants,对患有OCD(强迫症)的孩子却没有那么大的效果。而有严重的抑郁症患者吃了这些药效果是最不明显的。 焦虑症、OCD,严重抑郁症,这三在程度上是递增的。

One way to reduce the risks of antidepressants, the experts agree, is to make sure the prescribing doctor has some knowledge and experience with them. Unfortunately, the law says any medical doctor can prescribe any non-controlled medication—and a physician who's unfamiliar with antidepressants might also not know that it's really important to monitor any patient, especially a young one, in the first few weeks when the danger of increased suicidal thoughts is greatest. 这句话出现了两种医生:prescribing doctor和physician,自己查吧我不写了。出现了monitor这个词,病人是需要监护的,需要注意increased这个词,和上文出现的develop一样,这种自杀心理是慢慢堆积成的,所以你看英语里表达这种概念的时候,一个动词就可以解决问题。第一段还有个simmer,自己查,也很有意思。

http://blog.hjenglish.com/vivian ... 7/04/20/692313.html

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