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kenvey 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-3-25 19:40:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

绝对是雅思考试写作、口语及其他英语考试珍贵资料, 有兴趣的看看。

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A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
A bad padlock invites a picklock.
A bad penny always comes back.
A bad workman quarrels with his tools.  人笨怨刀钝。   
A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion.  被逼急的猫,凶得像狮子。   
A barely-corn is better than a diamond to a cock.  对于公鸡来说 ,麦粒胜过钻石.  
A bargain is a bargain.  成约不能翻悔。   
A beard well lathered is half shaved.  皂沫涂得好 ,胡须半剃掉. /磨刀不误砍柴工.  英语谚语
A beggar can never be bankrupt.  乞丐永远不会破产。   
A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.  吃得过饱,懒得学习。   
A big wind can blow through a small hole.  针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。   
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  双鸟在林 ,不如一鸟在手。  
A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.  闻声知鸣鸟,闻言见人心。   
A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.  上午有一点收获 ,总比全天无收获好.  
A black plum is as sweet as a white.  黑梅白梅一样甜。   
A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.  瞎子不谢赠镜人  
A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity.  刀钝石上磨,人蠢没奈何。   
A boaster and a liar are all one.  吹牛撒谎一家亲。   
A boisterous horse must have a boisterous bridle.  烈马要套上好辔头。   
A bonny bride is soon buskit [=dressed].  美丽的新娘好打扮  
A book is a success when people who haven't read it pretend they have.  一本书如果没有看过的人也冒充看过,便是成功的。   
A book that is shut is but a block.  有书不读如藏木  
A bow long bent at last waxes weak.  良弓张久必驰  
A bow long bent grows weak.  常拉满弓无力。   
A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield.  勇者可能跌倒 ,但不会屈服.  
A brave man risks his life, but not his conscience.  勇敢的人可用生命冒险,但不以良心冒险。   [德]Schiller 席勒
A bribe will enter without knocking.  贿赂毋须敲门而入。   
A bride is diligent for three days.  新娶媳妇三日勤  
A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.  破裂了的友谊 ,再补也难如故.  
A brother is a friend given by God.  兄弟是天赐的朋友  
A bully is always a coward.  恃强欺弱者均是懦夫。   
A burnt child dreads the fire.  烧伤的孩子最怕火。   
A cat in gloves catches no mice.  带手套的猫捉不到老鼠  
A cat may look at a king.  猫也可以看皇帝。 /地位虽不同,人人应平等。  
A cautious mind is the half of wisdom.  谨慎小心近于明智  
A cheerful wife is the joy of life.  有个乐天的妻子是人生的欢乐  
A city that parleys is half gotten.  求和之城已陷落一半。   
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast.  宁为清贫,不为浊富。   
A clean hand wants no washing.  手要是干净无须洗。   
A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.  只要问心无愧,无端的指责可以一笑置之。   
A close mouth catches no flies.  嘴巴闭得紧,苍蝇飞不进。   
A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.  保守主义者是胆小得不敢斗争,又胖得跑不动的人。   E.Hubbard 哈伯德
A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself.  贪心不足的人对他人无益,对自己最有害。   
A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge.  难解的绳结得用坚硬的楔子来对付。   
A cracked bell can never sound well.  破钟无好音。   
A creaking door hangs long.  旧门久用,病夫命长。   英语谚语
A critic is a man who knows the way but can't drive the car.  批评家是一个认得路但不会开车的人。   [英国]K.Tynan 泰南
A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.  身不正,影必斜。   
A curst cow has short horns.  性子烈的牛角短,脾气暴的人为害有限。   
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.  玩世不恭者是知道一切事物的价格,却不知道任何东西的价值的人。   O.Wilde 王尔德
A danger foreseen is half avoided.  预见隐患犹如防患一半  
A day is a miniature of eternity.  一天是永恒的缩影  Emerson 爱默生
A dear ship stands long in the haven.  贵重的船只停留在避风港里的时间长。   
A diligent scholar, and the master's paid.  学生勤奋学习 ,就是对老师的报答.  
A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.  肉骨头打狗,狗不叫。   
A dream that is not interpreted is like a letter that is not opened.  一个未圆的梦恰似一封未拆的信。   
A drowning man will catch at a straw.  快淹死的人连草也要抓。   
A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the farther of the two.  侏儒站在巨人的肩膀上 ,能比巨人看得远.  
A faint heart never won a fair lady.  懦夫难得美人心  英语谚语
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. /A stumble may prevent a fall.  小踬防大跌 /小惩大戒. /吃一堑,长一智.  
A fool and his money are soon parted.  傻瓜花钱快。   
A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another.  傻子在自己家里比聪明人在别人家里知道得多。   
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.  傻子一小时提出的问题,聪明人七年也回答不了。   
A fool may give a wise man counsel.  愚人也能为智者出主意 /愚者千虑,必有一得.  
A forced kindness deserves no thanks.  虚情假意不值得感谢  
A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.  外语是人生斗争的一种武器  K.Marx 马克思
A foul morn may turn to a fair day.  阴霾的早晨能变成晴朗的白天  
A friend in need is a friend indeed.  患难见真情  英国谚语
A friend in word is never friend of mine.  口头上的朋友决不是朋友  
A friend is easier lost than found.  朋友易失不易得  
A friend is known in necessity.  患难见友情  
A friend to all is a friend to none.  对一切人都是朋友 ,对哪一个也不是朋友.  
A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.  朋友对你皱眉 ,胜过傻瓜对你微笑.  
A full belly neither fights nor flies well.  肚子太饱,不能打仗也不能逃跑。   
A ganging fit is aye getting. /A going foot is always getting.  腿勤生财   
A generation without a cause in its youth has no legacy in its old age.  一代人如年轻时没有事业 ,老了就不会有遗产可以传下去.  E.Kennedy 肯尼迪
A glass at supper is not amiss.  晚酌一杯也无妨。   
A good anvil does not fear the hammer.  好砧不怕铁锤砸  
A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim.  神箭手因其射中靶子而非因其箭而闻名。   John Lyly 约翰 黎里
A good beginning is half the battle.  好的开端等于成功了一半  
A good beginning makes a good ending.  欲善其终 ,先善其始.  
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and for ever.  好书如好友 ,友情永不渝.  M.Tupper 塔珀(英国诗人)
A good conscience is a continual feast.  问心无愧天天乐。   
A good deed is never lost.  好心一定有好报。   
A good face is a letter of recommendation.  漂亮的面孔就是推荐书。   
A good face needs no band, and a pretty wench no land.  英俊的小伙子无需吹鼓手 ,漂亮的村姑无需田地.  
A good friend is my nearest relation.  好友即至亲  英语格言
A good horse cannot be of a bad color.  好马无劣色   
A good horse should be seldom spurred.  好马无需用鞭抽。   
A good husband makes a good wife. A good Jack makes a good Jill.  丈夫好 ,妻子也好.  英语谚语
A good man can no more harm than a sheep.  好人像绵羊,为恶不在行。   
A good man terminates a friendship with out rancor.  君子绝交不记仇  
A good marksman may miss.  好射手也有失手的时候  
A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.  美满婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金.  
A good name is better than riches.  美名胜过金钱。   
A good name is sooner lost than won.  美名难得而易失  
A good neighbor, a good morrow.  邻居好 ,日子好.  
A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.  我认为,一份好的报纸是一个民族在同自己谈话。   A.Miller 米勒(美国剧作家)


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