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发表于 2006-12-9 10:29:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








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发表于 2006-12-9 20:22:29 | 显示全部楼层
Here I am yjj543000
I choose NO.2
title:Much Ado about Nothing?

                            Much Ado about Nothing?     
    “So, you are a senior student now, what are you going to be?” This question was brought forward last week by a good fiend of mine who are to graduate next year. Oh, she is right; it’s high time for me to consider my future life.
     As a saying goes, “Man are afraid of entering into the wrong jobs mostly.” I’m just from a teacher’s university, which is not better than a college. What’s more, my major is English (itself doesn’t matter, but it’s the fact that I’m not good at it that matters.), this major is not as hot and required by market as it’s years ago. So it seems that I choose the wrong major at first, and then I continue my wrong deed by not mastering it well. Form this aspect, isn’t it indicates that I would be a loser in my so called bright by-and-by. Once I think about this, my nerve wrings; my skin shrinks; my feet shiver. The night also becomes sleepless and nightmare-liking. I know that I worry too much, but I can’t resist considering about it. To some extent, I become a little sensitive. Fortunately I come across an article which makes me know there is never any real reason for a worry. It‘s right, because as we all know worry never helps us to gain, and often is the cause of losing, the things which we so much desire. Fortunately again, my friends give me many useful pieces of advice.
    Now I gradually get rid of the ado, and instead I set up my aims which I never considered properly before ; I force myself to be optimistic and active; I takes more time into studying and reading books about education(for I have decided to be a teacher, a good English teacher)
    Although my future is still not very clear, I have conceived it in a large part.
    My future life is not necessary rich, but it is necessary substantial. If I become a teacher, I won’t be rich (in most cases). However, the experience as a teacher will truly make my life colorful and full of unexpecting gifts. Just imagine my students’ lovely faces and personality; watch and guide them in their life as well as their study. All of these can draw me to my childhood and young age.
    My future life is not necessary glorious, but it is necessary different. I hate my life to be the same as others, because I’m afraid that the identical life also triggers the personality alike. So I would probably try something that I never do (the others hasn't done either, of course it must be legal.)
    My future life is not necessary plain sailing, but it is necessary to be a little rough. Life without thorns is impossible and artificial. Pains mirror the truth of life and teaches me hoe to cherish the happiness. I can’t think of what life would be if it is without ups and downs, but it must be dull and boring at least.
    In my opinion, the most important thing that I need in my future life is hope and persistence.
    As a poet written, “Hope is the things that perches in our soul and sings the song without tunes.” I need hope to protect my soul especially when I suffer stormy troubles in my passage-like future life. Victory tends to go to the people with hope inside. A lot of people cut and run ; others take their lumps, bounce back, get knocked down again ,hang in there—and, in the end ,win.(quoted). In this sense, I should plant hope in my soul.
    The ability of never giving up when I encounter challenges (we often call it as persistence). So if I have faced a bit of discouragement while I pursue my dreams, I will boost myself to keep on doing what I have been doing. All in all, I think it’s the key to be happy and successful in my future life.
    Oh, unconsciously, I have written so much about my future life. It comes to me that all of this is just much ado about nothing. But is it really only ado? I don’t think so. I do agree last week I spent too much ado (here I mean the unnecessary worry and over-consideration) about nothing (the unreasonable consequence without figuring out the ways). However, it also helped me to blueprint my future. (I don’t intend to mansion the cliché “every coin has two sides”). In the end, I click the following words as a mutual encouragement: now is now, future is future, but each piece of now decides the whole future.

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发表于 2006-12-10 12:43:44 | 显示全部楼层
ID: haoduo5658


我的文章:        My English Study and My Future
    I was a freshman 6 years ago at Harbin Institute of Technology. Then I studied English very hard, and partly because I had laid a solid foundation, I passed CET-4 during the first year of the campus life with the scores above 70. Passing CET-4 seems to be very difficult for many students, but to me it is just a piece of cake. And to foster myself to study better, I got up at 6:00am every morning before CET-6 for 3 months to memorize lots of words and recite many good articles. At that time, to persist was not an easy thing, and compared to my classmates, I knew I deserve to pass the exam and I felt enriched. Now looking back, I know it is one of the best periods of my college life.
    At the third year, because of my excellent achievements I was exempted from the Master’s Entrance Examination. So I had lots of spare time, but it was a pity that I didn’t make full use of that time to study English. Until one and a half years later, I didn’t study English.
    Now I am studying my doctor’s degree. And I need to write and publish English papers to successfully and smoothly graduate. I started to pick up English by reading lots of English literature on my major and then find out how the English-speakers use a word to express their meanings when writing an English paper. However, I have met many difficulties. Firstly, occasionally I cannot find the proper word to express myself. Therefore, I have to type in the Chinese word and read its English translation. Secondly, even if sometimes I thought of an English word, without looking up the dictionary I have no idea of its usage. And when I put it in a sentence, it reads weird. Luckily my girlfriend is an English teacher at a college. Now and then I will ask her to translate a word or a phrase for me and to polish my English sentences.
    Besides, the other day I attended a dinner together with my girlfriend. There were two Canadian friends at dinner. When talking to them, I knew my spoken English is very poor, too. In the process of talking with them I feel embarrassed. Fortunately they are clever enough to guess out what I really want to express.
    At present, I don’t like to watch English movies because I cannot understand what the actors and actresses say without subtitles. On the other hand, if I read subtitles, I cannot fully enjoy the movie’s pictures and the roles’ facial expressions. Maybe you have the similar feeling with me, don’t you? However, my girlfriend loves to watch English movies. She has seen all the ten seasons of “Friends”, six seasons of “Sex and the City”, and two seasons of “Growing Pains” and all the new big movies. Therefore, due to our great differences, I seldom accompany her to watch movies and she barely asks for my company. She doesn’t know I really dream that one day my English would be good enough to accompany her to watch English movies.
    My girlfriend often tells me I should study English well to prepare for future life. I know I have to and I am trying. Every day I read at least one English article and note down the good sentences; besides, I often surf online and listen to English talks and read others’ articles. And more often I will come to this website and see if I can help others with their compositions and English abstracts. I hope I can improve my English through revising others’ articles and remind myself of the similar mistakes.
    After realizing the weak points of my English I have made up my mind to study harder not only in order to graduate but also for my future career. I want to be a teacher in a university after graduation. I know if I want to be promoted as an associate professor or a professor I have to master enough English to read English literature and further my research. And I hope I can go abroad as a visiting scholar. For this dream I have to study English well, too. Moreover, on that day for dinner, I also met a Chinese immigrant who lives well with his wife and one son in Canada. His wife is expecting another baby. And the Chinese immigrant also tried to persuade my girlfriend to immigrate to Canada which is a real paradise for our future baby with regard to his/her growing atmosphere, education and career development. After that dinner, I know better that Chinese students can live well if they have strong capacity to find a good job after emigrating into foreign countries and. I wish I had the chance to, at least, visit foreign countries.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-10 15:52:46 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2006-12-12 11:29:02 | 显示全部楼层
Without English, I am not what I am

  Like all of you here, I am crazy about English. Nobody can deny that English is getting more and more important as no one could hold back the wheel of globalization. A sure way to wreck your chances of mastering English competently is to believe that English learning is a “natural gift” rather than a learned skill which comes from plain hard work, from determination, sweat, and head-on battle. On the occasion of the 4th anniversary celebration in “Readfree”, I am quite happy to tell my story about English learning here and share it with all of you, my dear friends.

  I admit that, at the very beginning, it was the expression of surprise on my English teacher’s face after I recited a short essay loudly without any mistakes that aroused my interest in English. In another word, when I was in junior middle school, at the age of 13, I urged myself to learn English out of a little bit of vanity. Nevertheless, I have touched the handle of English. In the ensuring years, I read a lot, from interesting English stories, newspapers to many other materials of help to enrich my English knowledge. River bank, playground, and even the road to classroom witnessed my absorption in English learning. I often recall my youthful days full of thousands of new words, complicated sentences and passages. English seems to me elegant rather than difficult and ugly as many other students described. This kind of feeling accompany with me from high school even to college.

  I appreciate English not only it brings me with rich school experiences but also fruitful progress. I beat fifteen competitors for a Ph.D program in microbiology. During my research period, I tried to use English as the only language in scientific work, collecting data, writing progress report, and presenting research results in English, English, and again English. Besides, I forced myself to comprehend at least one scientific paper one day, then outlined the procedures and experimental design and finally summarize the main points or conclusions in my own way. Presently, I could see my progress as I have became a stronger English reader and, to some extent, I could sense the beauty of English. Though such was a piece of cake to others, however, to me, a great stride.

  Though there is a long way to be something, I am not what I am without English. She gives me the strength, energy, and driving force to get up early for learning, working for the rest of my life.

  Impossible is nothing, so is English.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-14 08:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
Id: Samuelsun
No. 2
Title: My future
My Future
Future is really a big topic. Jesus said no one can control his future and everything is controlled by Father. I am not a Christian. So I don’t believe the destiny has been decided. But I don’t believe we can control destiny either. Even though, I will try my best to grasp some parts of my life. At least I am trying to be a person who is satisfied with himself.
How can I satisfy myself? In other words, what kind of life am I pursuing? Of course self-indulgent life is out of my goals of pursuing. This kind of life can only make me feel happy for a short time and after that it will be a permanent suffering. I like money because they are necessary for my life. But money just can fit part of my desire, not all. I dislike power because it means responsibility and pressure. A life full of pressure can’t be my life.
The only thing which can fit my desire is working. Working with my interesting, doing job with my knowledge, developing technology during my studying, these really make me happy and can show my value to the society.
A pleasant job is what I want. But one can not only care about oneself. Marx said person is an element of society and we can not exist without society. This world will be a terrible world if everyone just cares about himself and tries to meet his own desire. This behavior can only be called selfness and autism. We don’t want this. We need a harmony society not a troubled world. Therefore laws appeared to keep us can pursue our life with mutual respect. Every should follow laws including me.
As what I said just now, we can’t pay only attention on ourselves. In my point of view, people can be divided into three classes. The persons who are in the first class always think about others. They not only cultivate themselves to be good and powerful person, but also take national responsibility or even the international responsibility. They fight for the life of the people and the development of the country. They contribute their energy or even their lives. They are true heroes. The persons who are in the last class only care about themselves. They can call everyone ‘mother’ only if they give them latex. They can bear any bad thing only except they are victims. They can’t tell the thing is right or wrong. They only know whether they can benefit for it. Sometimes they can attack their heroes who really do good things for their future just for a tiny benefit. Of course there are a group of people who are between the upper two groups. They can’t give their life for others happiness just like what their heroes do. But they try their best to be a good person. They help others and do things that are utterly right and don’t do things which are wrong. They know what apodictic ‘truth’ is and what their heroes are doing.
I can’t be a hero who gives his life for his people and shame to be a person who is selfness and autism. I just try to know what is apodictic truth and do things I believe they are right and don’t do things that I consider they are wrong. I wish I have an interesting job and show my value with my results. I imagine this is my future.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-21 23:47:18 | 显示全部楼层
ID: hooksnare
我的文章:              My English and My Family

My parents married in the age of institutional revolution, Great leader Mao told them that they should go and work in the countryside or mountain areas. So a standart intelligentsia-like courtship was borned. Mom knew it was time to start a family. A well-educated man who came from a middle-school 20 miles away from where she lived looked like a good bet. He was captivated by her figure and goodness.
“Marriage is long, and Feeling is fleeting.” The lightning romance didn’t last long. Different family background generated disharmonious note .She liked be hers own; he hated the thought. He loved be their whole-family—including my aunts,uncles, my grandfather and grandmother; she did not. He was a little slovenly, she was a little squeamish. They fought in the yard, at the dinner table, over money, over the perceived failings of their respective in-laws.There was a hope that they would change once they retired,  but what remained steeled itself into bright bitterness. “I always thought we’d ...” my mother would begin, before launching into a precise listing of my father’s faults. The litany was recited so often, I can reel it off by heart today. As he listened, my father would mutter angry curses. Maybe it wasn’t a happy and perfet  marriage, but as their 35th anniversary approached, I decided to throw a party. Thirtyfive years was a long time, after all; why not try to make the best of things? I’d provide the cake, the braised chicken, the wine, and they’d abide by one rule: no quarrelling and fighting.
We had a wonderful day. In hindsight it was an important celebration, because soon after, things began to change for my parents. As the days flowing and their son’s growing, their marriage was about the only thing they wouldn’t lose. It began when their memories started to fade. Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car keys were the groceries left behind on the counter, notices of bills left unpaid. Gradually my parents couldn’t remember names of friends. Finally they didn’t remember that their grandchildren’s birthday. These crises would have at one time set them at each other’s throats, but now they acted as a team, helping each other with searches, consoling each other with “Everyone does that” or “It’s nothing; you’re just tired.” They found new roles—bolstering each other against the fear of loss. Financial control was the next thing to go. For all of their marriage, my parents stubbornly kept separate accounts. Sharing being unthinkable, they’d devised financial arrangements so elaborate they could trigger war at any time. He, for example, was to pay for everything outside the house, she for whatever went on inside. As the days fleeting , borderline became blurring(He bought eggs sometime, she got sofa at one time). The whopays dilemma was so complex for one trip that they finally gave up buying rice .I took over the books. Now no one knew how things got paid. Next I hired a housekeeper. Cooking and cleaning, chores my mother had long complained about, were suddenly gone. Finally—on doctors’ orders—we cleared the house of alcohol, the fuel that turned more than one quarrel into a raging fire.
You could say my parents’ lives had been whittled away, that they could no longer engage in the business of living. But at the same time, something that had been buried deep was coming up and taking shape. I saw it when my father came home after a brief hospital stay. We’d tried to explain my father’s absence to my mother, but because of her memory, she could not keep it in her head why he had disappeared. She asked again and again where he was, and again and again we told her. And each day her anxiety grew. When I finally brought him home, we opened the front door to see my mother sitting on the sofa. As he stepped in the room, she standed in amazement. I stayed back as he slowly walked toward her and she toward him. As they approached each other on legs rickety with age, her hands fluttered over his face. “Oh, there you are,” she said. “There you are.”
I don’t doubt that if my mother and father magically regained their old vigor, they’d be back fighting. But I now see that something came of all those years of shared days—days of sitting at the same table, waking to the same sun, working and raising me together. Even the very fury they lavished on each other was a brick in this unseen creation. In the early morning I once again heard the voices through the wall. “Where are we?” my father asked. “I don’t know,” my mother replied softly. How lucky they are, Their loving reassurances were sweet, touching and surprising.
Now I am no longer young. I appreciate them more each day. My parents does not change, but I do. As I grow older and wiser, I realize how extraordinary they are. How sad that I am unable to speak these words in their presence, but they flow easily from my pen. How does a son begin to thank her mother for life itself? For the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child? For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? I don't know how to bless them. I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my parents look in mine.  
Maybe marriage is not a fairy tale, but it’s a achievable production. May Bodhisattva bless them.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-22 08:11:07 | 显示全部楼层
My Englishi,my readfree

It has been a year and half since I entered the forum. The first time by chance, I saw a senior searching information for his graduation thesis. I was deeply attracted by its richness and convenience. From then on, I saved the webpage in the folder as my favorite.

In an instant, it is my turn to write my thesis. While was worried about looking for information, the section in the forum “Domestic Literature” provided me with great help, which helped me easily pass this difficult period of thesis writing time. At present I can still vividly remember what happened at that time.

The forum provided me with so much convenience that I not only felt appreciated and awesome to the creators and maintainers of the forum, but also thought that everything should be a unity of rights and duties. I enjoyed the right to search information in the forum, but what duties should I perform so that I can continue to enjoy the right?

Actually the answer is simple: while you get information from others in the forum, you should summit your excellent articles so that others can share your results. Some guest visitors of the forum are not satisfied with the set reverence for others’ articles. I would like to persuade these friend that you should think also about what you have done for the forum.

If you always want to enjoy the right, but have you ever thought of your duties? I think if everyone understands this the forum will developed faster and better! As a matter of fact, I was once worried about the prestige issue, but after knowing this reason, I conquer the difficulty through posting my notes and I hope that everyone can do this too.

The Forum has taken four years, during which I do not know how many friends it has accompanied to experience their unforgettable time. At the forum, I have not only gained knowledge, but also understand the essence of life. In this special occasion of the fourth anniversary, I would like to say : "I hope people will take the spirit of 'All for one, one for all '. and hope that we can spend the next four years, 40 years, 400 years together. "

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-22 18:30:07 | 显示全部楼层
我的文章:My English and My Future

  I began to learn English aged thirteen when I was in the middle school.In those days,I did not have any interest in English as well as other.Because that was the first time that I contacted a new foreign language which could not attract my attention whatever.When having an English lecture,I would be absentminded and could not keep knowledge the teacher imparted  in my head.So,I did not make a good score when take part in English examination,which beseted me for long time.
From then on,I decided to study hard to undrestand English well.Every morning I took one hour or more to read and write.Gradually, language acquisition becomed to culmulate  more and more and my English level is promoted.
After entering high school,I meet a good English teacher who teached excellent and I gradually began to like studying English.With the help of him I knew how to learn.In my spare time,I readed many extracurricular books and becomed to be more and more intersted in English.Though I made progress in
that period,I was not good at comprehension listening  which is diffcult for me.Maybe it was the lack of plain exercise and I did not pay attention to its practice.Up to date,I am still  weak in listioning and donot know what and how should I do to improve achievement.
The university life is colorful and varied,and I had much more free time to learn English.The library stores a lot of various books that can be borrowed for reading.I broswed kinds of books including literary works,science and technology articleThus,history books and so on.By about five years' effort, my English level is improved greatly except hearing test.At this point,I think it is relative to my shorting of the music cell.Because I donot like to listion English song.
On the influence of my shoolmates,I begin to watch foreign movies being pronounced in English and start to accustomed to appreciating English work.
Now,I am a medcial student,I need to read some medical English articles daily which needs more professional knowledge.It is said that the medical English word takes about one-thirth of all English vocabulary.So,learning medicine is vrey hard and you need to pay far more effort than others.But,since having chosen this occupation I would try my best to do well.Some day I would become a doctor and English is a necessary part in my future live and study.So I will learn and use it for ever.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-23 22:38:05 | 显示全部楼层
响应老板娘号召替书园写一份庆典宣言, 当然也冲着重奖而来

ID: tycoon
活动:1(b) 庆典宣言
我的文章:  Remarks on the 4th anniversary celebration of Readfree Forum     
Four years of days and nights have passed in a flash;
Four years of cloudy moments and sunny days have become yesterdays;
Four years of joys and sorrows have slid by;
Four years of ups and downs have flied away.
In the past four years, we break through brambles and thorns fearlessly;
In the past four years, we stand together through adversity firmly;
In the past four years, we spare no sweats and bloods exactly;
In the past four years, we bear numerous fruits contentedly.
On this day of four years ago, we brought the forum into the world, motivated by youthful aspirations, dreams and the drive. Financial difficult, materially lacking,  technologically immature and manually deficient, we took the first step persistently. To our contentment, the originally unknown forum has now survived and gained much recognition, its memberships reaching two hundred and two thousand registered members to this day.
We do not forget the essence of Net: "the freedom to seek, receive, impart and use information”. Till today we cherish our common desire and commitment to build a truly academically unfettered and readers’ free virtual community.  We are doing our utmost to  provide an increasingly superior platform on which everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and people to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life.
Our source of getting ahead, with no doubt, is our friends coming here and there. Without their persistent support and selfless contribution, we could not have achieved that better. We show our great respect for their enthusiasm, generosity, and their commitment in the process of growth.
We do not slow down our forward steps in a single day; we treasure and savor every single day; we surmount a day ahead. Just a Old Chinese saying goes: “You can enjoy a grander sight,By climbing to a greater height”.
We consistently believe that blessed with living in such great times, we are aspiring to not to fail to live up to the times and intently shoulder the responsibilities to connect and combine our readers everywhere together to tap their potentials and wisdom to the fullest.
We will continue to present more classical and better academic information in every field at home and abroad. We clearly know what our members are eager for and try every means to satisfy their means through our mutual efforts and talents. Valuable assets come for our committed members and they accordingly serve and benefit them. This is our unchangeable principle to abide by, without doubt.
We commit to cultivate our forum culture and ensure that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through our platform and regardless of frontiers. Communication, a fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of all social organization and central to the Information Society will be effectively executed and valued in our forum. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and no one should be excluded from the benefits our forum could offer. We wish for the forum to become the spiritual garden of all serious learners and scholars.
The 4-year celebration is a milestone, an achievement in which all of us can take great pride.
This is our shared dream and your dream and let’s join hands to make it more interesting to stay.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-24 11:15:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-12-26 13:28:35 | 显示全部楼层
ID: hooksnare

我的文章:     My English Study and My Future

    Reviewing the past, I thought sometimes is more important than looking into the distance .
    The other day,I got an unexpected letter from Miss T, mailed from H County. She was a very good classmate of mine during the period from junior middle school to the first year of senior middle school. Two years ago,because of some family problems,she and her mother went back to their hometown. She was a lovely and diligent student,very healthy and fond of sports. we were on very good terms with each other. And we had changed a few letters since she left school.
   She's got an open and frank disposition,and she's very hard-working and can endure unusual hardships. Brought up in the countryside,she knows how to do many kinds of farm work. When she went back to the countryside,due to financial problems she dropped out of school and participated in the farm work. in her previous letters she told me the new looks the countryside had taken on, and she said the living standards of the farmers there were now very close to that of the townspeople,while they had much more specious houses.
In today's letter,she described her recent situation telling me that since she started her farm work and side-production planting and cultivating mushrooms,her family has gradually become well-off. She's been teaching herself agricultural skills and techniques through reading all kinds of books and magazine , and has achieved great successes in her own experimental fields. And it has brought her immediate economic profits. The knowledge she's obtained from self-study,she believes,is much more useful in a more direct way than the textbooks she studied in the school. And now,she never wants to attend any ordinary schools, What she wants to enter is an agricultural university.She also told me a secret that in these two years she and her mother have already departed from the crate of poverty, and have become in their area a fairly well-known “Household of Ten Thousand Yuan” which is really not easy for them,for theirs is fairly backward mountainous area of the province. She said in two years' time,she would attend a university by self support when the figure on her bank account reaches 6 digits …,She invited me to visit her home during vacations.
While reading her letter, I can't help recalling the assiduous efforts she made when she was studying at school,and now she is really exploring and utilizing all her potentials in such a vast and ever-changing world. I really would love to see her and her career. This also reminds me of another classmate Little D,a city girl who has started her own self-employed business. She's quite rich now.
Thinking of myself and many others,following the usual route of going through schools and possibly universities,finding a suitable work upon graduation and all in all finding a so-called“Iron-Rice-Bowl”,I realize that we can never expect to catch up with people like the two classmates in economy. With this comparison to mind,I can not hot pity myself. And at the same time I think the world is changing,moving the right direction and for the better!Of course, as they differ in their interests, abilities and objectives in life, different people pursue different careers. Some love to be doctors, while others prefer to be scientists. Some like to be workers, whereas others choose to be technicians. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. My major is the manage of tourism, so I want to get a job about tourism. Good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. They certainly can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries.
To achieve this dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. On the other hand ,Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at present. Few service centers except some deceptious profit-runing instituitions available to help me. I often fail to recognize how good a job really is. Furthermore, the existing restrictions, sexual discrimination, nepotism and bureau-cracy adversely affect job competition. Nevertheless, I think i don't have to worry about unemployment, because the well-educated are badly needed in the rapid development of China's economy. Just as the saying goes: “Seeing is believing.” I have full confidence with my dream.

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发表于 2006-12-28 08:23:18 | 显示全部楼层
活动:2  我的英语,我的未来
When I was 13 years old, I began another studying stage in senior school. At the same time, it was my first time to meet with the English course. Now I am 28 years old, I have had 16 years’ experience of studying English since my first contact with English. By 16 years’ study, I have become a teacher who mastered some English knowledge from a middle school student who knew nothing about English. I think by myself that by 16 years’ study, only my reading and writing is satisfying, but my oral English, as a very important possibility, is not satisfying, because I can not communicate with others in English fluently. We can say that this Chinese style of English teaching is a failed way. As a language, the problem which should be solved firstly is how to use it to communicate with others. Even now, I appreciated my teachers who had taught me English course very much. It is them that taught me English knowledge I mastered now.
I got rudimental English education in a village senior school. Compared with other English learner from villages, my English pronunciation is more standard, and my pronunciation was praise by some English teachers, especially foreign English teachers. I owed this to my first English teacher mostly. I remembered that my first English teacher is a female teacher who just graduated from normal school, and her pronunciation is very standard. Under her education, I met with standard English pronunciation. And at that time, she emphasized the importance of pronunciation, and rigorously demanded us. Especially when we learned phonetic symbol, she demanded us to plot correctly pronouncing figure. If there were some mistakes, she punished us to plot again and again, until we remembered the correctly pronouncing figure. I learned how to pronounce the correct pronunciation under this rigorously demand. In addition, after this strengthening training, I had another ability to correctly read the words that I didn’t know. Except some words with special pronunciation, I didn’t make mistake commonly. Sometimes, this ability of mine astonished my classmates, my colleagues. However, this ability is not special, because every of us accepted this training ever.
As the fast developing of global economy, the communication between country and country became more and more frequent, and the English became more and more important. English has become a universal language in the world. If you don’t master this language, you have no way to communicate, cooperate, and do commercial business with most of other countries. At the present time, the world is like a huge market, Chinese products can sell to every area in the world, and products from other countries can sell to China. With the development of economy, people are required to master English as a tool of communication. And with the vehicles becomes more and more convenient, we feel that all the world becomes smaller and smaller. I can meet with foreigners in the campus or on the streets. Every people may have a chance to meet with foreigners, in order to communicate with them, we must master English.
It is similar in my own job. I need to know the most advanced fields in development of science and technology all over the world. So I have to refer a large number of English references. Only you understood the most advanced fields in development of science and technology all over the world, can you have opportunity to get best achievement in scientific study and to teach students the knowledge about the most advanced fields in the subject in which you have your own researching jobs. Sometimes, we need to communicate with foreigners. If we have not mastered English, it should be very difficult to communicate with them. So only we mastered English well,, including writing, reading and oral communication, can we do our job very well.

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发表于 2006-12-28 16:21:29 | 显示全部楼层
ID: footsome
Activity: 2

        I like English very much, I have a good future
  Wow~, this is my first English article online. It’s amazing that I can gain some prize by writing. Thanks for holding this activity.   
I have learned English since I was twelve. I remember how exciting I was in the first English lesson. My first English teacher is a woman who just graduated. I admire her for she gave me a good beginning of studying English. Because I was fascinated with English, I paid lots of time on it and got high scores in my first English exam.
In college times, there are so many reasons, I did not keep on learning English, I passed cet4 during the first year of 4year university life, but I failed to pass CET-6 twice.
When I graduated from university, I suddenly realized that I can’t gain a good job offer without mastering English. Fortunately, I entered one of the Fortune 500 Company. Since I started working, I studied English hardly with my fellows that like English the same.
Last year, we founded an English learning interested group under leader’s directions, it named Perfection.com English interested group. I was one of the head members, I had finished lots of initial jobs that assigned by the group leader. Our English Learning Interesting Group has three routine activities: every week a tip, English lessons every month and English movies. I took charge of the English movies with two members of our group.
I like to watch English TV Shows and Movies very much. I has seen all the ten seasons of “Friends”, six seasons of “Sex and the City”, and two seasons of “Growing Pains”, I am following “Lost” recently, which is one of the hot ongoing TV shows of ABC, now it is on its third season.
I started my software engineering master course last year, I had finished majority lessons of the course. It was expecting to gain my master degree next year when I finish my dissertation. My master course has two English lessons. One is English writing, the other is English Reading. I passed these two lessons all above 80.
In my next year’s learning plan, I want to prepare for the IELTS, wish I can pass with a score above 6. And I want to start my doctor course next year too. When I start my doctor course, English will be more important for me, and I think I can deal with it. My English skills will progress one more time.
New Year is approaching. Happy New Year! Best regard to everyone here in ReadFree forum!

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发表于 2006-12-29 10:15:08 | 显示全部楼层
ID: lxr1182
My English and my future
Most of people have dreamed of their own future. Of course, most of them believe that they will have a great future. But how does future deal with English?
Firstly, Let us research English. We must realize that there has enough proofs to show the importance of English. It is used more often than other language. Most linguists think that English will be the world language in the 21th century. Nowadays, in the internet, most are written in English. A lot of countries in the world make English as their formal language. So, English has become a universal language in the world.
At present, WTO and Internet have brought developing chance to China, and brought us who only know Chinese challenges. How can I communicate well with people of other countries in the world? The answer is so clear that I must mastered a universal language well, and English is the first choice.
Now, I am a graduate student. Most of us like me have been studying English from grade six. At that time, our English teacher taught us the grammar, sentence and phonetic symbol of English. I did not mastered these at that time. Some day, I suddenly understood these totally. I always be surprised at my understanding till now. In college time, I have passed CET-4 in the first term of my second year in university. And I passed CET-6 in the second term in the same year. From then on, I did not concentrate on English study. Simple understanding of most words satisfied me. And this English studying method went on till the end of my college life. When I began to study for my master degree, I knew that self-teaching was the only way in the daily studying life, including English study. At this time, there are a lot of data written in English which I must read for new idea. At the beginning, I really do not want to read them because I think they are not easily understood. I cannot pick up the main idea of them easily. Compared with data in Chinese, they are too difficult. I believe most of us have had this opinion before. But advice from my advisor and other brothers and sisters tells me that only reading these can I form my own idea in my research fields. I have to read them little my little with some translation tools. Day by day, my English data reading speed improves. Now, I can easily grasp its main idea. And through some experiments, I will get my own idea. Till recently, I have realized that there is no difficult things in the world. If only you work hard with it, you will conquer it easily. Only by practice, will you grasp something skillfully.
My reading life will end in the future, so I must consider my future work. I want to work in the foreign companies not only due to their working environment but also because of their simple relationship between people. I have heard a lot of bad news from some native companies, such as bad management, bad salary, bad rules of encouragement and punishment and so on. All of these make my will to go to foreign company solid. I know that at present, my English is also poor. So, I must be better in spoken English and written English. Some new methods in English study must be carried out. English resource in the internet is too enough for me. I have downloaded a lot of VOA special English for aural and oral practice. In everyday life, I take some time to listen to them and practise to speak them. Although at the beginning it is hard for me, I persist in this everyday.
Now, I have made a plan for my future. So, I must study hard so that I can get into foreign companies and communicate well with others in English.

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发表于 2006-12-29 21:21:39 | 显示全部楼层
ID: kiyuwwb
题目:My English, My Career

During four-year study in East China University of Science and Technology, I took advantage of this precious opportunity and tried to grasp every chance to acquire all kinds of knowledge, especially English. I have made rapid progress in learning basic English skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. Since spoken English plays a more and more important role in our society, I pay much attention to it and did a lot of practice in daily life. For example, I often practiced oral English in the English corner and took part in oral English Contests as well as English Drama Contests.

As an English major, my excellent oral English enabled me to have worked as a part-time English interpreter, helping Taiko Oleochemical Co., Ltd. to do business with foreign manufactures. So, I am capable of doing simultaneous translation and foreigh trade.

In addition, being enthusiastic and active in social activities, I bravely participated in English Speaking Contests. Although I have encountered numerous difficulties and failures, yet I made up my mind to go on with my pursuits.

Now I am working in a JV between China and England. English is the only language in daily communication. Although my major in the university was not business, I am keeping myself updated with business and other skills. Thanks to four-year English study in ECUST, I have rolled up my sleeves to begin my career.

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发表于 2006-12-30 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层
ID: yuntop

first of all, I would say that my English skills suck. I am writing this prose merely because I wanna join this forum that once ever provided so many good things to me, and I wanna know you guys more!

English is just like my old pal who has been walking me for years. Everywhere I am, it is always there with me. And I am pretty sure that it’s gonna be with me in the future. I really couldn’t imagine how life would be without it, and I could imagine how wonderful life would be with it:

With it I’d opened a door to the English world, and I will have even more. I will be able to read more books in English, read the newspaper and magazine in English. English is just like an international language that everyone speaks it and use it. Hollywood movie is great, and it’s in English as well. So I could see them without much difficulty. William Shakespare is an excellent writer, and his plays are so beautiful. I will be able to enjoy more. I will keep browsing the websites in English.
English is just like a key to the door of a wonderland.
I will teach my kids English, or maybe find them a good English teacher. Chinese culture is perfect, while I wanna bring some good part of other culture based on other languages to my family. My wife will watch English football match with me, and have lots of fun with jokes in English.

That’s how English will affect my daily life, and I also wanna talk about how English will change, help or improve my future carrer:

It’s quite certain that English will enable me to to get more money, which will be surely good to me. Here is my idea:
I am thinking of creating a start-up company. It will be an advertising company. I love arts a lot. I don’t think I could live on without art. However I am not a pure graphic designer. I know how important it’s to combine the art and the commerce! Pure art will exit within small group of people. If one wanna let the art benefit more people, he certainly needs to run a company or at least work for a company. Market enables us to trade, which by all means is very beneficial!!

How could I possibly achieve my ambition with the help of English? The sales need English to promote and sell the products. Somebody may wonder how come an art product will need English to get sold? Here is the explain, say, my company will be an advertising company. Fine, for example, I wanna shot an advertising film. I need get the documents that have the plan and ideas. It’s very possible that I will have to ask for the help of experts who turns out could be a foreigner. Arts is sth. about ideas as well as execution. The good idea need to be expressed in words, and very likely it could be in English.

To produce good stuff, I need English. To learn the ideas from others, I also need English. The no. 1 international advertising companies are mostly in English speaking country. And all their products are in English.

I think I will have a special bond with English, my old pal forever. It would be there with me always.

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发表于 2006-12-31 16:53:22 | 显示全部楼层
ID: bluegh
Activity: 2

My English, My Future
  Till to now, I have learned English for about 15 years. English has become a part of my life.

  At high school time, I learned English just for all kinds of examination. Every day, I had to write ,check and review test papers. Although the ability to do test papers had been improved, the ability of oral and writing was stagnated.So, it was the passive learning English phase.

  At college, I had more freedom and flexibility to learn English. Except for preparing for CET4 and CET6, I could learn English in my own way. I often browsed various English jounals, books and newspapers. I joined the English-learning group to improve oral ability. Four years passed, and I harvested much more. I can read English article quickly and talk with other people in English fluently. But, it is a pity that the writing ability is not enough. I had not a quite ability to write a good English article.

  The listening, saying, reading and writing are all important. To me, the writing ability is far more important In not far future, I may engage in scientific research or other job. No matter which work I would engage in, English is very important to me. It will penetrate in my study and work. For example, to do scientific research, reading English paper is necessary and the next is to write my own English paper and publish it. This thing trouble me day and night. I must write a good paper, and it must be passed when the English editor check it. So, I read English article broadly including news, sports, life, art column. I forced me to write a article every 3 days. Perhaps, it is not a short cut to improve English. But it is a necessary way to improve English. Nothing is impossible. I believe my ability would reach a higher level one day.

  Of course, I do not think that English is all in my life and it would not save my future. Future is associated with many factors. But perhaps, English can give me a more sunshine future. Future has not derminated yet. I must do my best now.

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发表于 2006-12-31 17:26:01 | 显示全部楼层
ID: 涂于德
My English and My Family
-----What do we often do to make our parents happy?

      First of all, I’ll thank my parents for their encouragement and help on how to learn and stick to my English study. It’s my parents who enable me to learn useful English well with patience and my whole heart.
But, more often, or even in my dreams, I feel sorry my neglect of my dear parents who are getting old.
      However we are busy, we, young men and young women, all try our best to spare our children some time. We think it's natural.   What about our parents?    Do you still remember when it was you last went out for a walk with your Daddy or Mummy?
      Since they are becoming older and older, what have we done to make them happier? They need our attention, and they want taking care of? If we want to show our love to them, action!
Our parents are old!!
      I have kinds of various ways to make them happy:
Do something  they are interested in with them, personally, I want to go fishing with my dad and play majiang at times  with my mum together. As the old saying goes ,communication is very important as well.
Next year I will live and work in a place far away, I’ll try to write in an amusing fashion when I send father emails to liven his day up.
      My mother lives and works not a short distance from me with my brother, thus, she is slightly worried about my work and my life. I get a call from her every 2 days or so, sometimes or more often if there is special news. To make her happier I tell her all the wonderful things that happen to me;I ask for her advice on the problems I face; I listen to how things are back at Brother’s home and give her some advice too and I always tell her that I love her and miss her. And also, I never forget to ask her to give the dog a scruff for me ^_^ which I bought some time ago.
      In the weekend I often phone them.  And talk with them in the phone, I think in this way instead of having lunch with them, you can talk  anything about life, work, love..........
      Last night, in my dreams I went to the bathroom with my Dad, who needs help. He's under the weather these days.
      Though I have many ways to make them happy. In fact, I have done only a little. It’s even still easier said than done!!
      Good luck to all fathers and mothers!
      Please, I’ll say to everyone, even you, our dear moderator, share more time with our parents as possible as we can......
      God, bless my daddy happy in virtual life, ........miss him so much
      Wish my mummy be healthy and happy.
      Yeah,our parents put clothes on our backs, offer us good schooling, ... esp. they wish to supply us with everything they could to guarantee our future Can we spare them a few minutes of our time?
      Remember in everyone's life “the parents” are the greatest.

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发表于 2007-1-4 12:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
ID :gaoxueustb
My English , My future
  English plays a very important role in my life. I have studied English for about 14years. At my high school, I’m not good at learning English and I always got 60~70 points, so English was my largest enemy for enrolling college. Then through my hard studyding, I entered USTB. In the college, I put all my efforts to improve my English skills. I passed CET4 and CET6, even the graduated English test. Meanwhile, I don’t like English at all, maybe I’m not good at learning languages.
  Now I have worked for 2 years. But I have to face English every day. As the fast developing of global economy, the communication between country and country became more and more frequent, and the English became more and more important. For my company, we also have to face foreigners everyday. We often participate in international meeting with foreign friends. My work needs English, you must read English articles and write English abstract, even more, you must communicate with foreign friends. Now I study oracle English in Dell School twice a week. The teachers are all from other country, such as America, Canada, Italy etc. They are very hospital to us. We can talk some new topic together or play some interesting games, and we are all very happy.
  In the future, I will keep learning English every day. At first, I will go on studying English in Dell school to improve my oracle English, on the other hand, I will watch CCTV9, watch English movies and listen English music to cultivate my English interesting, Finally , I also have to read English articles about my major and communicate with foreigners. Though English is difficult to me, but I have confidence to learn it well.

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