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发表于 2004-5-7 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
better address the everlasting human problems such as birth, death and dying, illness, suffering, injustice and inequality, to wisely face the challenges brought about by changing social contexts and scientific developments, as well as to effectively resist the dehumanising trend of advanced medical and biological technologies
Tentative topics for future issues include:
Bioethics and medical humanities 生物伦理学和医学人文学
Reproductive Technologies生殖技术
Genetics and Eugenics遗传学与优生学
Abortion and the Moral Status of Fetuses堕胎与胎儿的道德地位
Human Experimentation in Medicine医学的人体试验
Informed Consent病人知情同意权
Just Health care正当保健??
Rights of Patients患者权益
Rights of Patients患者权益
Population Control人口控制
Environmental Ethics环境伦理学
Traditional and Non-Biomedical Healings传统与非生物医学治疗(愈合)???
Feminist Bioethics女权主义生物伦理学
Christian Bioethics基督教生物伦理学
Medicine and Literature医学与文学
Medicine and Religion医学与宗教
Ethics, Medicine and Culture
Medical Education and Humanities
Ethical Theories and Medical Ethics
Aristotle, Kant, Mill and Bioethics
History of Medicine 医学史
Western Studies of Medicine in China
Venereal diseases (AIDS), rehabilitation medicine, sub-health (CFS: chronic fatigue syndrome), suicide, progress and advances in medical science, CHD, cardiovascular diseases, mental health, health, hygiene, sanitory, psychological health, mental health, psychiatry, psychiatric, psychiatrist, therapy, treatment, patho-mechanism, pathogenesis, medical insurance (coverage), professional ethics, moral, ethic codes, Internet and medicine, remote medicine( distance medicine), virtual hospital, cyberspace, aging, senile, adolescence(t) medicine.
Humanistic, humanism, patient-oriented (centered)
Stress, pressure, crazy pace of life and work
Human genome, gene bank, genetic therapy, genetic privacy, commercialization of/ protection of genetic resources, clone, cloning of human beings, human cloning,
Transplant, brain ???? transgenetic, genetic modified food (GMF),
Diagnosis, diagnose, diagnostic, medical /heath checkups, examination, prescribe, prescription/doctor\'s advice/ administration, indications, contraindication, fill it up, pharmacy/dispensary/drugstore/pharmacist, druggist, over-dose, dosage, abuse, tolerance,
dependence, reliance, flu/influenza, vaccine, vaccination, intravenous injection, operating-room, operating table, lancet, scapel???, sterilize, disposable mask, injury, damage, wound, hurt, heal, recover(y), treat/cure, insurance (coverage),
Health/ healthcare/ health service/medicine, medical sciences, medicare, medicinal/medical -biological, drug/psychiatrics
Sore throat, ache, running nose, fever/high temperature, cough, fatigue, headache, faint, dizzy---cold
Cardiovascular diseases: CHD, hypertension, sclerosis, myocardiac ischemia, infarction, clot, thrombus, angina, pectoic, stroke, shock, paralysis, handicaps, handicapped people should participate in some rehabilitation program. Cholesterol, obesity, obese, overweight, fat, go on diet, dieting, the diet, put on weight, lose weight, keep fit, slim, slender, sturdy,
?Hospital: medicine, operation, flu, symptom, diagnosis, blood /urine test, X-ray, checkup/ physical (exam), ward, nurse station, ICU, fever, cough, headache, temperature, blood-pressure, dizzy, rundown, operating-room, pharmacy, surgeon, physician, doctor\'s office, general practitioner
Dentist\'s: toothache, cavity, gum, pull out the tooth
Chemist\'s: fill /refill a prescription, pill, tablet, dosage, ointment, lotion, panacea, cure-all, miraculous effect
I. 各类关联词
because, because of, owing to, on account of, due to, since, in that, as, for, result from, be the result of, be the cause of
therefore, so, as a result, accordingly, consequently, because of this, thus, hence, for this reason, result in, cause, bring about, give rise to, be responsible for, have an effect on
句子间的转折:but, however, nevertheless, yet, on the contrary, on the other hand, compared with, in contrast to, unlike
句子中的转折:although, whereas, while, conversely, in spite of, despite …
like, the same… as, similarly, in the same manner, in common, be like, resemble
A is (be) different from B, There is a significant difference between A and B; A is not like B;
Generally speaking; It goes without saying that…; It is clear that…; It is often said that…; In general; Various views exist as to …(名词或名词从句); There exist various ideas (opinions) as for…; There different opinions as far as … is concerned;
Everybody knows that …; It can be easily proved that…; It is true that…; No once can deny that…; The chief reason why …; We must recognize that…; I feel (think, agree, argue) that…; I propose
(suggest, maintain) that…; This can be expressed as follows; Let us take … as an example; We have every reason to believe that…; We know that…; What is more serious is that…
Besides, we should not neglect that…; But it is a pity that…; But the problem is not so simple. Therefore …; However, (转折词语);
Others may find this to be true. But I do not. I believe that …; On the other hand; There is a certain amount of truth in this, but I still have a problem about…; Though we are in basic agreement with…; Yet differences will be found, that\'s why I feel that…;
From this point of view, In a word, On account of this we find that…; The result is…; Thus, this is the reason why …; To rum up, To conclude, In short
In the first place; First of all, For one thing,…for another; In the second place, First, Second, Third; Finally; Last but not the least;
Besides; In addition; What is more; Moreover
1.????? 起…作用:to play a(n) … role in
2.????? 面临:be faced with (faced with);
3.????? 对…很重要(关键): be important (vital) for (to); be of great importance to
4.????? 提倡,推广,促进: advocate, promote
5.????? 帮助:help, be helpful to; contribute to; be beneficial to; be good to; facilitate
6.????? 忽视,忽略: ignore, overlook, lose sight of;
7.? 利用:make use of, utilize, use, make the best use of
8.????? 改善,完善: improve, perfect
9.????? 加强:strengthen, enhance, reinforce, fortify
10.增加: increase, enhance, multiply, add to
11.减少: decrease, reduce, cut down, drop
12.提高: raise, improve, rise
13.总共达:…amount(s, ed) to 数字
14.增长(减少)(数量)多少:to increase by X%, $1 million,
15. 增长(减少)到:increase/decrease to (最后的数字) The car output increased to 100,000 (in all, to in total)last year.
16.占多少(解释):account for (百分比) X%
18.保持不变:remain the same; (did/do not change)
19.把…考虑到(进去):take…into account (considerationa)
20.把…当作,看作:regard…as…; take…as…
21.把…误当作看作:take … for…; mistake…for…
22.表明,说明,显示:The results of the study, Surveys/The investigation, …indicate(s) that…
23.更不用说: much less; not to mention
24.注意,重视,强调: pay much attention to; attach great importance to; give premium to; emphasize; stress
25.置于优先地位: prioritize
26.引起: give rise to, cause, bring about, lead to
27.采取行动、措施take actions (steps, measures) to do
28.献身于,致力于:be devoted (dedicated) to, devote oneself to
29.关于:with regard to, as to, with respect to
30.生效:take effect, go into force, bring into practice, come into effect
31.关系:to have to do with, to have (something) nothing to do with, to be involved in, to be related to, to come into contact with, to be concerned with
32.机会:to make an opportunity to do something; to have an opportunity for doing (sth); be an opportunity for (to do sth.)
33.取得进步、进展:make progress(advances)
34.用…装备: equip … with (be equipped with; be armed with)
35.影响:affect, have a(n) … effect (impact) on…; influence;
36.在一定(某种)程度上:to some extent, in a way, to some degree
37.适应:to adapt oneself to, to get used to…
38.只有…才能:Only in this way, can 主语+动词原形
e.g. Only in this way can we get ready for the coming FATMD.
e.g. Only by attending Prof. Jiang\'s lectures can we know how to prepare for the FATMD.
E.g. The only way to 动词/for something is that…
39.可能性:It is probable that sth/sb. Will…; A is likely to…; It is impossible/possible (for sb./sth.) to do…; There is a possibility that…; There is a chance that… 从句;Chances are that 从句;
40.替代,取代:to take the place of; replace…with, in place of 节奏,步伐:pace, tempo of life and work
II. 常用句型
1. A think(s) that…(clause)
2.?It is 形容词 for somebody (something) to 动词/that…
It is 主语、宾语、壮语 +who, that, which + (动词+名词)、(主语+动词)、(主语+动词+名词)
e.g. It is Prof. Jiang\'s lectures that helped me get well prepared for the coming FATMD.
1. 先批驳,然后提出建议--批驳加建议型
2. 先讨论问题,然后提出解决方法--讨论加建议型
1. 开头:(引用)通常的(但错误的和要批驳的)看法(1句);笔锋一转:However, scientists (experts, researchers) find that this is not true (the case). This article points out that ….(总结全文主要想说的那句话)。
2. 中间段:First, ….. Second, … Third, …Finally, …
3. 结论段,。To conclude; In summary, To sum up, In short, In a word, Conclusively, In conclusion总结全文或重复(变换一下第一段的主题句thesis statement)
?二、建议型论文(How, what to do)
1. 开头:There are many factors contributing to/influencing aged people\'s health, such as physical exercise, rational attitude towards ageing, etc. However, some scientists point out that exercise, a balanced and scientific diet are the most important factors to the health of the aged. Here is an article on how to keep a wholesome diet for the aged for a healthy and long life. How is how/ This article tells us how to keep a wholesome diet for the aged for a healthy and long life.
2. 中间段:First, ….. Second, … Third, …
3. 结论段,总结全文或重复(变换一下句子)。To conclude; In summary, To sum up, In short, In a word, Conclusively, In conclusion,
To live a healthy and long life, aged people should take in more vegetables, less fat food and foods with much vitamins and minerals.
If aged people can follow the above advice, they can live a healthy and prolonged life.
Only in this way can aged old people live a long and healthy life.
1.?????? 先提出问题;
a)? 问题出现的原因(道理)
2.?????? 解决的方法
a)? 解决方法的科学道理
2000 FATMD Writing
With the increasing involvement of the public in healthcare, health education is becoming increasingly important. Overall and multi-level health education has been proved cost-effective in preventing and treating expensive and almost incurable chronic noninfectious diseases. It can improve well-being of all the citizens. Both WHO and China have prioritized nationwide health education and called for more public involvement in it.
What should China do for its health education? First, China\'s health education suffers from little attention and investment, chaotic management and lack of teaching resources. Experts propose that to meet people\'s needs for health education, a rational nationwide health education network be established and such a specialty be opened in medical schools and more such teachers be trained. Second, China should perfect its deplorable community health network and service. WHO proposes health care for all and health education from birth to death. Besides, health education needs doctors\' cooperation. They should not only diagnose and prescribe but offer advice as health educators. Various health education services such as psychiatric centers, children problem centers, etc. should be established.
To conclude, more attention, investment and people should devoted to China\'s health education.
Trends of Medicine in the 21st Century
Before the coming 21st century, /With (the new century) the 21st century coming, On the threshold of the 21st century, it is very helpful/important to predict the developments of medical sciences in the new century.
First, life science will become the leading science/discipline in contemporary sciences and molecular biology will continue its leading role in medical development.
Second, with the infiltration/involvement of high technologies in medical sciences, medical theories and technologies will change their outlook greatly, and more further research achievements about pathogenesis, mechanism, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of most terrible diseases will be made.
Third, medical sciences will become wholistic, comprehensive and pluralistic.
Fourth, medicine will be more and more/increasingly involved in (socialized) /increasingly interfere/intervene man\'s daily life and social life. (Health for all/healthcare for all).
Fifth, the traditional diseases such as infectious ones parasitological diseases, etc., will be replaced by lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular ones and cancers.
Sixth, medical service will become socialized and comprehensive.
Seventh, there will be a profound change in the purpose of medicine.
Finally, there will be 10 breakthroughs in medical sciences.
To sum up, there will be 8 great changes in medical sciences in the 21st century.
Mistaken Notion about Kids Nutrition
Despite parents in cities attach much importance to the nutrition of their children, we still find a lot of kids look thin, pale and undesirably light-weighted. Investigations indicate that most of them (suffer from insufficient intake of calories)don\'t have enough intake of calories.
What causes this problem? It is mainly caused by (This phenomenon is caused by a common mistaken notion) that so long as the food is animal and expensive, it is nutritious. Moreover, there is very little grain food in the kids\' food because the parents think grain food is not as nutritious and important as animal food. However, they should know that carbohydrates provided by grain food such as starch or sugar are extremely important in metabolism. Besides, carbohydrates are the most inexpensive (cheap/economical) and important functional nutrients. But without enough calories provided by carbohydates, protein and fat will be first used up for calories and thus unable to play its usual role and lead to retarded development of the body and even malnutrition, poor appetite and poor functions of various organs.
The solution is self-evident. Children should be given enough grain food to ensure that calories from carbohydrates reach 60% of the total calories. Besides, some sugar should be added for more calorie intake.

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