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[[原创地带]] Look for moral truth

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文字  人类历史上的大屠杀事件,最能证明人类需要道德教育以及指导德育教育的哲学。
― 科尔伯格

    劳伦斯· 科尔伯格(Lawrence Konlberg , 1927 -1987 )是一位美国心理学家,是道德认知发展理论的创始人,被誉为道德发展心理学之父,毕生致力于研究人类道德的问题。他的创造性、他的才华,以及他献身科学的精神,无不为人们所佩服。作为一名老师,热情、友善的他更是同学们心目中的典范。就让我们一起进人这位心理学大师的生命中,体验他的心路历程,看看他如何活得不平凡。


   科尔伯格1927 年10 月25 日出生于美国纽约布隆克斯维尔的一个富裕家庭。父亲是犹太富商艾尔弗雷德· 科尔伯格,其母为夏洛特· 科尔伯格,是一位知识女性。
    出生于富裕家庭的科尔伯格,从小就受到良好的教育,养成了勤奋好学的品格。童年时期都在纽约度过的科尔伯格,青年时期离开了他的故乡,独自前往马萨诸塞州的安道威,入读菲利浦私立高级中学。中学时期的科尔伯格已经表现出非凡的洞察力和分析力,令全校师生都为之震惊,学校更特地聘请私人教师专门来教导他。1945 年,科尔伯格以优异的成绩毕业。中学毕业以后,科尔伯格毅然选择了当海员,而放弃了可以直接升人声望颇高并有特殊教师的大学预科学校的特权。倘若他选择升读预科学校,他就可以顺利进人名牌大学。然而他却选择了当海员这一条人生道路,并加入了一个美国的商船队。

   1945 年秋,正值第二次世界大战过后,科尔伯格随美国商船队抵达欧洲,身在欧洲的他亲眼目睹犹太人被德国纳粹分子大肆屠杀,自己的父亲也为犹太人,年轻的他大受触动。在他眼里,看到了人类不公正、不道德的行为。这一经历成为科尔伯格人生的转折点,他意识到道德间题不再是反思维多利亚时代的不可容忍的世俗态度,而应该是关于人类事业的公正原则及其行动,确立了他后来以道德作为他终生研究主题的基础。

   1947 年,科尔伯格离开了商船队,自愿到犹太抵抗力量哈干罕的旧海军船“帕多卡号”上做副机械师,该船是负责偷运犹太难民通过英国封锁线到巴勒斯坦的。一次在通往巴勒斯坦的途中,船被英国截获,船上所有的人都被关到集中营里。在哈干罕的帮助下,他们终被释放,最后到了巴勒斯坦并在一个集体农庄生活了一段时间,期间科尔伯格第一次体验到一种“公正团体”的生活。返回美国后,科尔伯格决定重返校园,对他所看见的“公正”和“不公正”的问题进行反思。

重返校园― 寻找公正的真理

   1948 年,科尔伯格带着对道德问题的疑惑来到芝加哥大学学习。为了寻求解惑的答案,他专门地、系统地研读了哲学先师苏格拉底的《 回忆录》 、柏拉图的《 理想国》 、亚里士多德的《尼各马科伦理学》 ;近代哲学家洛克的《 人类理解论》 、康德的《 道德形而上学》 ;现代大教育家杜威的《 伦理学》 和《 民主主义与教育》 等。通过对这些西方经典的道德和伦理著作的阅读,科尔伯格找出了“道德应该是公正的”这一答案。经过刻苦努力加上非凡的智慧,科尔伯格只花一年的时间就把大学四年的学分全部修完了,于1949 年获得芝加哥大学的文学学士,并继续攻读硕士学位。科尔伯格选择了临床心理学作为研究生的学习方向,原因是他认为临床心理学能提供帮助他人的直接方法。

   在读研究生期间,科尔伯格跟随当时一些顶尖的心理学家学习临床心理学的理论和方法研究、行为主义、社会学习理论、发展心理学、成人发展理论、实验技术及设计和科学哲学等多门课程,有了扎实的理论功底,并对当时美国主流的行为主义和精神分析非常熟悉。同时,科尔伯格还对当时非主流的认知、社会和人格发展感兴趣。他阅读了皮亚杰的《儿童的世界概念》 和《 儿童的道德判断》 、鲍德温的《 心理发展的社会与伦理解释》 和《 思想与事物》 等,这些著作并不为当时的美国心理学家所重视,但科尔伯格却十分感兴趣,更有所启发地从中发现了人们对道德发展问题的忽视。皮亚杰和鲍德温的理论对科尔伯格的影响非常深远,他日后对道德发展问题进行研究时,就是以他们两人的发展理论作为基础的。

   1953 年,科尔伯格获得硕士学位,之后在一所心理医院当了两年的实习医生。有一次,一个有妄想症的女病人抱怨医生想迫害她,她的主治医生无意中听到她的抱怨,便对她进行电击治疗。这一事件令科尔伯格感到非常不安,他认为这样对待病人是不公平的,提出了抗议。但最终抗议被驳回,病人还是要接受电击治疗。这是科尔伯格继法西斯大屠杀后,又一次看到了的人类不公平事件的发生,他因此十分失望,所以决定离开心理医院放弃临床心理学。科尔伯格重新回到芝加哥大学,且转向到社会心理学,专心完成他的博士学位论文,并由此走上他心理学的研究道路。


   1955 年科尔伯格回到芝加哥大学,他把研究的重点放在他最初感到困惑的道德问题上,他要进行更深一步的心理学实证研究。科尔伯格所要感兴趣的问题是“儿童或野蛮人是怎样变成有道德的人”,这个问题是一直被美国心理学界所忽视的,也即道德发展与形成的问题,所以他把博士论文的研究主题定为探讨儿童道德判断或推理发展问题,并认为道德判断提供了所有社会相互作用的规范。起初他先用精神分析和行为主义的理论入手,但他发现这些理论都未能很好地解释儿童的道德发展问题。最后,他选择了当时不受学界重视的皮亚杰和鲍德温的认知发展理论作为他研究的理论基础。

   科尔伯格在研究时,首创地使用假设两难故事法来对儿童被试进行道德判断谈话。经过大量的数据收集、归类、处理和研究,在1958 年写成了博士论文“ro 至16 岁时期思维与选择方式的发展”,构筑起道德认知发展理论的雏形,提出了道德推理类型说。他把儿童的道德判断划分为三水平六类型。在发现这六种道德判断类型有不变顺序的发展特征后,科尔伯格把他的类型说改为阶段说。
A.前道德水平  1 .惩罚和服从定向
2 .朴素的工具性享乐主义

B .月民从习俗角色的道德水平  3 .维持良好关系、受他人赞扬的好孩子的道德
   4 .维护权威的道德
C .自我认可的遗德原则的道德水平  5.契约的、个人权利的和民主的接受法律的道德
6 .个人良心原则的道德
   1964 -1968 年在芝加哥大学工作期间,科尔伯格主持的“儿童心理学训练计划”不仅吸引了许多人对发展心理学产生兴趣,他的讲课更令学生为之陶醉。他的课程都会有大批学生选修,他的才华、他的热情都深深烙印在学生的心中。然而,他对学生的要求却绝不宽松。在一个学期的课程中,不仅有一次期中考试和一次期末考试,还要写一篇学期论文和一篇研究计划。除此之外,他更布置了2000 页的阅读材料。
   尽管如此学们还是非常喜爱和尊敬这位严格的老师。在他的学生中,如莱斯特、布拉特、克雷默和克雷布斯等人后来更成为了知名的心理学家。1968 年,科尔伯格离开了母校芝加哥大学,到哈佛大学当教育研究生院的教育学和社会心理学终身教授。在哈佛大学期间,科尔伯格的研究事业达到了顶峰,完成了建构关于道德发展心理学和学校道德教育实践方法的庞大理论体系。
   首先,他在1969 年发表了关于他在芝加哥大学工作的系统总结的长篇论文《 阶段与序列:社会化的认知发展取向》 ,详细阐述其认知发展的基本观点以及道德发展阶段理论,更因为这篇文章引起了学界对皮亚杰和认知发展理论的注意。此后,科尔伯格也不断对他的道德发展理论进行修正,继续发展结构阶段的概念以及测评的方法,并成功验证了他三水平六阶段的道德发展模型。另外,科尔伯格再次提出了道德发展的类型说,把道德判断类型分为他律和自律两种,并认为道德类型的发展与道德阶段的提高是一致的。另一方面,科尔伯格积极进行道德教育实验的研究,致力把道德发展理论应用在学校的道德教育实践中。在实验方法上从道德两难问题讨论法到公正团体法不断改进。1969 年,科尔伯格与他的博士生布拉特利用道德两难问题讨论训练法进行道德教育实验,结果实验非常成功,大多数学生在训练以后道德发展都有所提高,称之为“布拉特效应”。虽然这次实验是成功的,但却受到许多人的抨击,有人指责他忽视了学校中现实的道德问题和学校团体道德气氛对学生道德发展的作用。后来,科尔伯格采用了“公正团体法”作为第二种道德教育的实践方法。这显然是受到他早年在巴勒斯坦的集体农庄生活的影响。公正团体法是根据实际的道德教育中确定其目标和所使用的方法,强调学校气氛― 公正和民主对学生道德发展的作用。

苦战病魔十数载― 死亡之谜至今未解

   在哈佛大学期间,科尔伯格常常到不同的国家进行跨文化研究。1972 年在中美洲的伯利兹进行研究时,由于当地卫生环境较差,科尔伯格喝了未经消毒的水,以致感染了一种肠道寄生虫病。由于他专心于研究工作而疏忽了病情,没有及时治疗,最后病原虫寄生在他的肠道内,他也因此必须长期接受药物治疗。长期服用药物使得科尔伯格的身体状况不能继续支持工作,药物的副作用严重影响了他的健康,甚至使他产生幻觉,从而他不得不暂时放下他的工作,专心治病。尽管如此,科尔伯格的心从没有一刻离开过他的研究。1979 年,病情稍为好转的科尔伯格又重新回到岗位上,对其多年研究的道德认知发展理论作理论体系总结的庞大工作,编辑完成了代表他一生成就的《道德发展文集》 :第一卷《 道德发展哲学》 (1981 )、第二卷《 道德发展心理学》 (1984 )和第三卷《 教育与道德发展》 (1986 )。

   1987 年1 月,刚刚完成《 道德发展文集》 第三卷不久,疾病的魔掌再一次伸向科尔伯格,他的肠道寄生虫疾病再度复发,需要留院治疗。1 月17 日,科尔伯格失踪了,而且并没有留下任何的线索。从此以后,再没有人见到他的踪影了。警察经过好几个月的搜索,最终于同年4 月6 日,在波士顿劳岗机场附近的沼泽地找到了他的遗体。调查后只能判断科尔伯格是溺毙,甚至连死亡时间也不能确定。



The human being bloodbath events in history ,can prove the human

being most, needs moral education and guides the philosophy that

moral education educates.            --------Konlberg

Konlberg is an American USA psychologist,is  the founder whom that

morality cognition development theory, is praised the father of

psychology of the problem being that morality cognition

development  , the whole life concentrates on the human being

morality studying . His creativeness , his talent, and the spirit

of devoting self to the science  , is all what conduct admires

for. Becoming one teacher,his passion ,friendliness  is the

schoolmates mental apotheosis within heart even more.  let us

enter the life of this psychology great master together right

away, taste the course experiencing his heart road, see him how to

living out of the common.

Unusual experience brings up different life

Oct. 25 ,1927,Keerboge is born in a wealthy family of

Bulongkesiweier,  New York, USA.his Father ,Aierfuleide .

Keerboge is Jew wealthy merchant , whose mother is Charlotte  

Keerboge , is one knowledgeable female.

Keerboge Be born in the wealthy family , accept a good education

since the childhood, having formed a character becoming diligently

studyed so much. Keerboge that the childhood period spends all in

New York, the youth period has left his hometown ,  has gone to

the Massachusetts Andaowei alone , has gone into to study at

private high school of Philips. Middle school period ,Keerboge has

already showed out standing an uncommon insight and analyses ,

make the teacher and student of the whole school  startled , the

school appoints a private teacher more specially to teach him

exclusively .1945 years , Keerboge graduated with excellent

results. After middle school graduates, Keerboge has took upon

himself to choose the sailor, but having given up resolutely to

can enter directly reputation rather high also the privilege of

the special teacher's university preparatory school. If he chooses study at a

preparatory course school, he can enter

prestigious university smoothly right away. However this life  has

been chosen following the sea, he has added a American merchant


The autumns of 1945 ,just happen to be Second World War

afterwards, Keerboge follows the USA merchant fleet to arrive in

Europe ,  in European he is an eyewitness to Jew be massacred

wantonly by Germany Brown Shirt , his father also is Jew ,  he who

is young is touched greatly. Young of he is greatly subjected to a touch.

in his eyes ,he  has seen human being injustice  immoral

behavior.This  experience becomes Keerboge's turn of the life ,

he realizes that morality problem is no longerintrospect the

Victorian age's common manner cannot accept.But it ought to be

about human being cause of impartiality tenet and action,

and radicate the basic of morality is his  topic of research the

whole life later.

1947 years , Keerboge have left the merchant fleet , have come

forward to the fight- against Haggakam's old sea boat---\"aduoka

number \" to Jew, acting as assistant mechanic , the shipbe

responsible for illegally transporting the Jew refugee through the

United Kingdom blockade line arrives at Palestinian

. The boat is once intercepted and seized leading to Palestine by

United Kingdom , somebody is all closed on board to concentration

camp li.
Under Haggakam's help , they are released eventually, a period of

time ,  Keerboge have arrived at Palestine finally and have

lived in a collective farm and experience one kind of \"impartial

group \"of living for the first time  .

After coming back to USA, Keerboge decides to return to campus ,

carries out a self-examination on the problem of \"justice\" and \"no

impartial \"  that he saw.

Returning to campus ----seeks impartial truth

1948 years , Keerboge takes the doubt to the question of ethics to

arrive at an University of Chicago and study.

For exploring answer ,he studied the older generation of

philosophy technically and systematically first. Socrates of 《

memoirs 》,  Plato of 《 Utopia 》, Aristotelian 《Nicomachean

Ethics 》 ,  The philosopher is the modern times Lockean \"human

being understands theory \" , 《 morals metaphysics 》 Kantian;
Modern and big educator Du Wei of 《 the ethics learn 》 and 《

democratism and education 》 etc..

From these classical west morality and the ethics book Keerboge

have found out this one answer \"morality ought to be impartial\".

by making great efforts to add outstanding wisdom

assiduously,Keerboge spend a year year for having completed all  

of university credit for 4 years , the year gains University of

Chicago's bachelor's degree, and continues assiduously studying

Master's degree in 1949.Keerboge  choose clinical Psychology as

the study direction of graduate student ,reason is he thinks the

clinical psychology can provide a direct method of helping the


During the period of reading graduate student,Keerboge follow that

time a few tip psychologist study clinical Psychology theory and

method research, behaviourism, society study theory, develop

psychology, adult develop theory, experiment technology and design

and philosophy of science and so on , have solid theory

background, and face to face that time USA main current

behaviourism and psychoanalysis very at home.At the same time,

Keerboge is interested in not- the -main current cognition,society

and personality at that time  . He read Piaget's《the child's

world concept 》 and 《 the child's morals judgment 》 , Baldwin's

《 society and ethics of mental development explain 》 and 《

thought and thing 》 etc.,, These books is not taken seriously by

USA psychologist that time  ,but, Keerboge is interested in it very

much, have what be inspired  to have discovered people out of

developing problem to morality ignoring by people.

For Keerboge ,the effect of Piaget and Baldwin's theory  is very

far-reaching , he carry on a research to the morals development's

problem in the future  , is that theory is a basis's with

development of their two people.

1953 years , Keerboge is the intern for two years after Master's

degree, in one mentality hospital. A once , a female patient

having delusion disease complaining that the doctor wants to

oppress her cruelly , her archiater overhears her to complain that

carrying on an electric shock treatment to her. This  event makes

Keerboge feel very discomposed , he thinks that such treats a

patient is too unfair , putting forward a protest.But, the

electric shock protesting that the quilt rejects , the patient

still needs to accept an electric shock treatment. After this is

that Keerboge succeeds the fascist holocaust, a unfair human being

event having  come in sight of the occurrence of the unfair

affairs ,therefore he loses hope  very, and  decides to leave the

mentality hospital and abandons clinical Psychology. Keerboge

returns to University of Chicago again ,  and turns to social

psychology , pay attention to accomplishes his Ph. Degree thesis  

,walking up  his psychology research road from here.

Walk up the road that lifelong morality studies

1955 year Keerboge return to University of Chicago , he readjusts

oneself to a certain extent with the priority studying in him

initial feel that the psychology demonstration that he asks to

carry out deeper single-step on perplexed question of morality,


He puts the point of research to feel the question of ethics of

perplexity at the beginning at him up, he wants to carry on a more

deeply one-step psychology substantial evidence a research.

Problem needed to be interested in by Keerboge is \"children or Hun

is how to become the people  who have the morals\", this problem is

that are what educational circles ignores always by USA mentality

, the problem also being that morality develops and takes form, so

he settles the research topic of doctoral dissertation in order to

inquiry into a child morals judgment or reason logically a

development problem, and thinks that morality judges the norm

having provided all society coactions .

Firstly, he uses psychoanalysis and the behaviourism theory to

start first, but he discovers these theory failing to make an

explanation the development problem of the child's morals nicely.

Finally, he choose the cognition and developing theory not

accepting of Piaget and Baldwin that educational circles takes

seriously at that time developing theory being the rationale that

he studies.

Keerboge initiates field when studying, being put into supposing

that the story is tried carrying out morality judging conversation

to children being in a dilemma.Through Large amount of data

collect , categorize, handle and study, the year writes  Ph.D.

thesis in 1958 \"ro to 16-year-old period having become development

of thought and choice way \", have built up the embryo of the

morals cognition and development theories, have suggested that the

morality reasoning type theory.

He putchildren's morality judgement into three levels six  

types.After discovering these six kinds of morality judgment types

have a constantly in proper order development characteristic,  

Keerboge say his type changing to be that the stage theory.

A.ex- morals level
1.the punishment kimono is from the definite direction
2 .Simple tool gastronomy

B. the people is from the morals level of custom role
3.keep a good relation and is praise to the good kid's morals by others
4 .Support the authoritative morals
C.the morals level of the morals tenet  of ego approbation
5.contractual, personal  with democracy of accept the morals of law
6 .Personal morals of conscience tenet

Keerboge's Ph.D. thesis gains a lot of consistent scholar

favourable comment , becomes his basis having acted as, and

establish his to study cause of becoming famous. Afterwards he

pays attention to the applied problem of its research more and  

considers the development stage of the morality cognition theories

to educate fulfillment for the morals of the school of meaning.

During that period when 1964- 1968 years work in University of

Chicago, \"the child psychology that Keerboge hosts trains a plan \"

not only have attracted many people  to be interested in

development psychology but also his prelection more makes the

student inebrietied with for it.

His course may there is large number of student taking as an

elective course , his talent , his passion have branded all deeply

at student's heart .However demand of him to student loosen in no case and comfortable but.In

a school term course, not only having a mid-term examination and a

final examination , wanting to write a term paper and a research

plan too. Besides, he has arranged more 2000 pages of reading

material .

For all that Learning had better very much, been fond of and

revered this rigid teacher nevertheless. In his student, such as

Leicester , Blatter , Kramer and Keleibusi and others have become

the famous psychologist afterwards and more. 1968 years , Keerboge

have left University of Chicago of the mother school , have should

educate the graduate school pedagogics and the lifelong professor

of social psychology to Harvard University.During the period of

Harvard University, During the period of Harvard
Keerboge's research cause has reached a peak , has accomplished

the construction ample theory system about that morality develops

psychology and school moral education practice method.

First, he announced to work in the University of Chicago about

that his system working tally up of long essay 《 stage and

sequence:The cognition development of the acculturation mindset 》

in 1969 years, paying attention to setting forth the basic concept

that whose cognition develops detailedly as well as morality

develops stage theory , developing theory more to Piaget and

cognition because of this article has aroused educational circles.

After this, Keerboge amend the type of morality development thory

endlessly and
develops theory  unceasingly , the morality continuing the concept

developing the structure stage and measuring method, and success

judging having verified his three levels six  stages develops a

model.on the side , Keerboge has suggested that the type that

morality develops thory once again , the type morality is judged

has divided into heteronomy and self-discipline two kinds of

morality judgment types, think that development of morality type

and the exaltation of morality stage are consistent.On the other

hand,Keerboge carries on a morals education the research of the experiment

actively , concentrating efforts on that morality thory is

developed  applies in another , the school moral education

practice the fulfillment.

Improves unceasingly from morality problem the law discussing

law arriving at the impartial group on experiment method in a

dilemma, 1969 years , Keerboge pull to  make use of morality to be

in a dilemma with his Ph.D candidate Blatter discusses the law

training carries out the moral education experiment , the result

is that the experiment is very successful ,  majority

students'morality in training improves , being called \"the

exceptional effect of Bula\" .
Although this time of experiment is successful, but is subjected

to the attack of many people , somebody blameshim for having

ignored the effect that the real question of morality and the

school group morality atmosphere develop in school to student

morality . Afterwards, Keerboge has adopt \"impartial group law \"

to be second kinds the moral education practice method.
This is obviously the influence which is lived by Palestinian

collective farm of his early years at Palestine.
The impartial group is according to make sureascertaining what

whose target and are put into use method  , emphasizing the

atmosphere of school ,  impartial and candor and democracy's

function in actual moral education to the student.

Struggle hard against serious illness ten years--- riddle of death

have not deal with so far

Within the time of Harvard University, Keerboge often goes to

different of the nation carry on a cross-cultural research. 1972

Year .When studying at Belize in Central America  , since local

health environment worse, Keerboge has drunk  haven't yet

alexipharmic water, with the result that infected the parasite

disease of a kind of bowel way.Since he  absorbs in a research

work attentively , negligence state of illness, does not treat in

time , finally the insect of the cause lived on in his bowel way,

and also he must accept medication over a long period of time .

Take over a long period of time the medicine make Keerboge of the

body condition can't continue to support a work,the side effect of

the medicine influences his health seriously. makes him

hallucinate even , thereby, he has to  go of his work his job

temporarily , cures the disease attentively.

For all that, the heart of Keerboge never has a moment to have

left his research.1979 years , Keerboge the condition turns for

the better a bit returns to his job again. as to it's study for

several years of the development theories of the morals cognition

make theories system the huge work of the summary,

completed 《morals development collection of essays 》

representing his lifetime
Volume 1《 morals development philosophy 》 (1981), Volume 2 《

the morals develop psychology 》 (1984) with Volume 3 《 education

and morals development 》 .(1986)

In January,1987yearJust completed  《 the morals developed

collection of essays 》 Volume 3 soon, all of a sudden the evil

hands stretched toward Keerboge again, the parasite disease of his

bowel way once more relapses, needed to stay a hospital treatment.

Month 17 , Keerboge disappeared, and didn't leave any clues.From

now on,  no one saw him again.The police through quite a few  

month to search, in the end found out his reliquiae which is  on

the marsh ground of the LaoGang airport neighborhood in Boston.
at the same year April 6,

after investigating,can judge Keerboge to drown just , even

connect to die time to can't make sure.

From the disappearance of Keerboge to find out his body inside

this a few months of time , no one once got in touch with him,

also no one once saw him, so his death is still a riddle to this

day .
One and only can make sure of BE, Keerboge's leaving is a big loss

for educational circles , each university, the psychology

organization, newspapers and magazines...etc. All held a memorial

rites respectively with announce memorial article to grieve over


whole life to contribute

Keerboge spends the energy  to develop theories construction and

the morals educational fulfillment to carry on a research to the

morals for more than 30 years, construct that about  morals

development psychology and school morals educate huge theories

system of practicing the method.

His morals cognition develops theories it may be said

unprecedented, the effect of huge  is also  unique, all caused a

\"Keerboge tidal current\" in the psychology circles, educational

circleseses.still now, in the relevant morals develops discussion

and data of the research of problem , will mention the theories of

Keerboge, the name \" Keerboge\" is also everywhere.

Keerboge of not usual, rest with his braveness, he dares to try,

dares to create, can't follow behind the current to go.From the

fascist bloodbath of first sight  and the introspection of unjust

is starting, Keerboge looks for moral truth continuously. because

of Keerboge, people start noticing the problem of morals, is the

problem that he guides people's vision to the  morals development

, it is he that lets people know \"the morals should be fair\".Even

while the end of his life, effort and make a conflict with disease

, he has never given up own research as well, expressing a brave

of dedicated  spirit.Keerboge own of special personality  power,

and his development theories and morals education in the morals
Practice which is matchless contribution of making, all all

theses, all of us deserved to deeply pay respects to this great

and prominent psychologist .

搞了半个多月了,终于搞定了.........顺便问一下,   外语翻译过来的诗,可不可以再翻过去,帖上来

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-8 02:03:03 | 显示全部楼层
大屠杀事件bloodbath events
道德教育以及指导德育教育的哲学 moral education and guides the philosophy that moral education educates.
道德认知发展理论morality cognition development theory
第二次世界大战The Second World War
纳粹分子 Brown Shirt
人类事业的公正原则及其行动human being cause of impartiality tenet and action
集中营concentration camp
临床心理学 clinical psychology
硕士学位 Master's degree
电击治疗electric shock treatment
社会心理学social psychology

博士学位论文Ph. Degree thesis
心理学界psychology circles
教育界educational circles

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