Of Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll (1832–98)
In a Wonderland they lie, 瑰异之乡有梦人,
Dreaming as the days go by, 梦里朝朝去无痕,
Dreaming as the summers die: 梦里冬夏几回轮。
Ever drifting down the stream, 潺潺涧水逝如斯,
Lingering in the golden gleam, 款款留连落日晞,
Life, what is it but a dream? 人生如梦知不知?
In a Wonderland they lie, 本來都是夢裡遊
Dreaming as the days go by, 夢裡開心夢裡愁
Dreaming as the summers die: 夢裡歲月夢裡流
Ever drifting down the stream 順著流水跟著過
Lingering in the golden gleam 戀著斜陽看著落
Life, what is it but a dream? 人生如夢是不錯
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