发表于 2007-2-17 19:37:53
参考:http://www.cbe21.com/subject/mat ... 0050303_100342.html
1 如图小正方形的面积为12平方分米,求阴影部分的面积
the area of the small square shown below is 12 square dm, how much is the area of the shadow?
2 求下列各图中阴影部分的面积
calculate the area of the shadows in following pictures.
3 图中长度单位厘米
the unit length of the picture is cm.
5 如图长方形的周长是60厘米,求半圆的面积?
the perimeter of the rectangel shown below is 60cm, calculate the area of the half/semi-circle.
6 如图四边形ACDB的面积为25平方厘米,角AOB等于90度,求圆环的面积是多少平方厘米?
the area of the quadrilateral in the picture is 25 square cm, angle AOB equales 90 degree, calculate the area of the ring. |