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[[求助与讨论]] Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists inconsistent with their t

发表于 2006-6-24 18:00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Are truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists always inconsistent with their time and their society? The speaker contends so. In my point of view, I fundamentally agree with the speaker.

To begin with, few people can deny that the outstanding works of profound thinkers and highly creative artists can be hardly accepted by their contemporaries. In fact, it is just because their masterpieces are out of step with their times and their society that they can not understand, let alone accept, their ones. Supporting examples are laden with the evolution of human civilization. A good case in point is Van Gogh, who is an outstanding artist of the times. His great works can not be apprehended by the people of his time, and therefore the worth of them was considerably cheap, however, the great works was distinguishably expensive till the works were understand by his later people and he then became a famous artist. What is the reason that his works were accepted by his later people rather than his contemporaries? The essential reason can, more or less, be the perspectives of great artists and profound thinkers are out of step with their time and their society, they were always not accepted and even distorted by their contemporaries. Consequently works of truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists would be impossibly accepted by their time and their society.

In addition, the qualities of creation and profoundness are of vital importance to thinkers and artists who aim to become great ones. In my observance, all famous thinkers and artists in history have a common quality of creative and the quality have become the fundamental requirement for great thinkers and artists. Consider Confucius, a great thinker in China whose perspectives have influenced Chinese people even today. His many works are outstanding for the reason that profound and creative. And another Chinese ancient thinker Sun Wu, his book The Art of War has been studied even today by commanders and businessmen for the reason that the content is profound and creative. They utilize the knowledge in today's war and business to combat rivals efficiently and effectively. So, the profound and creative are the essential nature of great thinkers and artists.

In sum, truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always not accepted by their contemporaries for the reason that their perspectives are out step with their time and their society. To become a great thinker or a creative artist one must possess the qualities of profoundness and creation while at the same have the courage to insist their perspectives when faced with various adversities. Only by doing so can they be truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists.

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