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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(20)

发表于 2007-4-19 16:35:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
12. widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的

  There was a widespread belief that she committed suicide.(人们普遍认为她是自杀的。)

  Industrial robots will be in widespread use.(工业机器人将会广泛使用。)

  Pollution problem is now attracting widespread attention.(污染问题正引起广泛关注。)

  13. digestive adj. 消化的,有消化力的

  digest v. 消化;领会

  digestion n. 消化;领悟

  indigestible adj. 难理解的;难消化的

  The doctor told him there might be something wrong with his digestive system.


  It will be very helpful for you to digest the important points in the book.


  Every day they gave the old man food that was easy of digestion.(他们每天给老人易于消化的食物。)

  The steak was tough and indigestible.(这牛排太老,不易消化。)

  14. foundation n. 根据;基金会;基地

  The early training gave her a very firm foundation.(早期的训练给她打下了坚实的基础。)

  In fact the rumor is without foundation.(事实上,这个谣传没有根据。)

  This conference is sponsored by the National Foundation for Educational Research.


  The construction workers are laying the foundations for a 28-story building.


  15. belief n. 相信;信念

  believe v. 相信;认为

  It is his belief that he will succeed sooner or later.(他相信他迟早会成功。)

  What he told me just now is really beyond my belief.(他刚才对我说的话令我难以置信。)

  I believe we will win the match.(我相信我们会赢这场比赛。)

  Believe it or not he got a full mark in the exam.(信不信由你,他考试得了满分。)

  16. combination n. 结合,联合;化合物

  combine v. 结合,联合

  The color purple is a combination of red and blue.(紫色是由红蓝两色混合而成。)

  The football players showed good combination.(足球队员们配合默契。)

  It will do us a lot of good if we can combine theory with practice.


  He very well combines the characters of soldier and poet.(他把军人和诗人的性格很好地融合在一起。)

  17.chiefly adv. 主要地

  chief n. 首领;长官  adj. 主要的

  This vegetable juice is made up chiefly of tomatoes and cucumbers.


  I will have to go and talk to your department chief about it.(我得和你们部门的头儿好好谈谈。)

  I think this will become the chief concern of the world today.


  the editor in chief 总编     the chief engineer 总工程师

  chief executive 最高行政长官  chief justice 首席法官

  chief of staff 参谋长      chief of state 国家元首

  18. contain v. 包含;容纳;克制

  This mini-bus can contain 18 passengers.(这辆面包车可乘坐18人。)

  How much water can this water tank contain?(这只水箱能装多少水?)

  This book contains the material you need.(这本书里有你需要的材料。)

  He cannot contain himself for the joy.(他高兴得不能自制。)


  affixation 词缀法

  1.名词后缀 -ity      quality

  2.名词后缀 -ation;-ion;   combination, civilization, foundation, digestion

  3.名词后缀 -ture     mixture

  4.形容词后缀 -ous    poisonous

  5.形容词后缀 -ible   indigestible

  6.形容词后缀 -ful    helpful, powerful

  7.副词前缀 over-     overseas

  compounding 合词法

  1.复合形容词   widespread; man-eating;

  2.复合名词    man-eating; carbohydrate




  1. Many primitive people believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.

  本句中that 引导的是一个宾语从句。宾语从句在前几个单元中我们已有了比较多的了解。掌握宾语从句并不困难。请看下面的句子:

  1) You must remember that it is never too old to learn.(你必须记住:活到老学到老。)

  2) He says that friendship is very important to him.(他说友谊对他很重要。)

  3) Don't forget what your parents said to you.(别忘了父母对你说过的话。)

  4) Can you tell me where the bookstore is?(你能告诉我书店在哪儿吗?)

  5) I don't know whether the letter is overweight.(我不知道这封信是否超重。)

  by 后面跟动词的现在分词表示某人做了某件事,并通过这件事产生了某个结果。请看下面的句子:

  1)By bribing a nurse I was able to see some files.(通过贿赂护士我才有可能看到一些卷宗。)

  2)They made a living by selling newspapers.(他们通过卖报谋生。)

  3)He tried to solve his problem by cheating me.(他通过骗我来解决自己的问题。)

  4)We learn to swim by swimming.(我们在游泳中学会游泳。)

  2. They thought that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer.

  本句中that同样是引导一个宾语从句。在宾语从句中,动名词短语eating deer做主语。请看下面的句子:

  1) Chatting on the internet would make him forget everything.(在网上聊天会使他忘记一切。)

  2) Putting on air wouldn't do you any good.(摆架子不会对你有什么好处。)

  3) Making friends with them is no easy job.(跟他们交朋友不是一件容易的事。)

  make sb. do sth.意思是“使某人做某事”。make 后面的复合宾语中动词不定式符号to要省去,但是用被动语态时一定要用to,请看下面的句子:

  1) The boss made them work from morning till night.(老板使他们从早到晚地干活。)

  2) He made me sit here all the time.(他让我一直坐在这儿。)

  3) She was made to finish the book in two days (by her father)。(父亲让她两天把书看完。)

  4) I was made to return the money as soon as possible (by my friend)。 (朋友让我尽快还钱。)

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