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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语(一)笔记(13)

发表于 2007-4-13 09:50:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  1) The Atlantic is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

  2) Ocean currents affect the climates of the land near which they flow.


  1) One idea was that it reached out to “the edge of the world”。

  2) Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.


  1) There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is.

  2) We now have such fast ways of travelling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.


  1) The Atlantic is only half as big as the Pacific, but still it is very large.

  2) It is more than 4,000 miles wide where Columbus crossed it.

  3) Even at its narrowest it is about 2,000 miles wide.

  4) Also, it is the world''s saltiest ocean.

  5) The deepest spot is near Puerto Rico.

  E.be one of+复数名词

  The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

  F.it takes sb. some time to do sth.

  It would take the ocean about 4,000 years to dry up.



  Asia (亚洲)      Europe(欧洲)     Africa(非洲)

  North America(北美洲) South America(南美洲) Oceania (大洋洲)

  the Antarctic(南极洲) The Atlantic(大西洋) the Pacific(太平洋)

  the Indian(印度洋)   the Arctic(北冰洋)


  continent (大陆)   continental shelf(大陆架)

  subcontinent(次大陆) volcano(火山)

  iceberg(冰山)     mountain range(山脉)

  delta (三角洲)    waterfall(瀑布) gulf(海湾)

  straits channel(海峡) coast line (海岸线)

  beach(海滩)      gulf(海湾)

  3. 大西洋之最

  1) The Atlantic is the second largest ocean in the world

  2) The Atlantic is the saltiest ocean in the world

  3) Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean.

  4) Gulf Stream is the strongest warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean.

  5) The Grand Banks near Newfoundland is the most prosperous fishing region in the world.

  6) The drainage area of the Atlantic is four times that of the Pacific or the Indian.

  2. 主要属海和岛屿

  the Mississippi 密西西比河 the Hudson 哈得逊河 the Amazon 亚马逊河

  the Congo 刚果河 Baffin Bay 巴芬湾 the Nigeria 尼日利亚河

  the Rhine 莱茵河 the Caribbean Sea 加勒比海 the Mexican Gulf 墨西哥湾

  the Hudson Bay 哈得逊湾 the Mediterranean Sea 地中海 the Black Sea 黑海

  the North Sea 北海 the Baltic Sea 波罗的克海 Iceland 冰岛

  Greenland 格陵兰岛 Faeroe Islands 法罗群岛 Shetland Islands 设得兰岛

  Bermudas 百慕大群岛 Azores 亚速尔群岛 Grenada 格陵纳达岛

  Antilles 安的列斯群岛 Trinidad Islands 特里尼达群岛 Malvinas Islands 马尔维纳斯群岛

  Bahamas 巴哈马群岛

  Text B The Moon


  1. tie to(与…联系在一起;使束缚于…)

  He is seriously ill and has been tied to his bed for almost a month.  (他病得厉害,已经卧床近一个月了。)

  Study ties smoking to many diseases.(据研究,许多疾病与抽烟有关。)

  I am sorry I didn''t have the time to go shopping with you. I was tied to housework.


  2. except for(除了…之外)

  The room is empty except for some chairs.(房间里除了一些椅子空荡荡。)

  Your composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes.(除了几处拼写错误,你的文章写的不错)

  3. be near to(靠近)

  The park is near to our school. Let''s go boating.(公园离我们学校很近,我们去划船吧。)

  The police station is near to our community. It is within walking distance.


  4. face towards(朝向)

  My office is in the building that faces towards the street.(我的办公室在那座朝街的楼里。)

  His new house faces towards the south.(他的新房子朝南。)

  5. keep…in mind(把…记在心里)

  I am not sure if he would keep what you have said in mind. (我不能肯定他是否会把你说的话记在心里。)

  I will keep this in mind for future reference.(我会记住这个,供以后参考。)

  6. light up(变亮;使容光焕发)

  Her face lighted up when she heard the news.(听到那个消息,她面露喜色。)

  His face was lighted (lit) up with excitement.(他因兴奋而满面春风。)

  7. reflect(反射)

  Mirrors reflect light.(镜子反射光。)

  The white sand reflected the sun''s heat(白沙地反射太阳的热气。)。

  The light reflected from the water into my eyes.(光线投过水面反射到我眼里。)

  8. …enough for sb. to do sth.(足以让某人做某事)

  The room is big enough for us to have a dancing party. (这间房够大了,我们可以在里面开舞会。)

  The basket is light enough for the little boy to carry.(这只篮子很轻,那个小男孩能提动。)

  9. speak of(提到,说起)

  I have never heard him speak of his past.(我从来没有听他提起他的过去。)

  She always looks proud when she speaks of her son. (说到她的儿子她总是很自豪的样子。)

  10. otherwise(不然;另外的)

  He reminded me of what I might otherwise have forgotten.  (他提醒了我,不然我可能会忘记那件事。)

  He is a little careless, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the job.


  He is honest, but his twin brother is otherwise.(他很诚实,而他的孪生兄弟则不然。)

  11. nothing but(仅仅,除了…之外没有什么)

  There is nothing but a piece of bread in the cupboard.(食橱里除了一片面包什么也没有。)

  He asked for nothing but trust.(除了信任,他什么要求都没有。)

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