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[[求助与讨论]] 伊拉克石油储量可能升至全球第二(双语)

发表于 2007-4-19 09:02:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国《金融时报》专栏作家蒂姆•哈福德(Tim Harford)
2007年4月19日 星期四

Iraq could hold almost twice as much oil in its reserves as had been thought, according to the most comprehensive independent study of its resources since the US-led invasion in 2003.

The potential presence of a further 100bn barrels in the western desert highlights the opportunity for Iraq to be one of the world’s biggest oil suppliers, and its attractions for international oil companies – if the conflict in the country can be resolved.

If confirmed, it would raise Iraq from the world’s third largest source of oil reserves with 116bn barrels to second place, behind Saudi Arabia.

The study from IHS, a consultancy, also estimates that Iraq’s production could be increased from its current rate of less than 2m barrels a day to 4m b/d within five years, if international investment begins to flow.

That would put Iraq in the top five oil-producing countries in the world, at current rates.

The IHS study is based on data collected in Iraq both before and after the invasion, showing the oilfields’ reserves and production history.

Its estimate is based on analysis of geological surveys.

Production costs in Iraq are low, particularly compared to the more complex offshore developments.

IHS estimates that they are less than $2 a barrel.

But the development of the industry depends on an improvement in the security environment, which remains very difficult.

巴格达什叶派地区昨天发生5起汽车炸弹袭击,导致至少170人丧生,成为美军和伊拉克部队2月份发动联合打击行动以来,巴格达发生的死伤最严重的袭击事件。就在袭击发生数小时之前,伊拉克总理努里•马利基(Nouri al-Maliki)刚刚声称,伊拉克军队将做好准备,在年底之前接管伊拉克全部18个省的主要安全职责。
At least 170 people were killed yesterday in five co-ordinated car bomb attacks in Shia districts of Baghdad, the deadliest attacks the city has seen since US and Iraqi forces launched a joint security crackdown in February. The attacks came hours after Nouri al-Maliki, prime minister, claimed that Iraqi forces would be in a position to take over primary responsibility for security in all of Iraq’s 18 provinces by the end of the year.

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