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发表于 2007-3-26 09:26:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为了全面生动地再现当前英语学习中的热点和问题,本版面自今日起举行系列活动,每期一个主题,活动结束后,将全面总结每期的精华,编辑成册,供大家学习参考。每期的评论员montana, agldacheng和doctorliubo。




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发表于 2007-3-28 05:38:26 | 显示全部楼层
hei, why nobody writes anything, bud, I am here waiting for some stuff. Come on.

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发表于 2007-3-28 13:47:34 | 显示全部楼层
My dream to go abroad
To go abroad is not a dream of my own, it is a dream of many Chinese people. But the reason for different people to have this dream is different. Some people think that they can get more comfortable life in oversea countries, some people think they can get a lot of money easily by going abroad. For me, the reason is about my researching work.
I have never been abroad, but there are many teachers and colleagues around me had the experience being abroad, such as Canada, Japan, US, and so on. They told me many things about the countries they had been, cultures, customs, and all fields in living and working. From them, I learned the differences between our countries China and other countries, and I also got that living abroad is not very difficult as I considered. I always thought I had so many habit in my life and it’s should be very hard to adapt the life abroad. In many oversea countries, you only spend a little part of your income in you daily life. This rate is lower than in our country.
In my researching work, I always need to read a lot number of references in my researching field. By this way, I can get my idea about what is the most advanced point in this field and how to do my research to get important goal. Most of these references are published in the abroad journals. In our country, sometimes it is very hard to get a reference you urgently need. In this time, I hope I was in a very famous university in the world very much because I can get this reference very easily in such a university, for example, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Stanford University, Harvard University.
Another reason is about the instruments I need in my researching work. My researching work is about material science, and need many instruments to test my sample to characterize the property of my sample, such as Transmission Electron Microscope to characterize the particle size and its’ distribution, the X-ray diffraction to characterize the phase to help us to know if I prepared the right materials, and other instrument to characterize other properties. In our country, because such instruments are very expensive, there are very few instruments for us to use. So it is a very difficult thing to get a test result. My teachers who had the experience in abroad countries told me that in the universities in those countries, if you want to test a sample, you only need to register the using log, and you can operate the instrument by yourself after the manager of the instrument taught you how to operate the instrument in your first time to use the instrument. And I always think If I can use instruments as possible as I want, I can get much more experiment’s results than now.
Apart from what is outlined above, the environment is another reason. After seeing the lord of the ring movie, I was shocked by the beautiful environment in that movie. And it should be a wonderful thing to live there.
This is my dream to go abroad, and this dream will come into true after my hard work.

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发表于 2007-3-29 10:52:31 | 显示全部楼层
going to America and Europe to study or travel is just my dream

I’ve never been out of the country! I really really want to see the world. So I can be a part of it. And I want to really learn about the places I go, as many languages as possible, and different cultures. I want to go to to America and Europe to study. both America and Europe are ideal places to study my majoy, psychology.
In my view,America just like a hero full of hope and courage.Though i don't like American goverment (esp.Bush) at all,the people are there must be kindly and friendly.

Europe like kind grandparents who have a lot of stories.London's weather like a moody teenage.Paris may be the most romantic city in this world.

BUt now,going to America and Europe to study or travel is just my dream.

The reason I’ve never gone abroad is lack of money, have no money.And the cost of studying abroad is too high to my family can affordAnd then I’m going to have to get a job and work all the time! How can I have the time and money to travel when I am still young?

If I could won 1 billion,apart from buying a house for my parents, i would travel around the world.

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发表于 2007-3-29 20:33:26 | 显示全部楼层
Going abroad is right or not ?

The enthusiasm of going abroad seems to be decrease since late 70 of last century
in China. At that time, many people tried their extensive efforts to go abroad in
order to improve theirselves. Most of them indeed achieved a great success in their
life. Some came back and established their own enterprise or company. some entered
universities and contributed to academic improvement of China. Others might stay
overseas and worked as usual.

However, these may not be the same cases in current China. We can see a lot of
peoples come back from oversea countries and can not find a suitable job for
themselves. They might work much harder than people in Main land, but they cannot
gain a rational return. It might explain the cause of the decrease of the

The reasons might be as following:

Above all, the purpose of going abroad is different with the development of China.
In early stages, China has just opened her door to oversea countries. Many aspects
are relatively lower than others'. We have to study from them. A direct way is to
go abroad and learn. Therefore, many people try to go abroad to widen their eyes.
After some years, they came back and became professional in some fields.

Now, the situation of China changes. After that wave of going abroad, China has
developed quickly by their people-in Mainland and in oversea. The current purpose
of going abroad might be to release the pressure of education or employment. Some
people choose to go abroad and obtained the improvement. They might have a suitalbe
position when they come back. Of course, someone purely want to widen their eyes.
These people shoud be minority.

However, the current situation of China is not what they expected. Hundreds of
thounsands of people are seeking jobs in China now. This should be a challenge for
all Chinese people including ones overseas. That's why it is difficult for someone
to come back. We should look on the problems like this. There are many positions in
China. However, these positions are not adequate for high-educated people. That's
to say, these people needn't spend extenive efforts to learn deeper to hold these
positions. These might be a waste for China. Most high-educated people compete for
relative adequate positions, while lots of basic jobs can't be paid attention to.

After all, we should dream a rational dream of going abroad. Our country should
establish a fundamental base for the dreams of her children.

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发表于 2007-4-2 10:57:47 | 显示全部楼层
My View on Overseas Study
Never before in China has the question of going abroad for further study been so hot an issue. Many of the college staff, educators, government officials and parents are involved in the hot discussion, and different people have different ideas about the issue. The Chinese people are sharply divided on this subject.
Some college staff, especially young college students, dream of going abroad for further study. They believe that there are many up-to-date research facilities, world famous professors, and good learning environment in some foreign universities. All these can enable students to learn more knowledge and to catch up with the advanced technology, and all these will do great good to their growth and development. In addition, they will be familiar with the local conditions and customs, and of course they can improve their foreign language with ease. Furthermore, many people believe that they might have a prosperous job opportunity when they have the chances to study abroad and then come back. So people attach great importance to the study of English language and seek the possible chances to go abroad.
Others, however, take a different attitude. They think that college students can also fully develop themselves by studying at home universities. They don’t think the students can devote all of their time to study since they have to work to make both ends meet. Besides, the language barrier and culture shock may bring about misunderstanding and solitude. Though some learning conditions at home are not as good as those abroad, there are still some advantages of staying in one’s own country. For example, you don’t have to worry about the tuition fee or living expenses and there is no language or cultural barrier.
As to me, I haven’t got the chance to study abroad, but I think both of the above opinions are reasonable. If a student has a chance to go abroad, he should seize the opportunity and try to learn more. The advantages of study abroad outweigh disadvantages, since there is no gain without pain. And the problems are often due to lack of experience. So why not cherish the chance if people can go abroad for further study? On the other hand, if one hasn’t such a chance, I firmly believe he/she can still fully develop himself/herself for countless facts have already proved that there are many scholars who are cultivated by home universities. In my opinion, what counts is not where he/she studies, but what he/she does after he/she has learned.
Nevertheless, mastering one or two foreign language(s) has always been important, because language is the important tool to communicate. If someone wants to achieve top in his/her field, he/she should be familiar with what others have done and to what degree. At this point, the tool of foreign shows its advantages. So the most important thing, I think, is not whether you have studied abroad or not, but whether you have mastered one or two foreign languages or not.

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发表于 2007-4-3 21:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
When some of my classmates prepared for their study abroad, I always thought I would never have such chance for my common and poor. So I was crazy when I heard from my leader about my travel to Hongkong on business, though this travel couldn’t be called “going abroad” for Hongkong is one part of China.

I know about Hongkong from books, TV and movies. I always think most of people who live in HongKong lead a rich, modern and romantic life. In fact my work made me contact a lot of common people who also need do a heavy work to pay their daily fee. But they know how to protect themselves. The companies should make a safe environment for their workers. Most of them know how to get their rights though legitimate ways. And the government provides them just and convent platforms. For example, the negative photoresists are used in most of the IC foundries for their low cost. But the company I went never make use of such kind of chemicals for their toxicity though it needs pay more than ten times cost. I think the biggest pressure of our youngster in our mainland is from house, medical and education. Though people in Hongkong just bear one of it, house, they bear even more heavy pressure than us. It’s so expensive that most of common people have their house just like cages. A house with more than 100 square meters can be called luxury house.

In fact I have much more than above to tell others about my attitudes towards Hongkong. Though it has a lot of shortcomings, we still learn from them. I can’t bear we pay much more than what we get such as the pollution, the leak of resource and so on

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发表于 2007-4-4 13:04:48 | 显示全部楼层
Going Abroad-My Dream
My definition about going abroad.
When I was a child, I thought going abroad as a honorable and glorious action. Just so much, no more understanding of it.
When I enrolled in university, I found through novels and internet that going abroad is a principal choice of famous universities’ students. Those who are the best can go abroad to learn more advanced knowledge and acquire high degree at the same time. It is rare phenomenon to find studnets of other universities, even those key universities in China, to prepare for going abroad. I gradually know applying for going abroad, ones’ experience and competence are essential. Famous foreign universities, even common ones won’t give handsome scholarships to those without outstanding abilities. So I thought at that time, as failed to enroll in famous unversities, I had already been deprived of the probibility to go abroad. At that time, all I want was getting into domestic famous graduate schools.
After I started to work here, associates of my office are warm-hearted to me. Some of them told me stories of persons who once worked in our college. Right now they are working abroad. They told me that, I should seek opportunities to go abroad since my English is good. They also told me that going abroad is not that difficult. What I need to do is going on learning english hard and keeping an eye on the opportunities in my college.
One of my associates who is also my college alumni worked in the tourism management teaching-research section. He always encouraged me to go abroad or get into a graduate school to further my study. He told me that this job is tedious, boring. He adviced that I should be more confident. He told me going abroad was really simple. What I need to do is just do it. His wife is one of my associate who was in my teaching-research section. They are classmates in our university. About two years ago, she went to Danish to do some research worked. She was sent there by my college (my work unit, not the one I studied in). The contract period was one year. She is a master of my university. After one year, she did not come back. She chose to study for doctor degree of bio-technology, which was a violation of the contract. Her major of master and bacholer is pest control. Her husband, who had been in japan for two years after graduate from our university, was left in our college. He always chatted with her on internet by the software OICQ. Previously, I thought there was no such software avilable in foreign countries. From her, he got to know much information about foreign countries, foreign univercities. He always told me that going abroad was really easy, and he kept on to encourage me to try. One day, the dean of our department told me there was a opportunity to be sent to UK to do some research work. The next day, I found that it required at least five-year work experience. It meant there was no hope for me.
More than half a year ago, he go to Danish. He resigned. I felt sad that I lost my anchor. Since he left. I had to encourge myself to be optimistic and brave, not to be content with contemporary job. Right now, I am very busy with my work at hand, and I have found myself a part-time job, teacher in a english training center. Besides, I give private lessons to a girl of primary school. I am really busy. But there is always a thought to go abroad. As time passes by, I felt it is harder and harder for me to change my life, I am getting older. Many of my associates of my age begin to marry somebody.
I salary is not low in shenyang, according to my age and my bachlor degree. Many of my associates are descendents of high rank persons. Sometimes, I felt lucky that I can get into my current job all by myself. Many people persuade me to marry someone for my “advanced age”. I do not want to do that. I really admire those who have wife and family. But I am unwilling to give up. I want to be somebody. I thought, maybe, I can study abroad someday through my hard work.
I dare not give up my job, the cut through competition make me suffocate. Nowadays, I always found articles depict that it is difficult for masters even doctors to find jobs.
Last year, I saw a case on tv. A girl graduated from a famous UK university that ranks top ten in UK with major of economic law. After graduation, she went to beijing. She want to find a job with salary of more than 5000 RMB per month. She failed. She realized that, that competition of job hunting is fierce and she had no work experience. So she began to hunt work. She asked salary for 3000, also failed.
So, barely experience of studing abroad is not enough.

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发表于 2007-4-4 16:09:07 | 显示全部楼层

My Dream

My Dream
I have a dream to go abroad one day and enjoy a new experience in my life.
When I was a little child, foreign nations seemed a distant concept to me. I just got from TV that there were some people different from us. It was difficult for me to understand them even though what they said had been translated into Chinese. Maybe they were strange, I just thought like that.
  The first time I got in touch with English in high school changed my opinion. Foreign nations became a little interesting to me. At least I knew some foreigners said “good morning” to their teacher and they usually greeted each other by “how are you”. They celebrated Christmas Day instead of Spring Festival. They didn’t want others to ask for their ages. I imagined a very beautiful picture in my mind. What I never thought was going abroad for in my opinion those who could go abroad were not common people.
  Outer world was presented to me as I went to big city to pursue my further study. China was just one member among so many nations in the world. Foreign nations, such as America, England, France are brothers to china. They were all equal though there were so many differences between them, life style, thinking pattern, custom. But it were just the differences that made me interest in them. How wonderful if I could share their life and I wondered if they were really like what I had imagined.
  By chance, I got an opportunity to communicate with students from Canada. That was at the beginning of a semester, many Canadian students came to study in our school. They wanted to make friends with native students. My roommates and I were lucky to be invited by them. They had many interesting ideas and they were quite easy-going. Only after a short time, we had to stop our friendship for they returned back because of the SARS. It was still a pity for me not knowing them further. I began to learn English much harder as I knew if I could master English, I maybe had the chance to study or travel abroad. Going abroad was so nice a dream to me. I was just eager to experience something new and learn more about the world in my life.
  I was making efforts all the time. In the third year in the campus, I chose English as my second major. Then I had a foreign teacher from USA who described his hometown and led us into a new world surrounded by free ideas, kind people, farmland, and so on. It was exciting to talk to him.
When one of my acquaintances got the chance to study abroad, we all felt happy for her. She could go to USA just for her eloquent English and rich knowledge in her major.
  Maybe there are only two kinds of people who can go abroad. Some have enough money to afford for their high cost abroad. Others themselves have the ability to take some high-tech work. I only can be the latter if I want to realize my dream. Once I am expert in a special field, I am qualified to go abroad. That is the reason I choose to continue my postgraduate study.
  I believe that my dream will come true in the future.

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dioder 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-4-5 03:22:49 | 显示全部楼层
My immigrant life in Canada

Before I applied to immigrate to Canada, I had had a very good in Shanghai. I got enough salary to live and really enjoy my life in China. One of my best friends told me to immigrate to Canada. I assisted a meeting where an immigration agent talked a lot about the advantage. I was convinced and paid 3000 USD to the agency. After 3 years, I received a notice from Canadian government. I was accepted. I had really hesitated for a few months. I went to Canada just 3 days before my visa’s expiry date. I knew nobody in Canada. I chose Montreal as my destination city because the employee who had studied in Toronto told me that Montreal was an interesting city when I opened an account in Bank of Montreal.

It was snowing and very cold when I arrived. I was disappointed. Firstly, there was a big problem because I was not able to speak French and English. I did not speak French at all and my spoken English was bad. Secondly, Montreal is old city and not clean because garbage collection is twice a week. Lastly, it was very difficult to find a job.

Fortunately, Montreal is an easy city to live and students can get money from Québec government. After waiting 3 months, I got into a French class which Quebec government paid the tuition and gave me 120 CND a week. I had studied French for 40 weeks. I should say that language teaching in Montreal is much better than in China. After the French class, I applied a French university because I want to improve my French and the university gave me a bursary. I still study in this university now but I am tired after 5 semesters. I do not know whether it was a good idea or not to immigrate to Canada. I want to tell you guys that you should think carefully before you go. If someone wants to know a little bit about Montreal, I will be glad to say my experience.

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dioder 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-4-5 03:40:28 | 显示全部楼层
La version fran鏰ise
Ma vie immigrée au Canada
Avant que j'ai demandé de l'immigration au Canada, j'avais eu très un bon à Shanghai. J'ai obtenu assez de salaire pour vivre et pour apprécier vraiment ma vie en Chine. Un de mes meilleurs amis m'a indiqué pour immigrer au Canada. J'ai assisté une réunion où un agent d'immigration a parlé beaucoup au sujet des avantages. J'ai été convaincu et payé 3000 USD à l'agence. Après 3 ans, j'ai re鐄 une notification du gouvernement canadien. J'ai été accepté. J'avais vraiment hésité pendant quelques mois. Je suis parti de la Chine juste 3 jours avant la date de l'échéance de mon visa. Je n'ai su personne au Canada. J'ai choisi Montréal en tant que ma ville de destination parce que l'employé qui avait étudiée à Toronto m'a dit que Montréal était une ville intéressante quand j'ai ouvert un compte à la banque de Montréal.

Il neigeait et était très froid quand je suis arrivé. J'ai été très dé鐄. Premièrement, il y avait un grand problème parce que je ne pouvais pas parler fran鏰is et anglais. Je n'ai pas parlé fran鏰is du tout et mon anglais parlé était mauvais. Deuxièmement, Montréal est vieille ville et sale parce que la collection d'ordures est deux fois une semaine. Pour finir, il était très difficile de trouver un travail.

Heureusement, Montréal est une ville facile à vivre et les étudiants peuvent obtenir l'argent du gouvernement de Québec. Après l'attente de 3 mois, je suis entré dans une classe fran鏰ise que le gouvernement du Québec a payée à le frais de scolarité et m'a donnée 120 CND par semaine pour vivre. J'avais étudié le fran鏰is pendant 40 semaines. Je devrais dire que l'enseignement des langues à Montréal est bien mieux que celle en Chine. Après la classe fran鏰ise, j'ai appliqué une université fran鏰ise parce que je veux améliorer mon fran鏰is et l'université m'a donné une bourse. J'étudie à cette université maintenant mais je suis fatigué après 5 semestres. Je ne sais pas si c'était une bonne idée d’immigrer au Canada. Je veux vous dire que vous devriez penser soigneusement avant que vous partez. Si quelqu'un veut savoir un peu Montréal, je serai heureux de dire mon expérience.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-5 08:51:06 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2007-4-5 22:13:52 | 显示全部楼层

Australia saw me there

      The year before last, I went to Australia on a scholarship project. One year and a half’s overseas studying life brought me knowledge as well as unforgettable experience!
      First of all, I was not accustomed to the food and drink there. Hunger was what I felt! We lived in a local’s where three Germans and an Italian lived together with me. And the landlord also had two daughters and a son. Every time the landlord did buy back many vegetables and some meat. But how could that amount of food be shared by 5 lodgers and the 5 family members? We were kept half hungry. One day, the landlord was out, then we spent nearly twenty dollars buying two big pieces of beef and three cabbages. We cooked them together with a lot of oil in it, which the landlord often hid when out! We ate more than a horse! What a wonderful time we had! I’m still watering at the thought of the exciting get-together!
      Homesickness also impressed me most. After arriving in Australia, I couldn’t surf the Net freely without buying there my laptop. That my QQ number was stolen added to my homesickness. The way I could communicate with my family was by email! How could a simple email convey so much? Every moment I sat before the computer screen, I couldn’t help shedding tears. Later on, my daughter sent me a mp3 song called “MISS”. I listened to the slow rhythm and stared at my family album. Australia saw me there.
        My teacher Bell was both my teacher and my instructive friend. Doctor Bell was in charge of our lessons and training arrangement. Careful and thoughtful a person he was, he cared about all minor details of our study life. In spite of his fifty-year-old age, he talked, laughed, acted and even jumped in class. To have his classes was really a happy thing to enjoy. The best we learnt from him was to believe us ourselves and in life we should feel natural and all right to act in our unique way. Mr Bell told us a wise story with the name “Flaws” ------personal imperfection unnecessarily brought us down and it could as well get us to advance. From my Australian experience and the precious story “Flaws”, I know each of us has our unique flaws, which really helps a million in my work and life! We’re all cracked pots. Acknowledge our personal imperfection, and your, too, can be the cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness we find our strength!
      I keep on wondering in what cases can people easily forget their responsibility! Nice and alone in Australia, I felt like having a person to talk with. I wished for a warm light back in my room. In that period, I know, someone could easily come into my mind if I forgot my loyalty and responsibility. One evening, the sunlight had almost gone, in the landlord’s back garden, I sat alone there thinking in an idle way when the Italian teacher came up. I don’t remember what she was saying. However, she seemed so gentle and what she said sounded so tender and soft. And it appeared that her fascinating smell stays around! The following action I took was to hurry back to my cold room. It was a wise and glorious decision I made! I knew long ago, I seemed still loyal to my family though nowadays not so many people care about family loyalty! I want to shout I am competent and responsible to resist any certain temptations!
       What the Australian trip left me was not only an experience but also an unforgettable story that’s worth treasuring. For good, I shall remember and learn from it, which enables me and our friends to draw together our knowledge, skills and experience.

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发表于 2007-4-7 08:09:37 | 显示全部楼层
[align=justify]Going Aboard

Please allow me to call it a dream, though "going aboard" had been an annoying phrase in my mind. To be exactly, it should better be a decision. This decision came in a sudden. Somebody said, let's go abroad, and I said, OK! Actually it was not as easy as it seemed to come out with such a big idea. I am sarcastic and cynical about certain group of people who would not interfere into my life even if i stay away. I am staying away from them, but I can not bear myself seeing what they are doing. So "escaperism" is my only way out. So i made up that word. My major transformed me. Here I mean my values. What didI said about whether I would fit to go aboard made me more determined, though we both could not predict the future.

There are thousands of reasons for me to go aboard, but only two for not. So what else can I say? Recalling myself moving forward step by step since the end of 2006, I can not feel more proud, whatever my finale would be. I can not imagine what if I failed at the very beginning. Would I appear to be so indifferent? No one is a total failure. Try to be your own hero. That is what I want my life to be.
Congratulations on my classmate's acceptance into MIT. What else can be more beautiful than a dream come true?

Keep dreaming....,Remember, there is an "i" in "win"...

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发表于 2007-4-14 10:18:41 | 显示全部楼层
Has dream the day
  The youth is in the naive non- flaw the childhood with rushes about grown-up between, therefore often has a dream, will be brilliant but is shouldering the future. Has dream the day always compared to a piece of blank well, even if dream very strange, is very remote. In dream tracking down, we bustle about enrich, although that dream ours energy, the time, the money consumed the limit.
  Once had "to go abroad dream", void bored gradually turned bustles about interesting, the natural good and bad in life is complete. Was short has been full of grievances, is short has pursued the star to lead a life of comfort, many acquisition of information, many foreign languages study. "goes abroad" to cause you as if to turn has many antennas the lives, therefore you can settle down in front of the newsstand, roams through in the network, searches for in "in interpersonal net", you pay attention, because in which has the intravenous drip which your dream grows. Resembled "to go abroad" to your drifted away with the peripheral person, the scenery, the vacuum, therefore sought fame and fortune, the idle talk when the others, your dream leads you to understand the foreign land character and style. "goes abroad" is as if the ghost person's weather, the world of ice and snow, the strong winds sweeps you aloof from worldly affairs to practice moderation, your time resources has like in your chest warm feeling, the resources is always deficient, intelligent clever you also multiplied have lacked the ability to do what one would like the feeling!

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发表于 2007-4-14 11:12:42 | 显示全部楼层
My experience of going aboard
As an English learner, it is very important for me to go abroad to practice my spoken English and let me know more about
the foreign cultures and the customs. And last year, I've got the chance to go to Australia, a country which is not big but very
beautiful. Although I was a little homesick, I was still very excited. Because I think it was lucky for me to have the chance as
many others want but can’t. At the first days, I studied language, traveled and went shopping. The everything in Australia
attracted me. But a few days later, I found I couldn’t accustomed myself to the life there at all. I don’t like the salad, the
milk but every day I should have them as my landlord just provided them. I was the person that I could be busy-working but
should have delicious food. So you see, I was ill for about a week. My parents was very worried and I had to went home
earlier. And now, when people said enviously to me that you had went aboard. How lucky! I am very sorry and can't say
anything.According to my experience, I think, if you have the chance to go aboard, you should know yourself and prepare
everything first.

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发表于 2007-4-14 13:26:02 | 显示全部楼层

My dream of USA

[p][font=times new roman,times,serif]My dream of UK
I like rainbow,becouse i love myself.I always think i am a rainbow,just often beautiful a while.
Many thinks happened on me not bright regularly.So i want to goto USA and watch my
dream Niagara fall.Iknow the sun up,the rainbow up on the Niagara fall.There I want my
lover with me,and there we can smile and say love to each.We will walk here and there,
like two children,giggly kids.I am a fancy girl,so fancy,too romantic to accept realism.It is my
life,it is now or never.

Then I want to be a student of a college named Princeton University.I like biochemical
engineering,and i major in it,hehe,then I am be a scientist.So I can do much things for
every person,for their life more convenience and their bodies more healthy.En,haha,I can
sing my songs,travel to many key point of interest.

For my lover and my dream,I must do much things.First,only love him,only wait for him,
give no chance for the others.Second,just work hard for my study,consider ,analyze
and discuss with partners in real earnest.Third,to be a girl he want to love,to be his
dream.Fourth,catch on and hold on him with everythings correct.

I want to be his wife,buy many meat and many vegetable for him,and cook them for him,
boil coffee without sugur...Enough things I do for him,he can taste and love me more.
And then we have our children in the last.They look like him more,when i watch
them,i can love my lover more,and happy for that.When he watch them he will love me
more for my
production,our lovely harvest.

When we old,we travel to Yellow Stone National Park.Or we walk around our house,free
to fly with the wind.We can plant rose,peony,tulip and plum and so on.When flower fly
with wind,our white hair also fiy in the wind.Wind is blowwing even though we look at each
other smilely...,
who care how strong the wind is?


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发表于 2007-4-14 16:12:20 | 显示全部楼层

1。 Where the dream grew and suffered

My dream of being abroad came all in a sudden from my parents when I went to college. at that time, my mom returned from the u.s. after my father's 2 years visit there. they agreed with each other that u.s. was much better than china, and determined to send me there if possible. then the way of pursuing dream spreaded before me --- I didn't know how long it is, how much i was gonna lose.

a chance came to me quickly. in my last semester in college, i took a provincial competition of english for college students and got the championship, after that, a big company found me and offer an oppertunity to go to u.s for one year training before serving them, they wanted us who's chosen to become their backbones in future and the shcedule was so tight that we might not have time to finish our college degree. my parents insisted that I should got the degree first. then i quit. my first opportunity came and went like a wind. i didn't take it serious then coz i believed there would be lots of opportunities, and I was right, but nobody told me that only opportunities is not enough if you can not grasp any of them.

my english is always good in examinations, thus GRE and graduate student life became my first choice. after graduate from college, i took the exams, applied for several college in u.s. and got some offer, due to my poor GPA, the best offer I got was half scholarship, only the fee was waived, then they needed evidence of the ability of a sponsor that could either from china or u.s. fortunately, somebody out there would like to offer such a support to me. anyway, the next letter from this college told me that the sponsor letter never came and since i could not provide the evidence, i lost the chance....

I never stopped. my classmates, my colleagues went abroad one by one, those who left lost their will to take one more try as time went by, I didn't, never. 1 year later, an american professor came to my father's university for an international conference, he was my father's friend and when they met, my father asked if he could give me a chance, the professor agreed to meet me then. he was quite satisfied with me after the interview and told me he would like to invite me to be his assistant and would start the process right after he's back. a week after the conference, we got a call from his colleague to inform me that he could never make it again coz he failed to make through a heart attack. my dream vanished again with his perish.

I could not believe it. really. and I took another move, started the tech-emigration to canada. i used an agency to process it, but only one year later, the owner of the agency fleed with the money and our dreams of emigration. I think some people may know its name "Jin Fu". I didn't know what happened to them, or what happened to me. I just could not figure out.

years come and go, opportunities as well. in 6 years, i almost got the same number of chances and failed . during these days, i could not think of serious relationships with girls though i truely loved some of them, never take any job as a course though i worked out with them quite well. i quit and quit and quit in difference aspsects once and again, only at exchange of a slice of hope which could lead me abroad. finally, i forgot what i was living for and why i wanted so much to go out.

another chance came, and i got it at last. in 2002, i was hired by a samll u.s venture in tianjin as an engineer(coz i still want to be eligible for tech-emigration to canada. i quit administration work for it), and soon, the boss found me good at a lot of things and got me in charge of more and more responsibilities and finally made me the manager of the branch in china. i got quite well paid and started to hesitating on my way out, thinking whether should stay in china and be satisfied of leading a good life here, the boss got more interested in me. at the end of 2004, he asked me if i was interested in taking a visit to the headquarter in u.s. after that phone call, i saw the door closed for years there between u.s. and me opening slowly. 2005, i paid a visit to the headquarter for half a year, evaluated by managers and that october, i entered u.s again with a H1 visa in hand. when stepping into the customs with a stamped I-94 form, i looked back at the visible and invisible long long way across such a long time, I reached the other end finally, it's also a new start point.

p.s. 2 month after i worked in u.s., the canadian embassy wrote me that my emigration application was approved, and due to my good qualification, i was even got a waive of final interview. I considered it ironic and sour, my wife felt interesting.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-14 16:23:32 | 显示全部楼层

2. life is never easy in the first year.

3. cultrue shock, circles, diginity and real dignity

4. patriot or traitor, hate and love.

5. when dream becomes life

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-15 08:52:18 | 显示全部楼层


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