发表于 2006-12-31 08:35:50
俺翻过字典,meta前缀是 ①above; beyond; behind 或 ②of change 之意。俺还找到一段这样的解释:
<philosophy> A prefix meaning one level of description higher. If X is some concept then meta-X is data about, or processes operating on, X.
For example, a metasyntax is syntax for specifying syntax, metalanguage is a language used to discuss language, meta-data is data about data, and meta-reasoning is reasoning about reasoning.
照此推理,metahistory是否就是history about history?没看过那本书,只能妄自揣测了。这一段话,或许乃是meta-翻译成“元-”的根据吧。研究方法里面有个meta-analysis,亦多译为“元分析”,其实俺觉得跟“元”没啥关系,就是一种综合多项研究结果的统计方法吧(In statistics, a meta-analysis combines the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses.)。
Metahistory is a historiography book by Hayden White first published in 1974.
In Metahistory, White rejects the notion that historians or journalists are able to write about the past or present as it actually happens. Instead he defines archetypes of historians with specific characteristics who approach history with different types of narratives. The medium (the type of narrative) is the integral message of the history. White provides a system intended to de-mystify histories, historians, news reports, and journalists who claim to present things objectively. He also proposes some methods for determining in what ways a given account lacks complete objectivity and how it can be seen as ultimately ideological. |